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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. 29 minutes ago, Camelot said:

    How does his 'full on, in your face' chat-up approach work in New York?


    It does NOT work in NYC or Toronto.  DB says it's OK though, because the fems in those cities are not worth the effort.


    He claims before he knew better, he also "jumped through hoops". He further admits that he developed good, creative "intro lines", which he has now forgotten and will never again use.  


    He then compared the size of these girls and contrasted to the Asians.


    Frankly, I think he suffers from a protracted case of "yellow fever".

  2. 3 hours ago, nasanews said:

    Why should I run, the world has been running on interest and debt, and still going on!

    So instead of paying 10K per month over a 50K loan is not as bad as paying 2K over 100K loan.:stoner:


    Nasa, you are thinking about this all wrong.  The US government borrows money at 2.15% per year on 10 year treasuries.


    Even at 4% per month this equates to over 48% per year!  Your issue isn't which is better; the issue is you simply must unwind this debt!


    Let me offer a strategy. Borrow from new lender $60K and with that you can pay off lender #1 (50K loan plus 10K interest).


    Now each month you pay the new lender 10,000 and between 8 and 9 months you'll retire the loan.  Just make certain that with the new lender the deal is 4% on the balance owed.


    Now apply your belt to your GF's ass and warn her she'll get it worse if she ever does anything this stupid again.




  3. On 8/31/2017 at 9:52 AM, craigt3365 said:

    It's a safe destination. Probably safer than Thailand. My problem is the money you spend on the trip goes to support a brutal dictator. But I know many who've gone and really loved the experience.


    With that being said, I've been to Turkmenistan. A country with another insane dictator.  LOL. But I went there to visit my cousin who's working there.


    Safe for who?  How many Americans have been held on totally false charges by those animals in North Korea.


    The last victim they tortured to just about death. Then sent him home in a basket. 


    Trump is right to outlaw Americans traveling to these despicable animals.

  4. Problem with Dreamer Program is it will be totally tossed out by the courts. Trump and Obama before him do not have the authority to set US immigration policy. This must be codified in US law - not POTUS orders/edicts.


    Trump can order immigration to ease up on dreamers and focus more elsewhere, but the issuing of cards and work permits will be deemed unconstitutional.  


    This is where Congress should earn it's pay and hammer something out. Something neither side will be happy with, but that both sides could reluctantly support.

  5. 1 hour ago, Global Guy said:

    Why would he resign? He can't be bought and paid for like typical politicians in Washington. That's why the neocons and Dems want him out. He doesn't need to use the US taxpayers as a personal piggy bank for himself and his cronies. But the Dems will tank the economy, screw over the citizens just to make Trump look bad.


    Yellen will continue to raise interest rates until it slows down any possible growth the US has. The stock market is on fire, 


    You are correct.  Trump will never resign. He is a street fighter that just loves the fight. Not only does the "fight" not tire him; he thrives on it!


    As for the infighting within his own party, it is a long time overdue. Far too many Republicans are complacent and unwilling to contribute to real solutions. Then there is another bunch that are Rhinos - reps in name only. Trump is right to call them out. Either support your party or face primary challenges by those willing to do so.


    Trump is in a rather unique position to clean up the Republicans as he is the first politician in ages that is not held captive to Republican National purse strings. Turns out Trump can out raise them and has demonstrated his strength already this year. Meanwhile the Dems who depend for their money on the super rich are experiencing huge fund raising issues. As they drift more to the left, even the elitists are worried this is a failing strategy and are also worried about super heavy taxation the dems will impose on the very base that bankrolls the Democratic party.


    As for Yellen, a funny thing happened on the way to the Fed. Yes, the Fed is slooooowly raising interest rates for their member banks, but ... but Treasury interest rates are declining!!  Somebody is buying US Federal debt. Could it be Europeans that look at 2.15% annual on 10 year Treasuries as far better than they can get at home? Or is it someone else seeking a "safe haven"?  Something is "funky" as Treasuries usually follow the pattern (not necessarily the same rates) set by the Fed. 



  6. 10 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

     No longer entitled to receive the National Health Service, frozen State pensions, less interest on our UK bank accounts being non residents and all other UK benefits denied to us, whether we officially emigrated or not, but still eligible to pay UK tax on our savings or any other investments or incomes we receive from the UK, including our pensions. And for paying UK tax we receive absolutely nothing. This now leaves us at the tender mercies of the banking institutions who want their slice of our hard earned cash and again for the pleasure of banking with them are offering absolutely nothing. This has to be the worse stitch up of the century,


    Cyberfarang, I understand your frustration with low interest rates. Central Banks around the world have dropped interest rates to ridiculous level in order to "stimulate" economies. There is lots of risks in what they are doing such as creating real estate and securities "bubbles", in addition to the potential for currency valuations spiraling out of control.


    Given the above where you get little to no interest and the high risk of further currency devaluations, is there any reason to leave your money in UK banks? Now, I would never suggest Thai banks as moving money into Thailand seems to be strictly a "one way street", but there are other options.


    For example, you can get 10 year CD's issued by US banks 100% protected by FDIC with annual interest rates around 3%. Naturally these would be strictly US$  denominated accounts. Nevertheless, in spite of Trump's desire for a weak dollar, the Fed is committed to unwinding their vast debt and is slowly returning interest rates to normal. 


    I mean it just seems like there are some very low risk options to leaving money in banks paying ... nothing and watching current devaluations at the same time.



  7. 1 hour ago, lamyai3 said:

    Whether it was good or not is besides the point - he's been doing it prolifically for two decades, so he will probably find it hard to stop. 

    Below are two quotes from Stick's last column:


    It was never about the money in the early days and for years I beavered away on this site without any financial reward.  It was a hobby and I did it entirely for fun.  The reward I got was the opportunity to exchange ideas with readers, many of whom I would go on to meet, some of whom would become good friends – and a few of whom I am still in regular contact with today.


    As much as I like writing this column and running this site – and as willing as I am to continue with it – it’s too much work to do it for nothing.


    As I mentioned in an earlier post, it's interesting how a labor of love turns into "too much work to do for nothing".  I just hope Stick doesn't morph into an e-beggar like so many of the vloggers. 


    Most of them started out just like Stick - wanting to share their experiences. Thus they were only interested in growing their subscriber base. Once the money starts to roll, however, things quickly change! 


    Now, they need people funding their efforts or they threaten to quit. Fortunately, once it becomes a commercial enterprise the quality degrades and becomes stale. 


    I find the most interesting sites and vloggers are those early in the "growing" stage. That seems to be when they are struggling to differentiate from all of the others and are thus somewhat creative and quite entertaining.  


    Clearly we need "sponsors" for they create that mirage of the "pot of gold" for which the webmasters and vloggers seek. It's just that I prefer not to be one. I prefer those sites and vloggers that are still in that creative/growing stage.

  8. 10 hours ago, TheThaiMe said:

    I have no sympathy for foreigners here that use fake companies in order to buy homes and land here. As with most countries, if you are found to be skirting the law, you should expect to lose your assets or at least understand that the whole things is a risk.


    It is quite possible that there was corruption involved in this case. But to the 'victim' in this case.... you sow your seeds.

    You make a very good point!  The answer is never, ever buy anything of value in Thailand. Never start a business or build a factory or hire a Thai.


    This is the only way to protect your assets.


    If you are interested in investing and building factories consider Vietnam or Malaysia.  

  9. 2 hours ago, JusticeFT96 said:

    Not gullible I have just never been in this situation which is why I am asking for advice. I know it is the typical this is Thailand that's what happens when you get with a bar girl situation but I would love to get it resolved. 


    I was planning on getting it all done in Thailand not the UK as I am also planning to move to the UK.


    I believe this is a typo as you said you were already in the UK and we're thinking of moving to Thailand. Do I have this right?


    Assuming I do, you must remember that once in Thailand, your ex has the home court advantage. Even if you are in the right, Thai lawyers could extract tons of bath from you defending you in custody battles.


    If you want to avoid these "battles", stay in the UK where your ex would have a very difficult time proving that she would be a better "provider".


    As for the divorce, if your wife has agreed to the 800,000 bath, tell her she gets it as soon as she sends you proof of the registered divorce.  In short, let her do it. She can do it for a fraction of the cost the Thai lawyers will want from you.

  10. "As much as I like writing this column and running this site – and as willing as I am to continue with it – it’s too much work to do it for nothing."


    It's interesting how something that starts out as a "labor of love" becomes "too much work to do for nothing". 


    I've seen this exact same scenario occur on a number of sites. It seems that once monetized, the expectation changes. Early on, the hope is that people will read their "stuff". Once they begin to earn $'s, however, the expectation is that folks will pay more and more for their "stuff".


    You see similar patterns with YouTube vloggers. Early on, they only want subscribers, but once the ad $'s begin to roll, the expectation is the $'s will just continue to roll. Now, that the ad $'s has been radically cut, they morph into e-beggars and threaten to stop unless people "pay up".


    Problem with all of this is that with each site or vlogger that makes $'s, there are 10 copycats that want a "piece of the action".  The number of demands for sponsorship quickly exceeds the number of those willing to sponsor, leaving only small amounts to go around.


    My other observation is that once monetized (sites or vloggers) they become "stale". The truly interesting ones are those attempting to expand their readers/viewers. It just seems that in that early stage, creativity is at the highest. It just might be that to breakout from the masses requires that the site or vids be unique or significantly different from all of the others. 


    So, the question becomes, should we sponsor?  Well, we need sponsors in order to create that "brass ring" that the vloggers and webmasters seek. It's just that I prefer not to be one and prefer to seek out the sites/vids in the "growing/creative" stage.


  11. 9 minutes ago, Yinglove said:

    The US is the only country in the chart below with the death penalty and look at its murder rate

    It really does look like the death penalty doesn't work all that well



    No question, the US does it all wrong.  No argument there.


    While I am a proponent of the death penalty, it should be done it a way to maximize the deterrent value.


    At the same time, I have no problem with the Russian system - 20 years in the salt mines.  Of course, very few survived 20 years, but I'd be OK with that.

  12. 2 hours ago, hansnl said:

    The "kill-kill-kill-kill" will be out in force today.

    When will the light be switched on for the death brigade so that they can see that the state endorsed killing is not a deterrent, at all.

    Don't they understand that by uttering those death curses they lower themselves to the barbaric ISIS level?

    Lifelong prison sentences are a deterrent, give a nice revenge feeling, and if the convicted in a later stadium is found to be innocent, can be released.

    If executed, and found not guilty later, then the executing was just murder.

    What then, trial of judge, jury, prosecutor, police?

    In short, killing is never an answer!


    How can the death penalty be a detergent when it is administered 18 years after the crime? Nobody can even remember the crime and often many of the victim's family have passed away. Then the "penalty" is administered in a room like a hospital suite with no witnesses.


    The whole thing is a joke!


    Yes, you have a valid point about the potential for executing innocent people and there should be a level of proof or certainty about guilt before someone can be sentenced to death. Today with DNA and CCTV we know who committed the killing, yet the appeals still drag on for years and years. This isn't justice. It's just nonsense!


    For a death penalty to become a real deterrent it should be:

    1. Administered reasonably after the crime (4 to 5 years)

    2. Should be administered in public and televised  

    3. No lethal injections - hangings, firing squads, etc. (In short a violent end to a violent crime. I don't give a damn if the killer experiences some pain. They didn't care about the pain experienced by their victims.)


    I guess by the above, it's clear I am a proponent for the death penalty. At the same time, I believe it should be reserved only for murderers. That is, if you commit the ultimate crime, you pay the ultimate price.


    So would I favor death for drug dealers?   No way!   A far as I am concern when you have people trafficking in drugs, you have both a buyer and a seller. If you say we should execute the seller, I say you should also execute the buyer. This is a crime which requires two people and both are equally guilty.


    We have a drug problem, because we fail to educate our people. That education also means our actions. When people show up at hospitals due to overdosing, we should simply wish them good luck. Hospitals are for the sick and trauma victims.


    When the addicts die, they should be cremated and their ashes hauled to the city dump. Instead of glorifying drug use, we make it clear that if you succumb to drugs, 5 minutes after you die no one will know or care that you ever walked the earth. In short, we offer you ... extinction! 








  13. 9 hours ago, pr9spk said:

    Thank you very much.


    This makes very good sense.


    I have everything here in the UK that I could ever need, but have been visiting Thailand for over 10 years.


    Factoring everything in, I know that staying here is the more "sensible" option.


    I like to live quite a simple life, however, getting burned in Thailand and losing everything I have worked for,  and then having to return home to the UK (with nowhere to go outside the doors at Heathrow) is too scary an option.


    I may visit again for fun for a few months, but I think everything that has been said has forced my hand.


    Thanks for all the advice.


    If you are for certain going to visit Thailand, a good strategy is to with job interviews scheduled in Thailand.  This is the best way to determine whether you can really make a decent life for yourself there.


    With your education and knowledge of the language, you should be easily able to find multinationals looking for people with your skill set. Don't throw it all away teaching English to children. Look for higher challenges and more rewarding work.


    "Weekend escapes" to the country become all the more fun when you have $'s in your pocket plus they mean more when you get a break from big city life.

  14. 16 hours ago, thonglorjimmy said:

    I really don't know why she's challenging the divorce, my lawyer seems to think she's now broke and maybe it seems that it may have sunk in that she will no longer receive the half decent pension that she would have received on my demise.

    The other point, that was well made, is to be aware of any alternative methods she might employ in getting revenge, this is something I've considered, maybe I'll up sticks and return to the UK - who knows. 
    Thanks again for those that offered some support, as I say it was very much appreciated.

    Jimmy, while I can't say for certain, I would seriously doubt your ex is thinking about any potential pension. I mean a pension paid out in the UK governed by UK inheritance laws would be way too complex and way beyond her ability to unscramble.


    You mentioned you were attempting to recover some of your assets. Now, here is where she could throw a monkey wrench into the works. If she can convince a Thai court that you are still married, your claims would be quickly dismissed. I suspect her strategy is to deny you any relief ... at whatever cost.


    If you want piece of mind, have your lawyer propose that both sides stop all claims. In your case piece of mind would far outweigh any monetary relief you "might" win. I mean, what do you lose by having a third party seek an end to all hostilities? Further, you must recognize that in the end, she has the home court advantage and the odds of you winning anything in court is remote at best. 

  15. 16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Despite all the negatives about Prayut and the Junta, there are moments, such as this, when I am happy that they are currently running things. This was never going to happen under previous Governments, most of whom were as corrupt as this bunch. This country will be such a better place once corruption has been rooted out. I hope this gets a lot of other previously untouchables concerned for their future.

    Excellent point. Legitimate business will avoid areas of high corruption. It simply becomes too expensive and wastes too much valuable time ... time that should be spent improving their competitive situation.


    You are also quite correct that others on the take must now fear their victims coming forward. While the perpetrators can usually fend off a single complaint when several victims come forward all at once, it quickly becomes overwhelming.


    Several posters here have mentioned that being transitioned to inactive posts is no punishment. We must remember that everyone is entitled to defend themselves and while doing so police and military people are usually assigned to "inactive positions" until their cases are adjudicated.  


    Further, in a society where "face" is paramount, the accused have already lost everything. There is no chance to recover no matter what. They will forever be scorned by their families and junior officiers. Indeed, their only remaining "friends" will be other corrupt officials who must avoid them like the plague for fear of being implicated.

  16. 16 hours ago, marko kok prong said:

       Also to all of the posters who suggest go to Pattaya,i am sorry but shagging some random whore does nothing for me,strange as it may sound to some i actually have to have feelings for the girl before i can enjoy it.Any way i will let things cool off for a day or two,and see what happens.


    Marko, your girl suggested you go to Pattaya. I'm in the camp that following her advice is actually a good idea.


    You don't have to "shag whores". You could play golf, tennis, enjoy the beaches (well maybe the Southern beaches) etc.


    When she calls tell her you did exactly what she suggested.  That is, you went to PATTAYA. Further, that you met this girl who happened to enjoy anal sex, and now you are confused about what you want. Make it clear you have made no decision and see what she suggests.


    If she tells you to stay in Pattaya ... it's over!


    On the other hand, if she wants to visit you in Pattaya, you might enjoy a good time together.

  17. 11 hours ago, sklmeeera said:

    """"The gun did not DO IT!!!!!!!! """


    Can you read ??? Or did the bullets come out of his finger ??? . Gun crime should be punished with mandatory life imprisonment . There is absolutely NO legitimate reason for anyone to have a gun .  


    Perhaps you would be happier living in Paris where they have the strictest gun control laws in the world.  Only one tiny problem...


    Terrorists just love "soft" targets. They can kill hundreds before the police arrive.


    I have zero problem with you and your family being defenseless victims. I prefer to have weapons to protect my family.

  18. 16 hours ago, BEVUP said:

    No can't do that as i work in remote places & I am now in the process of pushing forward so my hard earned cash can't be siphoned 

    There's only the house that is in my wifes & sons name (hopefully can't be touched without a court order ) & the car that within a few days of new purchase shall be in my name after losing the 9 yr old vigo with the massive debt 


    BEVUP, perhaps you can help me understand your strategy here. I don't understand why you would pay cash for a new car. Why not finance? 


    Once you own a car free and clear, you know your wife's family will once again attempt to extract any value they can. Seems to me the simpler solution is to have very little value tied up in this car. Of course, you simply must have theft insurance and usually finance companies mandate it as well as collision insurance.


    If your wife seems willing to take on debt to help her family, that is NOT so terribly uncommon. It happens all over the world!


    Seems to me where this is all breaking down is your wife feels insulated from the consequences of this debt. If you normally send her 50K each month, why not itemize debt repayments and subtract from the 50K so she sees that she ends up with less for herself and son.


    I mean, why not play Santa Claus or super hero if there are no consequences?


    The key is you simply must make the "consequences" painfully visible.



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