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Posts posted by oldrunner

  1. At my age 78 (nearing 79) most of my old friends are gone. Still, a bunch of elders around but maintaining contact on a regular basis is more difficult due to my disabilities (very limited walking, wheelchair necessary for malls, hospital visits, etc. My standard reply to the question of "How are you doing"? my standard reply is "Still on top of the grass."

  2. Just this morning came knocks at our door. It was our friend soliciting for a young woman 30 ish who died and whose body was brought to the local Mosque, no family, no money. We donated to provide for post-death bath and burying clothes.  Here is the kind of charity that won't be spent foolishly. RIP poor young woman. We need to be grateful for what we have and give where truly needed.

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  3. As usual, Thai "Officials" come up with totally unworkable "solutions", just to sound as if they know what they are talking about. Once again, the Thai populace "too stupid" to see through their unworkable political bull sugar.

    Love what you find lovable about Thais and Thailand (Meland) but don't include politicians.

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