your GP should request both..FastingBloodGlucose and an HbA1C profile if you are classed as a Diabetic I or II. (Insulin dependent or not)..there are many factors to consider first.
If not you should do a Glucose Challenge & Tolerance Test to establish your ability to handle glucose, then go from there after you have been on medication for three months.
to be fair he's probably the most suitable one to take on that portfolio as he's demonstrated his albeit limited knowledge of botany, sowing, harvesting and processing of valuable, potent, life destroying by-products.
there was a YouTube vid a few years ago where a Rice cooker was used..worth looking!,vid:MNeSveafioE,st:0
Air Fryer: Plenty of Vids too.
practice smiling as it is a known fact the position of the facial muscles and nerves stimulate the release of Seratonin/Dopamine...that's a start.
(particularly wearing a mask).