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Everything posted by tandor

  1. the excitement of returning was all a bit too much..a by-pass should fix things..an ankle monitor, followed by a pardon should see a good prognosis.
  2. + the risk of crop damage by a stray slug
  3. LOYALTY...he needs as many Brownie points as he can get..IMHO
  4. Why the need to name the person!
  5. a drone with pliers should fix that
  6. in life and in death they will fleece you. Have your beloved exhumed and Cremated and either keep or dispose of her ashes at some pleasant location you both were fond of..change your arrangements to the same..just my thoughts..good luck
  7. out of loyalty he will probably arrive on the National Carrier in 'Chang Class', as 'Mort Class' is for the peasants.
  8. Dandermart123 said...I am very familiar with the Luna-25 design bureau, and they are going through hard times That to me implies he has in-depth knowledge of the programme..yes! Why say that 'teaser'.
  9. i would love to see a giant Barbie doll statue at say Buriram.
  10. how come you are authorised to reveal sensitive information about them!
  11. poor journalism considering the sensitive nature of human remains..IMHO
  12. more than likely..good observation
  13. just make it up as you go along!
  14. a 'clatter' of skeletons.
  15. they would never hear you over the dogs barking!
  16. 'I Can See Clearly Now..that the MF Party have Gone'.
  17. Yes. Section 80 (Attempts) enables all relevant Sections of the Code Act.
  18. you could be found cold and stiff
  19. Section 80. Attempt Whoever commences to commit an offence, but does not carry it through, or carries it through, but does not achieve its end, is said to attempt to commit an offence. Whoever attempts to commit an offence shall be liable to two-thirds of the punishment as provided by the law for such offence.
  20. Here is further explanation of 'attempted' offences under the Thai Criminal Code Act, 1906. Section 80. Attempt Whoever commences to commit an offence, but does not carry it through, or carries it through, but does not achieve its end, is said to attempt to commit an offence. Whoever attempts to commit an offence shall be liable to two-thirds of the punishment as provided by the law for such offence.
  21. its ok thnx i have relevant Sections.
  22. where a Section of the law is specifically stated ie assault, stealing, fraud, murder, etc. there also are 'attempts' that apply to each crime, as is aiding and abetting. Attempted crimes are not specific Sections or sub-sections, but are treated as less serious breaches of the main Section by the Court, as a result of the evidence submitted. I think in the incident in question, the officer directly involved has decided it was sensible to let it ride as no-one was hurt and it resolved itself peaceably with the aggressor backing down. The tourist (when the clip started) was seen to be trying to hit the officers baton only, and later started to swing at his torso with some centimetres to spare, not as if the officer had to retreat drastically. In my opinion the officer acted wisely but had every right to take him to ground and restrain him. PS. This is all based on from when the clip started; there was obviously a lot that went on prior.
  23. Thai Criminal Code (Penal Code) of 1908, Section 392. Threats Any person who, by threat, places another in a state of fear or fright shall be liable to imprisonment for not more than one month, or a fine not exceeding one thousand baht or both. I'm pretty satisfied that Section 392 covers such a misdemeanour.
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