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Everything posted by tandor

  1. I guess they won't be the first to tie the knot.
  2. i thought we were in NK for a sec!
  3. so Mum was correct..there are elves and faiies living at the bottom of the garden
  4. put a low life human into the equation and all the modern technology you could wish for goes out the window.
  5. seems like you've got a handle on the root cause.
  6. all ours get are Durian and the occasional 2mil baht in the wrong lunch bag!
  7. the ThaiRevenueDepartment have access to all other Thai Government Departments and Instrumentalities' resources and can plot your everyday movements both physically and digitally if they wish. Registering and Filing a Return is on their 'honour system' with penalties for late lodging and failing to lodge by the end of March each year...work it out for yourselves..case by case.
  8. there is much more to it than that..don't you know? RIP.
  9. IMO they arrested him as soon as they placed a hand on him and cuffed him.
  10. he failed to ease the burden of guilt by not leaving his <deleted>ty shoes in their place.
  11. Psittacosis is a real threat coupled with the rapid global spread of H5N1.
  12. i thought he was a Microbiologist/Virologist, not a Botanist.
  13. something to hang your mug on whilst you're posing.
  14. ...there should be enough TV footage to put together a full length El Chapo style movie. (the media is turning this guy into a cult hero).
  15. i never said they did..they would request through their respective Foreign Ministers if the the case was of importance and required further investigation.
  16. ..it happened with EmmCyanide..at least 12 cases were never even 'remotely' investigated and only ONE had samples taken..thank Buddha that one victim survived..the previous Forensic Science Director (Khunying Porntip) battled with corrupt senior officials right up until she retired.
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