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Posts posted by Caps

  1. What has this got to do with the topic? I agree it was bad he was working there but, has nothing to do with the OP.

    Absolutely nothing, apart from the fact that he is a Moslem and was working in airport security.

    It also demonstrates that attempting to screen out people of bad character just doesn't work. The question remains whether there should be a blanket ban on all Moslems working in airport security (in non-Moslem countries).


  2. I got to Nong Khiaw at about 1715, after numerous stops to chill, get fuel and eat and after a ride through the town I opted for the CT Guesthouse and restaurant, clean room, hot water and wifi. The bike is park in the owners drive with CCTV, with disc lock applied, coords N20.57020 E102.61657

    15589007353_29ce734d4c_b.jpgIMG_1456 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  3. It was a good steady road all the way except for the last 80km or so. Then it was very potholed and went from paved to unpaved every now and again. There were lots of nice villages to ride through, spent a lot of time waving when going through the villages. I think thats why I prefer being on a bike, in my opinion you are more attuned to the surrounding area. I got some great video of them and the surrounding countryside, yet again lots of stunning views to be had. Early on in the route I met with a lot of wet patches where the sun had not been on them and there was loads of diesel on the road,in some places it was quite thick due to the trucks going slow up and down the hills.

    16208750695_5e88b61edd_b.jpgIMG_1429 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  4. I also visited the Vietnamese War Memorial and the Laos War Memorial. The Vietnamese one was in a very good state of repair but the Laos one had lots of graffiti over it. I would have thought if anything it would be the other way round

    16191451685_df1d400eb8_b.jpgIMG_1418 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    All the above is the Vietnamese War Memorial

    16005725527_1ef495f737_b.jpgIMG_1419 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    16005438339_a7ab6bd37c_b.jpgIMG_1421 by Wayne 66, on Flickr
    The two above is the Laos War Memorial

  5. Day 23 Local around Phonsavan

    Visited Site 1 of the Plain of jars, coords N 19.42577 E103.15878. Very interesting to visit. They had a little museum to tell you all about the jars and a little bit about the Vietnam War in the area, they reckon over 270 million bombs dropped on Laos. There were still a lot of trenches visible when you were walking round and also plenty of bomb craters. MAG had cleared bit of the area and you are advised to walk between the markers.

    16004284500_ace42af1ec_b.jpgIMG_1369 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  6. The USA is much more corrupt. #1 in the world I think.

    Thank you. I'm American and I took my business model from the US banking system many years ago as a young man. I was able to take a comfortable early retirement by "using" the banks. God bless America and her little brother the UK... wink.png

    Its good to see the colony is coming along nicely wink.png

  7. The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

    That's how they take over... They breed us out

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

    Strong genes replacing weak ones.

    Not really, just breeding like rats

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  8. The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

    That's how they take over... They breed us out

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  9. I don't know why most Americans would opt for a European vacation in the first place. Most aren't all that interested in cathedrals and castles, and once you get past that, Europe is a poor choice for anyone to visit. Too expensive, bad weather, nothing the equivalent American National and state parks, no wilderness, too crowded, underserviced hotels, people who don't wash as often as they should and avoid deodorants, surly and unfriendly attitudes, and depending on the country (the UK, for example) terrible food.

    Awesome, they stay at home, and won't be missed whatsoever

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  10. One More:


    The above is how GBP moved against USD when the Brexit lead was announced:


    For UK expats in Thailand that means that one Pound went from 52.05 to it's current level of 51.29 (average all Thai banks at this moment in time).

    It will rise again in the future which ever way it goes

    That's exactly what British expats here were saying when the Baht fell from 80 to 70 per Pound and of course it, the question is though whether it will be in your life time, your children's or your grand children!

    we will have to wait and see, just as we will with it all

  11. It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

    Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

    cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

    The Jew Christians and other should bring these poor people to Europe by their navies to save lives. That is the reason to save their brother lives

    cheesy.gif, not a chance

  12. 16182210951_cde17ffa76_b.jpgIMG_1364 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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    I had drunk all my water in my Camelbak and was gagging for a drink so I stopped in this village in the middle of nowhere and they kindly gave me water and even let me take a pic before I moved off again.

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    After 200.3km I finally got onto a proper tarmac road for the last leg into Phonsavan, which I got to at about 1730hrs

    Found the Nice Guesthouse, wifi, hot water, 100,000kip per night for a double room N19.45045 E103.21892

  13. I then got what I thought was a lucky break and hit some more tarmac, yeah, for all of about 18km’s then straight back into the jungle again haha.

    On route the track was blocked yet again this time there were some excavators clearing the way so me and a load of Laos people were sat waiting for them to finish, it was about 30 to 40 mins before we got going.

    15998747527_18369741f1_b.jpgIMG_1356 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  14. Then things went a bit downhill, the road I was following became impassable there was a land slide in the road so I left the bike to see if it was passable, nope, had to turn round and with that I had to make a long detour of about 80km. Managed to get fuel in a little village called Ban Nam Gnone as I had already used my reserve cache. The CRF was supping fuel like no tomorrow with going up and down all the steep inclines and decents.

    16159211326_54692f4acb_b.jpgIMG_1344 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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  15. Further on down the road I met 2 guys Fransiour and Craig (if I remember correctly)they said I was riding through what was once a restricted area and was used by the CIA in the Vietnam War. It was a tough route but very enjoyable.

    16183332231_83a906446c_c.jpgIMG_1331 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    16183372651_7f1df4ddff_b.jpgIMG_1326 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

    15997856950_30ba202f7a_b.jpgIMG_1332 by Wayne 66, on Flickr

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