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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. On 7/25/2017 at 6:18 PM, observer90210 said:

    Lesson no 1) don't show off your wealth, should it be clean or dirty assets..


    Lesson no 2) handle your money issues by yourself and last of all, never get your wife/gf/sexpartner involved or to have access to your accounts


    Lesson no 3) fully respect the law and avoid as much as possible to get involved with the local boys in brown, as their bark could be worse then a bite


    Lesson no 4) never put in too much money in a Thai Bank...just the strict minimum for current expenses...


    Lesson no 5) enjoy the penang curries, the chesty hotties looking to service your willy, the booze, the shopping, the Bangkok Skytrain, the climate, the malls...


    Lesson no 6) make it clear in a will back home and in Thailand just in case you "fall" from the 10th floor of a condo or get "drowned" in the lovely pool by the villa, all you assets go to a family member back home and nobody else...and make sure she is aware of this!!


    Lesson no 7) use condoms, have fun and enjoy...:cheesy:

      I read a lot recently about this darknet websites selling drugs, weapons and other stuff. The first one was named Silk Road and existed 2 and a half years from 2010 till 2013. Its founder was arrested in USA and sentenced to life in prison without a possibility of parole. This fact explains a lot about this Cazes guy's decision to hang himself. He knew for sure what's ahead of him. And he did not quit the business in time (his website also existed 2 and a half year). That was his biggest mistake.  By the way, the owners of several other sites did quit in time with millions and millions in their pockets. Those ones can be considered really smart not this poor young guy with his childish love to big houses and sport cars.


  2. On 7/25/2017 at 11:21 AM, NextStationBangkok said:

    Cazes learned cyber hacking when he was 14, and just about to be 18 he found bypass routes to make money from dark-nets. He is frankly a brilliant guy, should have been recruited by NSA as early possible. These are guys make Snowden type persons for FBI and NSA who can crack the web puzzles. He has a IQ score of 148. Unfortunately life ended in Thai jails using towels, after they unearthed 700 million baht, and crypto currency worth USD 21 million.


    He was about to be extradite to US for further investigation and committed suicide.


    I have no comments, but why many secret agents those who amassed wealth(After Police raid and recovery of cash and wealth) have been committed suicide with towels once they are arrested in Thailand ?

    This is a million dollar question ??? :shock1:


    But world has lost a brilliant young man, who can be a highly valuable person for intelligence.:sad:

    Yeah, really brilliant. Selling drugs and then hanging himself when got caught. More of an idiot kind.

  3. On 7/15/2017 at 5:02 PM, 4MyEgo said:

    That could happen with any girl, anywhere in the world, I got involved with a Thai girl over 10 years ago, purchased land in her name, built a property, purchased a car and bike in her name and am very happy, if things go pair-shape, I see it as only investing as much as I am prepared to lose with plan B leaving me the other 90% which is overseas and cannot be accessed by anyone except me.

    Funny thing is this is the same advise which is usually given to people visiting a casino: never risk the money you cannot afford to lose. Thailand for farangs is a big casino where the house edge is always against them. And the longer you play (or more you invest) - the more you lose at the end.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

    You will not get another visa from Vientiane, and may have trouble elsewhere.  The only solution is a new passport.  The new passport won't change anything with regard to immigration (why will link the passports and see all your entries), but it will allow consulates to issue more tourist visas.  If you ask consulate personnel, many will tell you to get a new passport.

    To say you the truth - that was my plan of action since there are no free pages left in my passport.  Hope it helps. Thank you for an advice.

  5. Just  made a surprising revelation. Checked my passport and the last Tourist visa received at one of the embassies abroad and noted something special there. It is printed in small letters (right above the Visa itself) and only in English:


    " Remark: The holder of this passport travels to Thailand under a tourist visa several times which may result in the refusal of a visa in the future. "


    My passport contains 5 more Tourist visas (made one after another in time). Now I think who did print it there? The most obvious version is the Embassy workers themselves. The second version - the officer at the Phuket immigration where I made an extension several days ago. It was not done by the IO at the border crossing (sure about it 99.9%).

    Also , I wonder why is it written in English and not Thai language?  

    The next trip I am planning to take all my belongings with me since chances are high that I will not be able to come back any time soon.


  6. 15 hours ago, PremiumLane said:

    So basically what has happened, a few people with lots of tourist visas were pulled over and asked to show money. Some were denied entry. 1 person with an ED visa also had this.


    TVF blows it out of proportion and the regular posters go into a frothing rage - like flies around sh@t

    It is all about the tendency. Not just a couple of cases. The rules become stricter and stricter every day. Many people are worried about their future in this country. Even those who did not have a single problem until now. They know that their turn may be coming quite soon.

  7. A little bit off topic. Can anybody here explain me the logics behind the fact that internet nomad’s work in Thailand is classified in the same category as any other employment in Thailand by foreigner. My internet work has nothing to do with Thailand. The money I earn strictly outside Thailand is spent, in a big part, in Thailand. Still I am supposed to be punished by the Thai laws as if I worked illegally in the Kingdom.

  8. 1 hour ago, dexjnr555 said:

    I can't read between the lines? I want to be smart? I am smart, definitely smarter than you. For starters, I can actually spell and use proper syntax/grammar, but that's a secondary issue here. On to the topic at hand, do not come to Thailand if you do not want to be surrounded by Thais speaking Thai. Yes, he probably won't have any meaningful discussions with Thais, because he can't speak the national language of Thailand, which is Thai. I bet you're the first person to blast foreigners in your own country for not 'assimilating'.  I don't think Thais would want insular people like yourself in their country.


  9. Strong family ties in Isaan families? That is what you call sending your daughter to sell her body in Pattaya in order to buy a new car for father? For me It is more like an immoral gang acting closely together for a purpose of material gain or profit. Yes, yes - not all of them are like this. But TOO MANY for my taste.

    Move wherever you want , OP. It is your life and , as a man, you must live it by your own rules.

  10. 1 minute ago, jaltsc said:

    “…the hospital demanded more than Bt40,000 for treatment given in just two hours…‘We checked his brain because he lost consciousness after a fall. There is cost involved. ‘ “



    The patient lost consciousness after the fall, but most likely was conscious when admitted to the hospital. I doubt that they used a MRI, which might justify the cost. So, barring the use of the MRI, the two most common diagnostic tests are a Coma Scale, which in nothing more than asking the patient to follow some directions, and the use of a CT scan. Which is just a series of X-rays. 

    From my experience, most hospitals are honest and provide adequate care for Thailand. This hospital appears to be typical of some hospitals that put profit above everything else. If the patient was a westerner, he would have found himself in a private room, given needless tests and have a bill over 100,000 baht. 


    With a maximum fine of BT 30,000, there seems to be little deterrent, other than ethics,  to change this practice. 

    Which hospitals exactly are "honest and provide adequate care" in Thailand?  I am trying to find one for more than a year already. Still no success.

  11. 22 hours ago, mstevens said:

    Ask any cop who they almost always look at first in a murder investigation......bingo, Einstien, it's the spouse!

    Come on! There are many type of murders. For example, a mafia hit. Still a spouse is the main suspect?  What a BS! This murdered guy was not an ordinary guy. That is what makes "spouse version" not to be first, no even the second one in the list of versions.

    P.S. by the way - "ask any cop" is a really weak argument.

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