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Posts posted by timber

  1. I meditate away from the religious vein, more of a self hypnosis type of thing.

    You are getting into your sub-conscious mind.. Need a quiet comfortable environment with

    no distractions. Good breathing techniques. Focus on your breathing. Every day

    is a different level. Somedays it is hard to realize you meditated, you just feel at peace.

    Other days can get a high like you have taken drugs. Depends on your state of mind.

    I find that I always get stress release, if I am tired mentally or physically I may basically power

    nap and come out rested and relaxed. Sometimes I carry a problem into my meditation

    and can look at the problem from different angles with the baggage carried by the

    conscious mind. Everyone is different and may take two weeks to a month to get into

    your subconscious mind. Just stick with it. I used to have an extremely stressful job and

    meditation allowed me to maintain my cool under almost all situations and sleep good. I

    meditate in the morning for about 20 minutes, and it allows me to start the day with a positive

    attitude. I am at peace with the world every morning until my wife gets up and gives me

    some honey do's. Sometimes if I am tired or stressed I meditate in the afternoon. Have

    to be careful meditating after 6 pm as you may be wide awake when you normally go to sleep.

  2. Teaching kindergarten takes a lot of energy and empathy. You follow and create opportunities, more than lead and expect them to follow. Have to teach not instruct. Taught one year and found that once you bonded and were sincere in keeping that bond intact they brought in amazingly. The home room teachers need to be involved and have to support what you are doing. In my case the relationship between the homeroom teacher and myself meant that we supported and reviewed each other's material so the student had a consistent familiar learning experience .Had one day a week per class and the kids were doing better than schools with five classes a week.

  3. When people take garbage across road and dump it what can you do. There is no garbage collection in our mooban.

    Surrounding mooban's have it. I think at some point you have to look at what they can afford. If the same standards

    were applied in Thailand as British Columbia they would go through the 2 trillion baht pretty quick.

  4. I took a couple of courses in Thai massage from Wat Pho. Didn't receive any lessons on intentionally causing any pain.

    Strong but gentle. I had a friend that went to therapy in the states for her knee and said my Thai Massage left her feeling better. I do self massage on my face, hands and feet and feels very good. Much of massage depends on the person doing

    it and their training. I doubt that the percentage of properly trained people doing massage in Thailand isn't that great.

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