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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 6 hours ago, merijn said:

    I don't see the advantage of this.

    You can get easily a one year extension based in retirement for 1900 baht.

    If you have the money for the 10 year visa and are forced to tie up the money why would you not go for the normal 1 year extension instead?

    ...with all the corruption being cleaned up there must be quite a reduced cash flow...good ole farang will prop up your banking system for you...hmm...wonder what the feasibility is to form our own Thai bank !

    • Like 1
  2. On 6/15/2017 at 9:14 AM, colinneil said:

    All 3 drivers at fault, dash cam driver hogging the fast lane, MB driver for road rage, truck driver driving too fast, unable to stop/manoevre.

    ..everyone contributes as a road user at the time..however i would bet the MB and truck had an altercation prior and the MB saw the truck catching up to him so he decided to pull in front of the camera car..the truck seeing this veered to the left trying to sideswipe the MB but instead clipped the camera car..why the camera car didnt chase down the truck is beyond me!

  3. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    Listen, no one has claimed or even suggested that what he did was acceptable or that he had the right to do what he did and no one is blaming the victim .

       IMO , what he did was completely wrong and he is too blame for what happened , the youngsters should have realised they were in a dangerous situation and the Parents should have been there to protect them

    ...by reading the article i was of the opinion the parents of both girls were downstairs with the other hopefuls waiting!

  4. 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    While it is probably an exaggeration that Russia is a bigger threat than ISIS, they are a threat. Russia, Iran, China and the US spend more money on spying, and computer hacking, and other operations of that sort, than any other countries. N. Korea is also a problem. Keep your eyes on the ball, and your head in the game. Russia and China are up to no good. They are massive threats to the well being of the world. 

    ...any country can be a threat if they step outside the UN guidelines for peace.

  5. 3 hours ago, macksview said:

    wife and i watched one of priaw's facebook live video, the girl seemed drugged or boozed up, but i just got a feeling she is a nasty thing, maybe a little weird as well.


    be interested in a psych report on her, if the courts request them in thailand.


    i have worked around some evil, nasty, anti-social and mentally disturbed people, priaw scares me a bit.





    ..don't worry stick with us and we will walk you through it...fear is just a state of mind.

  6. 4 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Very lucky (assuming the bike rider will not come out paralyzed).


    The video from the source report.

    Click the link and extend to full size.



    I you have seen that you would surely assume that the victim is dead.

    ...not one bystander even broke into a trot to see if those on the road were ok...is that why there are very few track and field competitors here.

  7. 44 minutes ago, sujoop said:

    "The 10 million people living in Seoul will also not be protected by THAAD, since it is being installed 125 miles south of the city. "It cannot engage missiles fired at Seoul, so it offers no additional protection of the city". "In the case of a saturation attack, or a large volume of missiles as Postol described, THAAD's defense capabilities "can be expected to be very low, probably zero or close to that"


    As always in serious matters, much depends on how Trump's vewy fwagile ego reacts to his latest abysmally low approval ratings (plus his cry-baby reactionary temperament to latest own-goal news reports). Thus, he may decide if the risk of a pre-emptive strike on North Korea is worth a shot at a self-ratings boost (hopefully Gen Mattis has more influence than say Steve Bannon etc in these matters...) Meanwhile, would instead seek to ratchet up trade sanctions even further particularly trade by China (and Russia) with N Korea and seek to now completely sever fuel shipments as it is summer.

    ...i wonder what he feeds his 7 million troops on so as to keep them in tip top physical condition.

  8. 15 hours ago, JustNo said:

    One crazy thing about lightning strikes or any high power electrical strike on a person, is that when you see someone fly 30 feet it is not from the electric directly. That is due to the muscles reflexing in such a way that they are propelled a huge distance. It brings up the question, how great is the potential of the human body when fully utilised 

    ..so we're all grasshoppers.

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