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Everything posted by tandor

  1. abstained
  2. you are 'dead' only after you have been pronounced so by a legal medical practitioner who then issues a Life Extinct Certificate..up until that time, you are 'believed to have died'.
  3. ...poor Joey reading off the wrong Cue Card i expect
  4. ...do you mean he has Residency
  5. ..this would be the first time a foreigner has been recognised. ????
  6. looks non-binary to me too!
  7. ...takes one second of your miserable life to execute...why not
  8. no need to buy subs..just keep 4 berths free for our benefactor
  9. ..Thailand will grab the candy in the bowl on the table
  10. Personal choice based on your own health history and where you go. Compulsory in other more sensitive places ie Hospitals. Long may it stay like that.
  11. Move Forward...give it a rest will you!
  12. Im going with a 'no case to answer' and believe the scenario where Khun Pitas living father owned the shares in question and had Willed them to Pita. According to Thai TV yesterday, Pitas' father has since sold the shares. I would sum it up as rumour mongering. Not my business nor country, but i sincerely hope they do move forward.
  13. exactly.... Local TV presenters were saying it appears the shares were owned by his living father and were to be willed to Pita...to avoid future problems his father sold the shares! I
  14. ..someone has already sewed that paddock
  15. ...he's sweating profusely now
  16. ..should have 'bitch slapped' him instead
  17. ORDERED to be more polite...would be more appropriate
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