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Posts posted by timber

  1. I think the need to speak and understand English is simple. English is but a tool to

    make you a global person, both in business and knowledge. It broadens opportunities

    in a large way. If you have a narrow perspective of your future and a rich dad you

    don't need to learn English. There are many rural schools outside of Bangkok where

    the school doesn't take English seriously. I am not sure how set the curriculum is, so

    that there is a flow from one grade to the next. When I taught in Bangkok a few years

    ago there wasn't much input into what was taught in the current year from what was taught

    the previous year. What was being taught was not orientated to who was being taught>

    • Like 1
  2. I have logged near salmon bearing streams with major restrictions imposed

    on the results. This was done with no negative effects on the fishery.

    I would think it is more important to educate the hill people to

    understand the why's and how's that need to be used to protect the environment,

    and have field personnel present for control and education

    I see major environmental impacts being used all over Thailand in the way roads are constructed and maintained.

    People can live and use the environmentas long as they understand and use the procedures needed to conserve it. I think the Hill People have a greater love for the land concerned than the government people

    that may want to log, mine or otherwise use the land.

    The days are passed when forest can be withdrawn from the active land base. Pretty well all forest sites can be used as long as the proper procedures are used.

  3. If you maintain records dam levels should be able to be projected with

    about 95% certainty, with a 15 - 20% margin for error. To maintain 50%

    dam levels during the dry season Feb. through April is asking for a whole

    lot of different problems. To have dam levels at 100% in September is

    a criminal matter or gross negligence.

  4. There are some nice places to see in Chiang Mai, but a lot of people come here for the shopping. There are areas in the out lying districts that have wonderful products in wood, silk, clothes and what ever

    for sale. Stop at any tourist information center and they have maps and advice on where to gol.

  5. The flooding seems to be easing off right now, but

    had a very hard time getting to Chumphon on the

    highway yesterday. Had to take side roads on the

    way back. The highway seemed to be acting as a

    dam holding the water back. More water was coming

    down that the system could handle.

  6. I think that is one of the most insensitive, stupid, uninformed post that I have read for a long time. There are MANY MANY relationships between farangs and bar girls that are totally successful , just as there are MANY MANY relationships between farangs and Thai women from so called 'decent backgrounds' that are a total disaster.

    Other than the word stupid I have to agree that using a big brush to label a segment of the population

    does not create a better world. As with any group there are the good and bad. Good relationships and

    bad relationships in every segment of the population all over the world. With out these relationships

    there would be a lot less chance that families could keep their heads above water, kids could go to

    school and the old people working in the fields.

  7. I like this idea of increased the skill level. Of course if you increase the skill level then you need less people so many will loose their jobs. If this works then in the future when I walk around Lotus instead of seeing 40 workers picking their noses, pimples and ass maybe I will only see 15. I wonder how happy the 25 newly unemployed are politically going to feel? :lol:

    I think this point is pretty significant. In going to a lot of big construction

    orientated stores if the people on the floor knew what they were selling

    and how to sell they would need 50 to 75% less staff on the floor. I would

    think that when wages become higher they stores will simply cut back on

    staff. There are a lot of improvement to sales in the store that can cut

    back on the amount of staff on the floor. Although, inventory control would

    pay the increase also. But, the first step is cut back staff.

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