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Everything posted by tandor

  1. you think it will catch on at Thai Immigration
  2. ... he insists it was 'self raising flour'
  3. cause Thai baht got in the way and clouded their judgement.
  4. mine was 12,000THB, and my Thai partner paid for it..i was impressed.
  5. if front of the house better..more impact.
  6. get a Usufruct allowing you to live out your days in the home you built. Easy to do, both of you go to the Land Office with Proof of Residency, she her Blue Book and Chanote and make the deal there and pay the fee.
  7. emulating his g/f pole dancing antics.
  8. i don't have carpet, so i should be ok...555
  9. ..maybe he didn't buy them in the first place!
  10. Agreed...He was not specific, so i replied broadly, urging him to not take any of it lightly.
  11. 1. it is called M-pox. 2. it is a virus of concern which is spreading. 3. your immunity from Smallpox was probably good for 30 years, and 4. not knowing your age; you may possibly get Shingles after having had Chickenpox. (you can get vaccinated against M-pox and Shingles).
  12. ...Geez! Im in need of one of those too!
  13. maybe we're not getting out new Airport after all.
  14. Reckless behaviour coming from a person in his position, regardless of his empathy..a simple request to an aide would have sufficed.
  15. methinks its a 'stolen identity' from someone at the station, but what would i know.
  16. Quasimodo out of Retirement..oh thats right, Bell-ringing is probably on the restricted list.
  17. Tell us more about this card please..when you're well. Speedy recovery.
  18. agreed...i think she will burn bright for a very short time
  19. Hmm!..Im talking sense and you're not..Rabies is no laughing matter, once you are confirmed POS you have a very slim chance of survival.
  20. looks to me ...he pushed the base if her chair with his right foot, making room for him to view the screen..he then slapped the back of her chair twice with his open hand. I don't believe he struck/touched her person at all.
  21. 1. Photo/video if possible of injury/scene/dog concerned. 2. Seek immediate medical attention including Rabies vaccine (3 shots). 3. Report to Police. (I think there was a recent Law amendment with a penalty up to 50,000THB). 4. Carry a dog deterrent. 5. Lobby local Council, as it appears you are. Good luck.
  22. i replied to you earlier..seems you have edited out most of it.
  23. it's illegal to kick any person...don't you know!
  24. well he is obligated to report the incident as well..maybe he has contravened a regulation by parking too close (which seems to be the root cause). At least the Police can then look at what each party is saying and decide on their action.
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