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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. 4 hours ago, whatproblem said:

    In my village they buy lotion for cure HIV and a man will spit on you if you are ill for a hundred baht 


    Not a big difference to what they practice in the modern clinics nowadays. Actually no, there is one big difference - you pay much much more than 100 baht. Last time I visited a neurologist he spat on me a couple of useless sentences and prescribed me my medicine which I was taking for several months already (it was initially prescribed by another doctor). He charged me 1300 baht for the 2 minutes visit (this NOT including the medicine's cost).

  2. 36 minutes ago, Loeilad said:

    As I said, your perspective is skewed. 90% is exactly the kind of baseless conjecture that scientific research rejects.

    Come on, I am not a scientist so I don't need to present all my views under the "scientific research" brand. Instead , I base what I say on my own experience and the common sense. 

    Also, we all know very well how this so called "research mantra" can be misused by anyone who wants. For example , by you in your last post above.

  3. 37 minutes ago, George Graham said:

    Thai culture simply does not allow for the application of the scientific process. 

    Yes, the scientific process contradicts directly the concept of losing one's face. If you made some "huge" scientific discovery and I later proved that you were wrong - the only way for you to deal with it is to kill me. Otherwise, you will lose the face which is totally unacceptable by the thai tradition.

  4. "Every year in late May nearly 40,000 oncologists flock to Chicago for the world’s biggest cancer jamboree - ASCO - the American Society of Clinical Oncology. I’ve gone intermittently over the past 35 years as NHS consultant. While it’s on, the the global media is awash with stories of miracle cancer drugs. Positive stories are carefully placed by smart marketing execs on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. It all sounds so convincing.

    But the reality is that this is a sophisticated conspiracy to hype products being sold to bigger companies by small start ups, to get more investment for the industry from the City or Wall Street, or simply to ramp up share prices and make short term gains.



  5. MDMA (extazy) is a peaceful drug which makes people love each other. Unlike alcohol - it is not day-to-day drug. From medical point of view it is much less harmful than many antibiotics sold legally and that often leave people disabled for the rest of their life. And unlike many drugs sold in the pharmacies with their fake and prejudiced trials - this one was ACTUALLY tested by millions over a 40 years period and showed no signs of a serious danger for human beings' health. Still people get life-imprisoned for possessing it. 

  6. I can't say how much a brain scan is, but I've had a couple of MRI's there. One via Phuket International and one directly with BKK Phuket hospital. It was either 14 or 15K directly, and about 1500 baht cheaper if you go to Phuket International and say you want a scan.

    Be forewarned, all MRI machines aren't the same and the equipment used in BKK Phuket is the weakest machine available. MRI machines are measured in Tesla's with a 5 Tesla being a world class machine, while 1 Tesla ( the one at BKK Phuket hospital) and does not show near as much as more powerful machines.


    Here it is clearly stated that Phuket MRI machines is 1.5T. Not the weakest one. Who needs your fantasises about this???

  7. I can't say how much a brain scan is, but I've had a couple of MRI's there. One via Phuket International and one directly with BKK Phuket hospital. It was either 14 or 15K directly, and about 1500 baht cheaper if you go to Phuket International and say you want a scan.

    Be forewarned, all MRI machines aren't the same and the equipment used in BKK Phuket is the weakest machine available. MRI machines are measured in Tesla's with a 5 Tesla being a world class machine, while 1 Tesla ( the one at BKK Phuket hospital) and does not show near as much as more powerful machines.

    The Bangkok Hospital website claims to have a 0.23 T magnet MRI.


    Manufacturer SIEMENS currently has models on offer from 0.35 T to 1.5 T.

    So even if your absolute numbers can not be verified, it is still obvious that the BKK Hospital Phuket does not have the latest in technology.

    (assuming that the information on the websites are up-to-date)


    Nov 2014, they claim to HAVE the latest in technology. So maybe website inconsistent/partially outdated?

    Roll the dice biggrin.png


    While I am not a specialist (and you are not too) - I would never present something that I know NOTHING about as if I did know it. Resistive magnet has nothing to do with an overall machine power!

    Resistive Magnet

    A type of magnet that utilizes the principles of electromagnetism to generate the magnetic field. Typically large current values and significant cooling of the magnet coils is required. The resistive magnet does not require cryogens, but needs a constant power supply to maintain a homogenous magnetic field, and can be quite expensive to maintain.

    Resistive magnets fall into two general categories - iron-core and air-core.

    Iron-core electromagnets provide the advantages of a vertically oriented magnetic field, and a limited fringe field with little, if any, missile effects due to the closed iron-flux return path.

    Air-core electromagnets exhibit horizontally oriented fields, which have large fringe fields (unless magnetically shielded) and are prone to missile effects. Resistive magnets are typically limited to maximum field strengths of approximately 0.6T.

    It is because of people like you internet is full of BS! Shut up if you don't know what you are talking about!


    Certainly there are large mark-ups at Thai hospitals. And hospitals in touristy areas will usually be more than in Bangkok. Quality may be lower,

    A whole spine MRI is seldom necessary. More often people need MRI of the cervical or lumbar spine, depending on the problem.

    Typical private hospital rates for an MRI of the cervical or lumbar spine (not whole spine) ranges 9,000 - 14,000 depending on hospital. 16,000 is higher than usual, but not surprising on Phuket.

    Need to consider whether you need an MRI with or without contrast and for that should be advised by the doctor who is treating whatever problem it is you have. If you have not yet seen a doctor, getting an MRI on your own may be a waste of time and money -- you may not need one, or you may get the wrong type.


    Thank you for reply. Could you please tell me what an MRI with contrast is used for?

  9. Today I visited Bangkok Phuket hospital and asked the doctor about the price of Spinal MRI. After some consultation on the phone he informed me that it will be 30.000 baht for the whole spine scan. The price will be reduced to 16000 if it will be only upper spine scanned. I was in a real shock. First, I already asked the same question six month ago but at the different hospital (it was Bangkok Samui). Then I was quoted 12000 baht for the whole spine MRI. I also check on the internet and see that in my country (Russia) the price of the whole MRI Spinal scan is between 11.000 to 14.000 roubles (6000- 7500 baht). What is going on here? Can it be that the Hospital tries to squeeze from me the price which is 3-5 times bigger than the price available for the Thai people at the same hospital? Can this be possible at the big hospital like Bangkok Phuket ?

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