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Posts posted by Zikomat

  1. Everybody only suspect the murdered guy's "business" partners or even employers. Some racist pigs even suspect the Briton's Thai wife (that is a type of people who always seek the guilty ones amongst the people of different race and origin. Typical Trump voters). But I would like to add one more channel of possibilities (although, it may be was already mentioned in this thread). As we know the boiler room operations create a long string of victims which one of whom, given the chances, would cut the boiler room's boss a head. This kind of people could easily order a revenge.

  2. On 2/2/2017 at 0:43 PM, LandOfWiles said:

    Facebook must be a godsend for the police. It's hard to imagine them designing a better system themselves. They've got your friends list, check-ins, likes and photos of that you new car you've just bought. All organised in a easy to digest timeline format. It's also surprising how many people roll with the default (public) visibility settings. It's hard not to laugh at Caldeira's post "Stay low key, not everyone needs to know everything about you". The irony of posting this on Facebook seems lost on him. It's even funnier now that this post is full of comments from random strangers across the globe kindly reminding him about his upcoming stay at the Bangkok Hilton.  

    Opposite to what seems to be a generally accepted view today, people are actually becoming stupider and stupider over the last several decades, not smarter. Using the modern technology products like computers, facebook , iphones etc. does not need much brains. Funnily enough it often makes one's brain work less and less. The example above is just a classic case of the modern youth's ultimate stupidity.

  3. 10 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    I do not know for certain and can only take a running guess at this one, that considering how serious and extensive this woman`s injuries were, including brain surgery, it is possible the government hospital did not have the facilities to complete the medical procedures required and she was sent to the private sector for some treatment therefore increasing her medical fees substantially.


    In Thailand if Farlangs become ill or are involved in accidents and not in fit conditions to tell which hospitals they want to be taken to themselves, the medical services will automatically take them to what is considered the top private hospitals placing them in the most expensive rooms, believing that all Farlang tourists will automatically be covered by travel insurance or will be able to afford the fees. This happened to one of my elderly expats friends. He collapsed in the street oneday, then woke up and found himself in the Chiang Mai Mccormick Hospital. He was only suffering from heat exhaustion but 3 nights at that hospital cost him 60000 baht.

    The only motive is to to squeeze as much money from farangs as possible. Why to think of "they think  that all farangs have a gold insurance" stuff? They think exactly what almost all Thais think of farangs - those farangs have money and even if they don't - they must pay much more than we Thais do here in Thailand. Period. 60.000 for 3 days in hospital because of heat exhaustion? OMFG! Every time I come back from the hospital and tell my Thai gf how much I paid - it makes her laugh at me. 

    P.S. Taking into consideration this hostile (in some ways) attitude towards strangers in Thailand - all the farangs indeed should be very cautious here and take a good care about their insurance and other related staff. 

  4. 4 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:

    Everything is hazardous everywhere. Bad things happen, and quite regularly. 

    I don't know about everything...But medical prices all over the world are often absurd and unjustifiable. My most recent example. I go to BKK-Pattaya hospital to ask a doctor for a certain medicine. I pay 1100 baht just to see a doctor and get a receipt from him. Then I buy a medicine which turns out to be about 6 USD per capsule (totally 30 capsules bought). Now, after taking only 1 capsule I understood that it's dosage is too high for me and I need a smaller amount of the medicine per capsule taken. I go back to the hospital and explain my problem at the reception. And I am sent to the doctor again (cost of this visit is again 1100 baht!). And guess what - the doctor says that the medicines cannot be changed at their hospital and I can only buy a new one -although the tablets are still in the original packaging and were bought from the same hospital just 3 days ago. Is it rip-off or not? Do they really care to help people or they only need as much cash from you as possible? And this is only one small example.My every interaction with medical system makes me feel disgusted about most of the people working there. So I try to avoid it whenever I can.

  5. 2 hours ago, likewise said:

    a 56.000$ bill at Krabi government hospital........knowing the place I cannot understand how they come up with such an amount ???


    It works the same way as dealing with any kind of business without agreeing on the price of the service before getting that service. For example, you stop a taxi on Phuket (which never have a meter) and say you want to go to Patong. After arriving to Patong taxi driver is asking 1500 baht although you know the usual price is only 300 baht. What can you do? Not much. When it comes to the cases like in this thread (and the hospitals in common) - the woman did not have a chance to discuss the price of the hospital's service. Probably she was unconscious most of the time. And if so - why not 56.000 USD? She should be thankful they did not ask for 560.000 USD. Just a classic medical rip-off case!

  6. 3 minutes ago, zorro1 said:

    Thousands of tourists you speak of are not carrying coke in their bowels.
    We can not know what it's like to be in that situation and if we would have a panic attack.

    Everybody is cool behind a key board.. Very different in real life!

    so you think she was running around the policemen crying "ouh my god, I have a cocaine in my bowel, ouh my god!" ?

  7. First, there is not such a female name in Russia - Ilia... It is strictly a male name. Her name is probably Yulia. Second, does anybody believe this:


    "Airport police became suspicious last Wednesday and decided to X-ray the woman."   


    Suspicious like what? There are thousands and thousands of tourists going through Suvarnabhumi every day. If the police would stop anybody they consider "suspicious" and put him/her on Xray - then the airport would stop working the same day because of the huge never ending lines of people. As in majority of the cases like this - the police had the information when Yulia was already on the board to Thailand. The information came from the columbian or brasilian police who themselves have a big network of informers. But off course , it is better for the Thai police's image to claim that they can actually see through people. Yeah!

  8. 7 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Don't these drug king pins ever learn that the higher they are the harder

    they fall? haven't they seen their counterpart ending in a ditch, or at best,

    in prison for life with all their wordily possessions gone?

    They have the brains to build a drug empire, but too stupid to know

    that it will not last....

    Don't be so brainwashed (and also jealous). Most of those big money drug dealers are doing just fine (as opposed to 90% of the failing ordinary drug mules). Also, don't be so worried about this laotian guy's future. If handled properly ,he will be free soon with several Thai police officials buying themselves one more apartment ,BMW or Mercedes. If not - what was the point of arresting him? To save Thai people from Yaba? Ouh no! Don't say me you believe this BS  )))

  9. What next? 50 years visa for those with 1 billion baht in the bank account?  Reminds me an introduction of a new 6 months tourist visa which seemed to be great until we knew all the details. Somehow all these changes have one thing in common: they are aimed at reducing the amount of foreigners in Thailand. Especially those staying more than 1 month at a time.

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