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Everything posted by tandor

  1. save your breath..this was my forte..law enforcement and Forensic Pathology Technician.
  2. no..not quite correct! In a lot of Natural Causes Deaths, Coroners clearly state the Cause of Death is not known particularly where there is no evidence of wounds, marks, scrapes, fractures, bruising to the body or internal organs and bleeding in the brain etc. The Coroner can't say heart failure, particularly if the heart muscle is healthy and no signs of previous Ischaemia or Atherosclerosis not greater than 70%. (If the family presents evidence of Medical History outlining treatment received, this may pursuade him/her to make a finding. The Coroner opens the inquest the moment he signs the Order for Post Mortem, he then adjourns the Inquest immediately awaiting the Pathologist's Report and Police witness statements. If the Coroner finds further compelling evidence he will send the case back to UK's CID for further investigation, as i have already mentioned.
  3. it's entirely in the hands of the family to push for it..obviously the UK Police have accepted the findings made by RTP.
  4. the family can apply for an inquest via their Attorney-General's Department.
  5. well, if the family can get a Court Order preventing the Autopsy which has happened due to Religious persuasions...case by case.
  6. all i can offer is the authorities have examined her remains and retieved their specimens for further analysis or accepted the findings of the Royal Thai Forensic Science's investigation. (bear in mind a full Toxicology analysis can take up to six weeks to complete). It appears the Inquest is open and once the results are forwarded to the Coroner, he will make a Public Finding, either meaning the end of the matter or if something requires further investigation or evidence reveals charges should be laid, then the matter will be referred to UK CID for further investigation which may bring them to Bangkok to follow up on.
  7. i can't comment on that. More than likely the family have requested the Coroner open and inquest based on the evidence the Royal Thai Police would have provided the British Embassy here!
  8. of course..there's probably an ongoing investigation as we speak. (the bodies do not have to remain here, just an order will be made for them not to be cremated so further investigations, or an independent autopsy can be conducted).
  9. quite often the causes of death are kept private due to ongoing investigations..didn't you know?
  10. I meant there is no reason for the Cause of Death to be released in Thaland...that is stuff for the ghoulls.
  11. so, if they were homeless..they were really having boom-boom in their living room!
  12. any Sudden Death occurring in Thailand, the cause of which is unknown will have an Autopsy before being released and Repatriated, after the Certificate as to The Cause of Death has been written. If the family wish to have a 2nd Autopsy they can at their expense. I fail to see why the COD should be made public. Folk die in hotels every day of the week around the world.
  13. the Horn was just doing its job..to alert other road users to impending peril and danger.
  14. Methinks you're jeopardising your case by going public here..this is a private matter between you and the Police..get moving!
  15. wel it's fact..many Thai soi dogs sleep on the road and get legs broken as a result..don't you know!
  16. you will find Immigration Dept. may refuse your Annual Extension unless you provide your Taxation Identification Number. (This was mentioned to a couple of us who registered recently at the TRD). PS. Don't shoot the Messenger.
  17. Ignorance of the Law is no excuse. Late filing brings 1.50% penalty per month and failure to file a return the penalty was mentioned as being up to 100% of the tax assessed, plus possibility of imprisonment. Up to them.
  18. i think Marriage doubled, and Retirement went from 500 to 800k.
  19. how about dropping the 90 Day Reporting after three consecutive Extensions (as you do if applying for Permanent Residency).
  20. ...funny you never read or hear of Thais acting up in our countries..meek and mild little snivellers they are.
  21. ..owner's usually do not shackle their employees.
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