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Posts posted by timber

  1. What debit cards can be used with Paypal. My account says I can use a debit card

    but the TMB bank says no. Has anyone had experience with Paypal accepting a Thai

    Banking Debit card?

    Bangkok bank (be1st) for sure.

    Also if you have internet banking with Bkk bank it's very easy to confirm your card with paypal as the required code shows up on your online card statement after a day or 2...

    Thank you. Need for e-books and sometimes bookings. Giving up on getting a credit card.

  2. To many students in Thailand their education in English is meaningless because they don't review what they learn

    and repetition isn't enough to instill the basics for the younger students. They often pass the grade whether they do

    homework or not. Making the parents happy is an important role for young children. Working with their children when

    they do their homework is both an educational and bonding opportunity. With large class size it is the only opportunity

    for the teachers to have any idea at all whether many of the students are learning as the over achievers(20%) have 80% of her


    • Like 1
  3. You are right to get a recommended person. We just had someone from Chumphon do some work on our house.

    They worked hard used proper tools and did a good job. Don't know if they do construction from scratch. Have an

    office by Ocean Mall just east a few blocks on the corner. Will look for their phone number for you.

  4. Made a trip to Angkor Wat the middle of December 2012. Some comments to those that are

    interested. Took the train to Arunyaprathet for 50 baht then a tuk tuk to the border for

    60 baht. The border crossing was smooth and relatively quick. Just had to walk a ways.

    We had e-mail visa's so no problem. We had pre-arranged a taxi for the two of us. It cost

    70 dollars U.S. It took us to the hotel in Siem Reap. We also had pre-arranged a guide.

    Kim was fluent in English, had an incredible knowledge of the history of each site.

    Knew the best location for memorable pictures, and was able to be flexible to arrange a

    custom tour of the area. Had expertise in photography so all in all was a wonderful

    experience. We stayed four nights and were there to take photos during the three days,

    so was a busy time. The hotel we stayed at was in an excellent location, near pub street

    and the old market, and had a good free breakfast. We got the taxi back to the border and

    it took a while to go through the Thai side. We went through on our own and stood in line

    over an hour. All of the tour bus people had priority over those going through the border

    independently. Someone mentioned arriving early at the border, will save you some time

    if your do. "I" thought we should take a van back to Bangkok. We stopped just at the other

    side of the border and caught a van with "TK." We had a choice of going to Khao Suan Road

    or to our desination. 300 baht to Khao Saun and 350 to destination. I thought destination

    meant a Mall nearby or main center. It was to your home. I was third getting out. My friend

    got out and took a taxi home otherwise he probably would be all night in the van. All the

    luggage and freight was just piled in the van with thirteen passengers. The van left an

    hour late. Unless you are going to Khoa Saun Road would recommend other another way to

    get to Bangkok.If you are interested in contacting Kim or the name of the hotel PM me.

    We spent about $50 extra for the trip, but didn't have to do anymore negotiations,

    everything was set up online and we can't really say we had any problems. The hotel

    was clean and the staff very polite. A problem staying with the exclusive hotels is

    their location. They are aways from Pub Street and the old market and we enjoyed

    walking around in the heart of Siem Reap.

  5. I think her decision not to run in the primary's and her relative silence now is all part of a grand political master plan to wait another 4 years , knowing that Obama will be hard to defeat, then throw her hat in the ring as the republican nomination. One term presidents are few and far between in modern day politics and she knows it. Eight years after the first African American was elected President of the USA it may well be prime time for the first female president to move into the White House. ph34r.png

    A good indepth comment. I have a problem thinking the target is as sharp.

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