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Everything posted by tandor

  1. you're right they are kinda creepy but they get there
  2. ..so you think you can run 45kmph..i doubt it
  3. ..any biped power-walking would be deemed a threat..not the usual casual gait of a Thai. (PS it is 'herd').
  4. you would need to be careful if you were a retired medical practitioner here with Marten for a surname!
  5. ...take my hand child
  6. you need help friend..but not on here..good luck
  7. dangerous unqualified advice.
  8. humans lie and don't take enough care. For further information go to YouTube Podcast Series: This Week in Virology hosted by Professor Racianello and Dr. Griffin. Type in M-Pox and you will understand more of the history of this virus and its spread.
  9. ..anyone can catch it..temporary blindness (infected hand touching, face/mouth lesions; transmitted by family members
  10. instead of mocking...why dont you both check it out?
  11. please advise Mitch Connor that the only acceptable name describing this virus is M-pox. (It was Renamed by the WHO many months ago, as it was deemed insulting to any monkey). FYI.
  12. there are Emergency Stop red buttons installed.
  13. I agree 100%...oh well we really didn't need a new airport in CNX.
  14. looks to be well above the knee to me!...Hmm!..no torniquet or sedation..more to this. Am sorry for the woman.
  15. a few hundred long electric buggies in a separate lane, ferrying people continually..rip out the travellators
  16. There are several combinations: Sodium Cyanide NaCN, Potassium Cyanide KCN, Hydrogen Cyanide HCN and a few other derivatives. It appears the Cyanide used in those cases where samples were available is from the same batch.
  17. can you post a link please to these videos..thanks
  18. ...there are fourteen other parents out there that have lost their 'baby' also.
  19. ..you under estimate the flea sir...they know just how and where to strike and cause the most irritation..they can also jump tall buildings in a single bound
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