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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 4 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    So you are saying I can get a year-long extension? Then, as I DO go overseas once or twice a year, I have to go through the hassle of getting a permit to re-enter the country, correct?


    you can get multiple re-entry permit with the extension. i like it as it saves me the hassle of a 1200km 3 day round trip to another country 4 times a year, but saying that i used to like it when i was younger! each to their own ????



  2. 11 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    I'm not aware of an extension that allows me to stay for a year. Perhaps you could explain. And what then would be the purpose of issuing visas for only three months if you can extend it for a year.


    Does it require a sum in the bank? I know they have dreamed up an arbitrary figure for some types of visa, which is far in excess of what I need to live on. I can live comfortably on 25,000 a month, with a large house that is paid for, aircon, tv, internet, running a car, going out for dinner once a week. The authorities, I believe, demand that I have to show far more than I need.


    Even with the extensions that I am aware of, you still have to jump through hoops by getting a re-entry permit if you leave the country.


    you have to show more than that BUT they don't demand spend it.


    seriously though it takes about 1 hour a year & you never have to cross a border all year


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  3. On 6/19/2019 at 11:13 AM, spidermike007 said:

    When I was growing up, we took drivers education courses. They showed us horrendous films, or semi trucks plowing into cars, and literally obliterating everything in their path. They also showed us graphic images of head on collisions. 120mph impacts. Even as a young kid, it made quite an impression. It was horrific, and it was hard to get those images out of your head afterwards. But, it left a lasting impression, and when I started driving, I understood it was serious business, and that it was a very dangerous thing to do.


    I see people driving here, with their families in the car, and doing things, and taking the kinds of risks no rational or sane person with common sense would do. What for? To gain one minute? Why take those risks? What is the logic? Often, when I am cruising along at 100kph, someone cuts right in front of me. Or someone comes out from the side road, right in front of me. I have to slam on my brakes, or change lanes to avoid him. I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me. So, if he had waited two seconds, he would have had completely safe passage onto the highway. What gives? Where is the intelligence, caution, and prudence? Where is the common sense? What about just the survival instinct? 


    The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. And Casper the ghost is more visible than the incredibly hapless highway patrol.


    All of this applies even more so, if driving a motorcycle. 


    the one that gets me is when one of these idiots tailgates me for a km or so then finally slams it around me.. only to take the next left.



  4. 4 minutes ago, howbri said:

    I just got my one year renewal today on retirement visa. I showed monthly income coming into BKK bank rather than lump sum. Had to jump thru many hoops and after 3 trips to the bank and immigration, got it. Circus!


    and people wonder why cheangwhattana is busy nowadays

  5. 17 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    We shall not forget that May and June traditionally are low-season month, and has always been quite dead, apart from a few years with budget tourists from Russia or Eastern Europe (hard for me to instantly tell the difference between Ukrainians and Russians).


    Chaweng's party nightlife has been crowded by loads of international high school kids since mid May, just like last year – count in hundreds, perhaps even a thousand – presumable some resorts made bargains during the low season.


    But true that many Europens suffers from bad baht exchange rates, so do many expats...:whistling:


    so do chinese, yuan is down 25% last couple of years too

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  6. can't tell you what to do but can tell you what not to do:


    stay away from anyone offering advice in a bar and DO NOT click on any ads you see on the internet offering advice you'll end on every boiler room list from here to Manila


    maybe contact someone from your own country - make sure they adhere to this:

    "A fiduciary financial advisor is an investment professional who is licensed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or state regulators. Fiduciary advisors are important for clients because they are legally required to put clients' interests ahead of their own"



  7. 28 minutes ago, webfact said:


    Properties have up to two years before final rules come into place. At present there is an amnesty as properties are asked to register their change of usage from private to commercial.


    why the need to change usage for short lets but not long lets?


    this whole thing is a mess i don't think anybody knows what to do even if they want to go legal.. hotel, homestay, villa, guesthouse.. really need some clear rules here.



  8. 10 minutes ago, webfact said:

    He said that the local authority in conjunction with other agencies are looking into the whole matter regarding the legality and rules connected to the letting of pool villas on a daily basis. 


    The move refers to properties with four rooms or less catering to 20 people or less. 


    i see one dude on airbnb the other day has 351 properties for rent (under management?) in the hua hin area. this is big business now.


    i could be wrong but it looks like some villages are renting out unsold stock short term while they wait for buyers. either that or large sections of popular new villages have been bought solely to let out.


    either way buyer beware right now i'd hate to be buying into one of those places



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  9. 20 hours ago, JSixpack said:

    Can the bank not use it for lending in the local economy just like other deposits? Any special restriction? It may be that the bank, assessing creditworthiness, can ensure that the deposit is used more productively than for just paying bar fines and buying bottles of Chang at the 7/11.


    if thai banks are anything like western banks, through the process of fractional reserve banking, they will be able to lend that money out at a rate of 9:1


    so that 400K becomes a lendable amount of 3.6M baht - lendable as loans, mortgages etc


    remember that when somchai buys the house next door! (though i wouldn't mention it to him hahaha)



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