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Posts posted by fulhamster

  1. 2 hours ago, Crusader said:

    This money thing often crops up in forums...

    800k is a paltry amount of money to keep in an account to ensure one can remain in the country.  If people ares truggling to follow this, then surely they are not very well set for retirement.

    And what pecentage of Thais are able to put away 800K knowing they can never touch it ?

    1%  ?? Or perhaps 2% at a stretch

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, bronzedude said:

    Bonanza Golf club in Khao Yai has "free" weekday green fees. Carts 600 baht. Caddy fee 400 baht--but caddy not compulsory. Course is in very good condition. I played there last Wednesday (with a caddy for course knowledge-and I'm lazy about fixing divots and raking bunkers etc.). There was a Thai 4 ball I saw that played without caddies, so they paid 600 baht for a round of golf. I played Kiramaya Golf course two days earlier and I preferred the Bonanza course--it was kept up better.

    Sounds a good deal. So is the cart compulsory ? Would have thought so otherwise you could walk without a caddy for free ?

  3. On 8/22/2020 at 7:08 AM, DrDave said:

    Your average taxi doesn't pay tens of thousands of baht for fuel for one trip (4,000 litres BKK - HKT), make lease payments on a 1 billion baht vehicle (35 million USD), pay for airport gate and facilities rental, spare parts inventory, salaries for mechanics, cleaning crews, ramp and customer service agents, pilots, and flight attendants, IT, administrative and other capital expenses and much, much more.


    A taxi driver making just 3 runs per day will gross over 2,000 baht. The cost of fuel (LPG) is negligible, and car payments and insurance under 300 baht/day.  Now compare that to the average skilled Thai worker who is lucky to earn 800-1000 baht per day.

    Insurance ?? You think they have insurance !!!!????????????

    • Like 1
  4. On 8/16/2020 at 10:55 PM, topt said:

    You can find examples where it is certainly cheaper but not the ones you quoted. 

    Generally I am not paying more than 1500 baht per round (and normally less) which is less than $50US and that includes cf and tip.

    As posted many times before the number of courses where carts are not compulsory far outweighs those where they are especially around Pattaya and Hua Hin.

    I sympathise if your local courses are much more expensive.

    Although there are courses around Pattaya that do not make carts compulsory, nearly all have made carts single use, even the compulsory ones.


  5. 9 hours ago, smylee52 said:

    Bottom line is the caddie program in Thailand is a make work project that the government doesn't have to fund . It is an unfair tax put on golfers because we get little to no value for our money .  I stipulate to the caddy master , no old ladies , no men and the prettier the better because other than a nice woman to look at I find them to be a pain in the ass that I have the added insult of having to pay to have them spend 4 hours with me  .  

    They are a pain because more often than not they don't speak a lick of English , have zero interest in their own countries politics , history , culture or geography . After  the "how many babies " and "where you from ? " there is just redundant inanities . I love when they are 50 metres from the hole and tell you 2 cup  qua (right). Newbies go on about how well the caddies can read the greens . <deleted>. After seeing that putt a hundred times she could be at home and you contact her on messenger to show her where you are on the green and they can give you the break . I suggest video on messenger  because she probably can't speak English and there is a very high probabilty she is on Facebook

    I golf to enjoy the game and socialize with mates . I don't need to spend time witth illiterate village women who genearally make litlle to no effort to improve themselves in their chosen profession . Yes it is a profession becasue they are receiving a days pay for a leisurely half day of throwing out the occassional , "caddie no good " . |For me it is compounded by physical restrictions as a result of arthritis that necessitates I take a buggy . I have to pay for a caddie to drive my buggy all the while being informed I still have liability for any untoward occurrences . i always tell  them I expect good information from them as they are professional caddies . Funny with their extremely limited English they all seem to understand professiional and 100% of the time they answer "me no professional ". 


    I could go on at length , from my experiences , on Thai golf courses how we are being ripped off by making caddies mandatory but if you have golfed in Thailand you know the score . Obviously this is IMHO and unlike the evangelical hippocrites looking to interfere in everyone's lives I understand that scores of golfers enjoy  having caddies so making it  voluntary would be a good compromise . 


    I now golf much less when in Thailand because comparatively speaking, when  you add caddies , the cost is way out of line .  Now that we are in a pandemic the cost is still over the top . I look forward to some well financed group , one day , opening  a course where caddies are optional in Chonburi . I believe it will do well financially . Perhaps a one time honorary membership fee of 500 baht to eastablish it as  a private club . I'm afraid if the exisiting courses tried to go the elective route the community back lash woud be considerable . For those that don't know there is no law requiring golf courses to employ caddies .


    Before the apologists start their attack let me say I  give the caddie 50 baht after 2 or 3 holes to buy her own drink . 9 times out 10 the money stays in her pocket . I never fault caddies for bad reads on greens and I tip 300 baht at the end of the round . I treat them with respect and they never know that I would really prefer to not have a caddie .  Usually I get a jai dee (good heart) at some point in the round ; sometimes after an ignorant Falang is strongly rebuking a caddies poor read when in fact he is a <deleted>ty putter . 


    I would wager courses would see more rounds if caddies were optional .

    Very well stated, you state what many of us feel and have encountered over the years.


    King Naga course in it's previous name as Rayong Country Club (Ok not technically Chonburi, but near enough) ran a low-season promotion some years back where caddies were optional.

    Our group (16 or more every week) played there a few times, until the promotion was suddenly scrapped after about a month.

    Could see it coming, the caddies scowling at us as we walked/drove to the 1st tee without them.

    And our scores stayed the same as when we had to use caddies.

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