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Everything posted by tandor

  1. it appears only one had bloods taken..the remainder had Death Certificates written listing Natural Causes, ie heart failure, upper respiratory failure etc. The list was published in The Bangkok Post about 10 days ago from memory..page 3 i think..a reddish coloured section with 12 deaths listed with the doctors and causes listed.
  2. you are being crass and unkind to her. She is a private consultant and answered directly what her observations of the case are as the majority have been already cremated. It may seem basic her observations but she is a much revered professional in her field. I resent you calling her a freak and in fact she is a titled Thai woman and the Les Majeste rule can be vaguely applied. She has always avoided the Media where possible and only answers summarialy ..so where do you get your rediculous ideals from? Re the bomb detection scanners, she was the head of the dept and has had to answer for it. I'm sure common sense will prevail and she will be exonerated. So how about applaudingKhunyong Porntip for her difficult role and see her as routing for the families of these deceased victims.
  3. of course..cause he knew all along they had the goods on him...good to see justice prevailed
  4. usually an 8 day Remand period as you say. Multiple charges, multiple visits. She's whinging and whining already about her fear of miscarrying, so no doubt she will get video link up. I think she's ready for a deal.
  5. i think any level-headed person with basic knowledge of democracy and military juntas would be able to arrive at the same conclusions without turning it into some divine revelation
  6. better off sticking to weather and lottery numbers
  7. i have no idea..i was demonstrating the Thai Legal System uses many. Im not that concerned about the functioality..I am talking about one document, the Warrant..can't you understand that.
  8. i could have used my own knowledge, i could have used Wiki or Google, just that GPT was an active button at the top of my page. Why haven't you bothered to go down to a Provincial Court and ask yourself.
  9. i think he has much more than that in his system
  10. No lesson in Thai Law at all. I just explained the workings of a piece of paper called a Warrant. Thailand has adopted some procedural processes from UK law and other Legal systems, see below. Footnote: Thai criminal law is not entirely based on UK law, but there are some similarities due to historical influence. Thailand was never colonized by the British, but it had close diplomatic relations with the UK and other European countries during the reign of King Rama V (1868-1910). During that time, Thailand underwent significant legal reforms, and some aspects of the criminal law were influenced by European legal systems, including the UK. However, Thai criminal law has also been influenced by other legal systems. Source: AseanNow ChatGPT
  11. A Warrant issued bt the Court is called a Bench Warrant and gives the power and authority for any person to Execute. The Police who want to arrest/summons a person have to outline their reasons for such action verbally/personally to the Judge/Magistrate whom, if satisfied there is reasonable cause outlined that the accused has broken the law, will then issue the Warrant for the Police to proceed. If found offending no Warrant would be needed. The Warrant once executed becomes part of the Courts Case number and is the main document on the Prosecutors Court file, thus establishing the continuity. As mentioned each new case/incident requires a separate Warrant. The accused who is already in custody would be brought up to the court and the new charge will be read and she will be further remanded without plea. This will happen for each new case added. She will be further remanded on each charge until DPP is ready to have her formally answer each charge and enter a plea. A Notice to Attend Court or Summons as we know it applies in Thailand for misdemeanours. Don't be silly..there will be one trial with 'X' amount of charges all heard at the same time and deliberated on in this matter by 5 judges. It is a Bench Warrant giving the Police or any person the power and authority to bring the person named befoe he court. The terminology 'arrest warrant' is just name given to a Bench Warrant. (The Bench is the raised area where he Jusge(s) sit and from where they conduct proceedings.
  12. I said..... the Dept Public Prosecutions then presents the Warrant and the facts to the Court....of course the Police have to go to the Court in first and present the facts for the Court to agree to issue the Warrant in the First Instance. The Warrant is the main part of the Court File proving the continuity.
  13. Potassium Cyanide (KCN) occasionally has the smell of 'bitter almond', but the taste is that of lye (bitter and acrid)
  14. ..each new charge needs a separate Warrant as it entails that cases entire facts, when, where, how etc. the Dept Public Prosecutions then presents the Warrant and the facts to the Court who then decides if there is a case to answer, and if so the Accused is Indicted to stand Trial. In this matter the vistims died at different times in different locations. When the facts are read to the court which is like an overall summary the accused has the opportuniy to enter a plea to each charge. At the end of those proceedings the Dept Public Prosecutions knows where they are with each Warrant and can finalise each case. The fact she is in custody is irrelevant to new Warrants being issued..it is the legal process. A Warrant is a legal document issued by the Court to bring the person named before the Court to answer the charge(s) detailed with in the document. I hope this helps explain it better.
  15. not only that the evidence could be excluded if correct procedures are not strictly adhered to.
  16. each case requires a Warrant
  17. i dont know..a Poster asked how..i just gave some examples
  18. Hmm!..a partner or friend can secretly hand it to them on visitations..guards have been bribed before and lawyers have been know to pass items. Like this.... Nguyen Thi Hue, 42, is expected to give birth in April after inseminating herself in August 2015 with semen she bought from a fellow inmate at a northern Vietnamese prison, the English-language website of the state-owned Thanh Nien newspaper reported.Feb 17, 2559 BE Vietnamese Inmate Gets Pregnant to Avoid Death Penalty | Time
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