where a Section of the law is specifically stated ie assault, stealing, fraud, murder, etc. there also are 'attempts' that apply to each crime, as is aiding and abetting.
Attempted crimes are not specific Sections or sub-sections, but are treated as less serious breaches of the main Section by the Court, as a result of the evidence submitted.
I think in the incident in question, the officer directly involved has decided it was sensible to let it ride as no-one was hurt and it resolved itself peaceably with the aggressor backing down.
The tourist (when the clip started) was seen to be trying to hit the officers baton only, and later started to swing at his torso with some centimetres to spare, not as if the officer had to retreat drastically.
In my opinion the officer acted wisely but had every right to take him to ground and restrain him.
PS. This is all based on from when the clip started; there was obviously a lot that went on prior.