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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Once I got to Houayxai it was time to stop and have some food as I was in need of some sustenance. Whilst eating I got talking to some Lao men and one of them spoke a bit of English, so I asked him where there was a good place to stay with good wifi, he pointed me in the direction of the Friendship Guesthouse 2, good wifi, 43 photos uploaded to Flicker in about 45mins, and the hot water is ok, bike parked at front under the CCTV, coords N20.27176 E100.41343, 125,000 Kip per night

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    It was a really good day with lots of challenging parts if not scary at times.

  2. Once I left Meung ( as it is on the map) I followed the 2203 which was a nice unpaved road with a number of bad sloppy mud sections all the way to the 3, once on the 3 it was a good tarmac road to Houayxai.

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  3. Then it all went very hard for me indeed, the road, which I say in the loosest of terms went to a single track between point 1 N20.88651 E100.65087 and point 2 N20.81732 E100.52865. It was nightmare, I was literally having to fight my way through young bamboo plants, jungle, fallen trees and logs on the track, so much for it being a road. The mud on the track/road was very slippery and you could not use any speed at all, I had a bit of a slow motion moment where the front wheel went from underneath me, great, picked the bike up only to find the gear selector had snapped off, not happy, but on the bright side I could still change gear, thankfully. The rest of the horrible track i did with the broken gear selector.

    On the single track I had to negotiate two landslides, the first was a small gap which was on the edge of a 100/150 foot drop straight to the Mekong, the only thing breaking my fall would be the trees on the way down, and the only track which had been used was a Scooter track about a foot from the edge. Wet slippery mud, paddled may way across that, and got across ok, then came the next one about 2k’s down the track, this was an uphill climb of about 4 feet, I stopped and had a look at it, thankfully there was a bit of a flat top on the landslide so at least I could compose myself before going down the other side, another bad time, I was beginning to think why the hell am I doing this on my own, one wrong slip/move and i am in to the Mekong after and long drop. But thankfully I made it ok. Would I do that stretch again on my own…No. But saying that it was better than sitting on a boring tarmac road. After about 10k’s plus i came across and excavator which was clearing the track and making it wider, great, about time, haha. This made it a little easier going as the track was a little bit wider but it made it harder on the sloppier muddy sections due to him churning it up. Didn’t take any photos or video as that was the last thing on my mind. Eventually the track became a lot better and more free flowing. I had passed a couple of villages on route and was asking about getting the gear selector fixed, one of them being Ban Xiengdao N20.81468 E100.52652 which had a really nice Stupa and Temple

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    In all the villages I stopped at I kept hearing Meung Meung, and didn’t have a clue except it was a village. I eventually got to the village and got it welded back together at a bike place, N20.73103 E100.46026, great, at least now I could change gear properly.

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    Getting it sorted

  4. The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover

    Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Telegraph . . .


    Another great reason to leave

    You haven't read the article, if you had you would have responded differently because the last paragraph reads:

    "You can quarrel with Europe, or you can quarrel with the US, but it is courting fate to quarrel with the whole democratic world at the same time".

    So, not only do you want out of the EU but one of your reasons for wanting that is to spite the US for pushing for its formation in the first place. Really!

    My choice, Yes I did read it......Its not just about wanting to leave because the yanks want us to stay....I said 'another'

    If it means not having the yanks in favour or not been at the front of the queue for trade or whatever other crap they spout then so be it

  5. Very aggressive and bad move by the NATO. How would the US react when Russia stationed troops along the Mexican border? I say Mexican border because NATO without the US is just a ridiculous joke.

    Probably the way they reacted when Russia moved into the Ukraine...nothing apart from sanctions....marvellous. So if the US is that awesome why are you not in the Ukraine? Whats up....no oil to steal?

    As I understand it the deal was Ukraine was not to have nukes for protection from NATO, bet hey are well chuffed now!?

  6. Sliced bread is an abomination. Should be illegal. Cameron should be publically flogged for putting the country at risk because of a few nasty party back benchers.

    You freely admit voting UKIP. That rag tag bunch of xenophobic psychos? Poor you? Have you sought help? I guess it must be hard for you....

    Xenophobics, next you'll be coming out with racist/ bigots. Well that's what those,who are loosing the argument resort to calling people. A question to you Grouse, one of the main concerns,which will certainly have a bearing on the result is open borders. Most of the population are against the present EU policy of facilitating the movement of economic migrants across the EU. Many of those future Economic migrants wish to enter the UK, including in these numbers are tens of thousands of Muslims who have no intention of integrating. What is your thoughts on this problem. And how will it influence your vote?

    Well you asked for it

    UKIP supporters are deeply unpleasant people. No humanity, no common decency. No place for such people in UK. Much same as National Front.

    I may well be losing the argument to the seething masses of great unwashed, uneducated under classes. Fine you win.

    I'm out.

    May I suggest you snuggle up to the Americans?

    BTW, try and get your facts right. Try and find out about refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, free movement of people, Schengen. You are so badly informed, it's just not amusing. I see Brexiteers much like the massed orks in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

    Finally, do me a favour and stay in England with your football, your dumbed down TV, your hip hop, your celebrity culture, your tattoos, your crap education, your lack of civil society. I will be elsewhere in Germany or Scandinavia.

    Quote "UKIP supporters are deeply unpleasant people. No humanity, no common decency. No place for such people in UK. Much same as National Front."

    You have just condemned over 4,000,000 British people without knowing any of them and they are from all walks of life, from young and old, male and female, all sorts of jobs.

    Your arrogance and ignorance is showing yet again. Do you actually know ANY UKIP supporters personally?

    I know quite a few personally from several walks of life, many of them professional engineers and senior managers.

    To be fair, he has a point about UKIP supporters - although its always possible that supporters haven't read the policies or haven't worked out that those policies are bad news for the average and poorer paid.

    Given his posts on other topics, you'd be forgiven for thinking he'd like UKIP.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    Well spotted sir! I am indeed anti Muslim which does not sit comfortably with some of my other views. I have listed the reasons why. Personally, I do not advocate anything drastic. Just ban fancy dress and halal meat.

    I can agree with you there thumbsup.gif

  7. Just before I got to MS I took a bit of a detour to Ban Koum which is a distillery village, When I got there I had a ride round the village and as normal all the villagers were staring at me, I could not see any distilleries but thought I could smell it in the previous village I passed through, however I did meet a group of guys who where sat drinking some home brew at 1030 in the morning as I was riding passed the one with the home-brew beckoned me to stop, as I stopped he finished of his drink and poured me one, it was strong, thankfully I had only eaten an hour ago, so I got my smokes out and passed them round, much appreciated it was too, then we had more home-brew whilst taking about the bike, my GPS and the Go-pro, and they even posed for a photo

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    Got to MS at about 1130hrs and had a coffee after the mediatory ride round, whilst having a brew I look for some accommodation, After riding around again I opted for the Anousone Guesthous at coords N21.19140 E101.15479. Wifi which is quite good, hot water which is luke warm but bearable and the bike is parked out front.

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    There was not a lot to choose from in the town IMHO, it is a bit of a one horse town and nothing like the other places I have stopped. It is predominantly Chinese in the town with it being close to the border and most of the businesses are Chinese, including the Guesthouse I am in.
    Moving on again tomorrow to Houayxai.

  8. It was good to get back out on the bike after resting my arm and sitting about for nearly 36 hours due to bad weather. The road (17A) was quite good all the way to Muang Sing and the scenery was up to its usual standard, loads to look at.

    I stopped for my usual in the middle of no where breakfast in Ban Done Xay
    food was good, noodles with pork and veggies.
    Although the sun was not out for most of the journey it was a lot warmer than it had been over the previous two days.

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    Ban Done Xay

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  9. Next up was Nam Di, I was a bit disappointed in it after the Kuang Si Waterfall, the water looked clear coming down but then was a bit murky as it started to flow again and there was a long rusting pipe which you can see in the photos, ain't got a clue what it was for, cost was 10,000 kip and 2,000 kip for the motorbike to be parked

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    Doing the washing in the river just after the waterfall

  10. Set off for Muang Sing via the NamDi (Dee) Waterfall N21.01496 E101.44214 and the That Phum Phuk Stupas N20.97172 E101.38046

    Visited the Stupa first which was on top of a hill, looked for the road that went up to the top but couldn't find it so I ended up climbing the stairs to the top, not the best idea in Motocross boots. There was the old stupa which I think was partially destroyed when it had a bomb dropped on it, and the new stupa in the usual gold colouring.

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    View from top of stairs

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  11. I met a couple from the UK, Russ and Emma, they were very nice and we ended up spending the evening together in the guesthouse, chatting, eating and drinking. They didn’t know where they were going to next so we discussed where I had been and their options. It was nice to have a good light hearted conversation.

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    Russ and Emma

    Elbow is the size of a golf ball, glad to be resting up, gloves and body armour are still wet through, can't wait to put them on tomorrow!

  12. Day 29 Cold and damp in Luang Namtha
    Spent it in Luang Namtha, it rained till gone 1200hrs and it was really cold, to top it all there was no hot water and we had a power cut till 1330hrs.
    Went out for a walk and had a pizza across the road and he even had hot coffee on (thx again Bob), bonus! Gave me something to do whilst I watched the guys fix the power cables

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    Seafood special, very tasty

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  13. Day 28 Ban Chom Ong to Luang Namtha

    Woke up with a cracking hangover, but had a good 9hrs sleep and sorted out my kit ready to pack the bike, this was at about 0630hrs, it was still dark outside, so glad I brought a torch with me

    The plan was to ride to Phonsali today and then go further up north to the Chinese border. However when I went out side my initial thoughts came true as I could hear the noise on the roof of the hut, it was raining. In fact it wasn’t just raining it was lashing it down. Not good..
    I had about 14km to do before I got on to some tarmac, what a hard 14 km it was. The track had turned to a slippery top surface of mud which yet again was like riding over ice. So very slowly and precariously I made my way along the track, had to do two river crossing, one of which was a straight ride through after a very slippery slope down to the water, how I didn’t end up in the river i’ll never know. The second was a wooden log bridge, the logs had been laid bank to bank and not side on, and there was big gaps in the logs, big enough for a tyre to fit between. So it was off the bike and keeping it in first gear I walked the bike across using the engine to move the bike along. Once cleared it was back on the very slippery track and heading for the 13N, that took me about an hour to do.

    Finally I got to the main road and by this time I was well and truly drenched and extremely cold. Bearing in mind I am only wearing my motocross gear, glad I was, more to come…

    I set the GPS to a road junction where I was then going to turn left and head for Phonsali, but… as I was going down the 13N towards the junction I was on a down hill stretch which was very twisty so I was only going very slowly as I could see diesel all over the place, any way I came slowly round this left hand bend and that that it the front went straight from underneath me, I went down quite hard but the bike used me as a cushion, thankfully, and we both slid down hill for about 10 feet before coming to a stop in a verge. Managed to get the bike off me and picked it up, Bike ok, just a scrapped clutch leaver, happy with that, I have got a bruised elbow, but the full body armour certainly did its job, the motocross shirt is a bit shredded so is off in the bin. So apart from a bruised elbow where it clattered against the elbow protectors, all it good.
    So I was now wet, cold and hurting. Got to the junction of the 13N and a road near Namotay and looked at the road, not good and I decided against traveling it. I am here to enjoy it and not do any unnecessary risk. So I set of for Luang Namtha a few days early. It was still 50k’s before I got there, and it was a long, wet, cold 50k’s. Eventually got here for about 1045hrs and rode up the main street looking for a place to get a room.
    I found the ManyChan Guesthouse and Restaurant N21.00251° E101.40943° on the main drag and went in to see if they had a room after having two coffees to try and warm up. I got a room, clean with luke warm water and wifi in the restaurant area. The poor lady in the Guesthouse was following me about with the mop as I was dripping water all over the place. Hot shower and food was in order. Then to plan what I am going to do next?

    Hence not many photos today

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  14. John Major , a failed MP a failed politician , like Blair ,the more he tells us to stay the more i think we should leave .

    So, just for our amusement, please tell us who you rate? Corbyn? Thatcher? Go on, give as a laugh! How many terms did Major win? Blair? Your criteria for success must be pretty demanding.

    Oh! Wait a minute, they're both pro Remain! That's why they are failures ( unlike Redwood and Gove - he's a bit odd)

    Both Blair nor major are fit to even wipe Thatchers bum , they are not good enough , i wont even bother listing what they did to Britain as we all know , so just keep on telling yourself how wonderful they were , but your in a very small club and it gets smaller as time goes on .

    "Both Blair nor major"

    Did what to Britain?

    Thatcher destroyed British society and cut manufacturing from 25% of GDP to 10%

    I did not say that either Major or Blair were wonderful. But they did less damage than Thatcher. (Who's dead, in case you hadn't noticed).

    You sir, are so ignorant that you must be a Brexiteer!

    Well if i am so ignorant ,i have lots of people just like me as i get lots of likes , funny ,not seen one like on any of your posts , you must be the only bright one in the village or maybe the only one in the village , and we all know what most villages have one of

    I wish you lots of likes! There are indeed many like you!

    Frankly I don't give a damn.

    Oh but you do ,or you wouldnt be posting so often ,

    Hilarious! You really don't get it do you?

    I really don't care what your opinion is. Really!

    I do care what happens though

    It saddens and angers me that there are so many, uninformed, poorly educated fools holding fort. It's a kind of sick voyeurism really. I'm just aghast!

    I'm 99% sure that you are an agent provocateur.

    The rude, arrogant posts make no sense otherwise.

    Kind thought!

    But no, I really am that arrogant, that snobbish. Howevet, I am not a narcissist as one contributor had it. I don't have the legs for it!

    Just between you and me I anger quite quickly. It's a VERY important decision. It won't affect me greatly, I'm 62 now and had a very fulfilling life. But the wrong decision could and probably will affect my greater family. I'm thinking about trans European career opportunities, the social justice of the EU and the peace we've enjoyed. I worry about trans Atlantic drift to American "values"

    And then we have these startlingly stupid comments about John Major completely ignoring his excellent piece on Andrew Marr. I should keep my temper under control but sometimes let fly with both barrels! Sometimes, a bit of heat is a good thing in an empassioned debate don't you think?

    Not everyone has your ability to weigh the pros and cons in a rational way. That's fine, but when they start to force their point of view from very insecure ground, I will push back ?

    Just because it does not agree with your train of thought, it does not make people uneducated/stupid or whatever else you care to call people. People may not be as educated you but that should make no bit of difference...who are you to be-little them? At 62 you should know better. I used to work with people like yourself when I did my full service in the military. We called them officers.....educated idiots...not that I am saying you are one because I have no right to, just the same as you have no right. I have earned the right to vote which way I (as have others) like by defending my country and make sure " people who earn more that Cameron" can do so. I you dont like what people are saying then don't answer..I tried that with your posts, but getting fed up of seeing it now thumbsup.gif

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