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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 9 hours ago, Prbkk said:

    The Police Commissioner has now conceded that they took too long to enter the cafe and had been too reiliant on the advice of the psychiatrist on the negotiating team.

    The psychiatrist conceded in evidence that he was unfamiliar with IS methods in general and unaware of "lone wolf" attacks. IMHO, he should not have been working on the team, given knowledge less up-to-date than 80% of the general population at the time.

    They got this badly wrong and people died as a consequence.


  2. 6 hours ago, DoctorG said:

    Society and governments can share the blame for instances like this. Police are now reluctant to use deadly force as a first strike because the often get hauled through the system which demands that they prove that no other course was open to them.

    A similar situation now exists where police do not pursue speeding/stolen cars once a high speed is reached. Criminals know this.


    ..It has been a standard instruction in all states for many, many years that police can only 'follow' a vehicle within the speed limit, once a registration number has been obtained and a possible description of the driver, then proceed by summons..onus on the owner to declare who the driver was..scientific branch can do the rest if the vehicle is abandoned ie swabs of interior and steering wheel for DNA.

    Of course it's strange how some vehicle's radios suddenly go on the blink whilst 'following' these offenders!

  3. 13 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    ? Seriously asking ?

    A town/province in eastern Isan (northeast Thailand).

    One of the poorest provinces of the country.


    Or did I miss a joke here?


    ...poor attempt on my part to draw a parallel with the annual Yasothon Festival and the amount of rockets being let off lately in NK.  Sympathies go to the injured of course.

  4. 8 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Nothing unusual here, just another monk behaving badly.

    An every day occurrance here.                                                                                                                                     

    ...at least his device was out in the open and not secreted under his robes.

  5. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    'A Nonthaburi local politician was arrested and reportedly confessed to buying sex services from a minor last September and also misrepresenting himself as the governor of Mae Hong Son' - We don't care that you had sex with children ha ha! We just need to know it wasn't someone influential doing it. 


    Well, ladies and gentleman, that is that. Wrapped up very nicely with time for a celebratory drink and pat on the back. Moral of the day: important people don't do bad things. Scapegoats do. 


    Thailand's morality is safe once again. Get on with your lives, people. Well, until there's another cover-up. 

    ...no dessert for them and in bed by 8pm.

  6. 7 hours ago, seajae said:

    no indicator to let anyone know he was turning but that is typical for many  drivers here, you have to guess what they are going to do. He started to overtake then just turned so the driver has broken the law, lets hope the police actually chase him down and issue a bloody big fine as well as make him pay restitution to the bike rider

    ..i can see his left indicator flashing on my monitor!

    ..however the impact of the motorcycle hitting him did cause him to deviate slightly, which he corrected and completed his turn..obviously aware something hit the side of his vehicle.

  7. On 5/14/2017 at 7:53 AM, Ahab said:

    My relatives also claim that lightning strikes are an issue with cell phones (Buriram), and also insist that getting rained on will also cause you to catch a cold. I pointed out that previously the whole family took showers with water collected from rainwater with no obvious ill effects. The answer was once it is collected it no longer has the "ability" to cause a cold. I just nod and continue doing whatever it was I was doing.

    ..you were probably doing wrong whatever you were doing.

  8. 18 hours ago, sinbin said:

    I'll go for 5,000 Baht compensation to the girls family and a defined spell of merit making in the temple in order to be cleansed of the evil spirits. That should teach him.  rolleyes.gif

    ..do you think 5,000b will also pay for the ongoing medical and psychiatric assistance she will obviously be needing.

    Such a vile male person should not be permitted to walk the earth any longer regardless of the lame excuse of drugs.

    IMHO his actions were premeditated followed by a fabricated mental state.  I really hope she manages to cope as she gets older.

  9. 22 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Most unfortunate accident, with powerful bikes, the skills of the rider

    to control the machine comes to play vividly, many, who has no experience

    in riding super bikes are oblivious to that, not saying that this is the case

    here, but it's known to happened frequently in places where you can hire

    any bike you want, regardless whether you can ride it or not....

    ..its called speeding.

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