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Posts posted by timber

  1. Buddhism is a lifestyle not a religion. There is a way to show respect to the Buddha, and a way not to which would be fraud if anyone cared.

    I doubt if the Buddha would get excited over this pettiness. I feel sad that monks and laymen put monetary gains before respect for the Buddha.

    As the Delhi Lama once said Christens and Buddhist's are the same they leave most of what they learn in the Temple or Church.

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  2. I have found that having a yellow book makes the Thai person you are dealing with more comfortable in doing the transaction.

    In some cases when offered both the passbook and yellow book they took the yellow book for processing. I'm sure that

    it doesn't mean yes or no in doing what you want to have done, but as with the policeman who stops you it is always wise

    to make him comfortable in dealing with you.

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  3. Ignorance leads to repetition of historical errors. To ignore indicates acceptance.

    To say Stalin, Mao, and Hitler are just historical figures and their are no lessons to

    be learned from their existence, is to accept that mental mutants should dictate the

    rules of civilization to the average person. You are either part of the answer or part

    of the problem.

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  4. I guess thinks change over time. I am an old man, but still remember going to the movies and seeing

    the victims of concentration camps. It is very sad to see Hitler given any respect. Thailand and Buddhism

    both have a deep respect for elders and to rub the dead's faces in the dirt maybe shows a problem with

    the learning that we gain from mistakes in history. I have a deep respect for those that gave their lives

    to protect our freedom, and also those that gave their lives by living in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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