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Posts posted by timber

  1. There are about 4 paved roads from Chumphon to Ranong. The Main one from Chumphon. If you go about 60 klics south there are two ways from Ko Pip and there is a main road from Laung Suan. The three southern ones

    are prettier, but have some steeper grades..

  2. Thank you very much for the comments. Have heard that people normally pass through without the check on the CC.

    People have used scans as evidence.when asked for the card. People have been asked for the original card.

    Sounds like verification at the airline office is the safest way to go.

  3. I went to get my visa renewed in Ranong and the guy who prepared it said that they have been doing Visa's in Chumphon

    for five days. Still haven't found the place yet in two trips. Have a friend who did there 90 days there. But didn't work real

    hard at it.

  4. Have not had any problems with the wine. It is a cheap wine that is acceptable to have a glass in

    the evening or with my noodles. Do not have the money or background to require finer wines on

    an everyday basis.

    • Like 1
  5. Having taught in the Thai system in Bangkok know class size is really a problem

    Teaching the keen students isn't a problem. They have been groomed by

    their parents to suck in all the information and knowledge they can get. 30%

    of the students learn if you can hold their attention and the bottom 20% of the

    students don't care, and their parents don't care. In rural schools around the

    area I live in now their really isn't any accountability on the part of the teachers,

    and they pretty well do what they want in elementary schools. Videos play a major

    part in classroom time. Students get so far behind, although class numbers

    are small, that when they go to the higher level schools which have a lot bigger

    classes, the the material is meaningless and they mentally drop out. Why not

    they will pass anyhow.

  6. There are lots of road which do not have a border crossing I guess If they get used too much they will put one. How many businesses in the States depend on Canadian Customers coming across the border.

    I guess the natural resources that Canada sends to the states should be put up for bid as China would love to access them.. With the greater need of the United states for Canada's natural

    resources, it is had to understand why the United States would want to alienate Canada.

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