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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 1 minute ago, Eleutherios said:

    This was the bar fine that is paid after a few drinks.  I wanted to finish a second beer and leave.  She wanted a few drinks and a few of her friends to get drinks.  I figured that when that was over, we would leave.  Instead, she took off to talk to a new friend.


    sounds like her "boyfriend" turned up and she had to act like she not "working" until she could shoo him out then get back over to you..


    next time.. pay the bar fine when you are leaving with your tab. if is she refuses to leave, it will be easy to get a refund (barfine) and more importantly a good nights sleep ????


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  2. 2 hours ago, hyku1147 said:

    LOL! If the terrible remarks that were made about straight guys were leveled at the 4.5% minority - then accusations galore would materialize.

    I love Pattaya because it is free of the shame and guilt that permeates North American society.

    you mean the "Real men don't use prostitutes" campaigns?


    yeah, there's that :cheesy:



    • Haha 1
  3. 17 hours ago, DrTuner said:

    Just about everything in BKK is soon more expensive than the international equivalents. And the quality of life is spiraling down at the same time. Can't fathom why any one would want to move there.


    live there not so sure about but i can admit that even after being here for 18 years, on the rare occasions i do venture into Bangkok, my first thought on arrival is always the same..


    "I'm in Bangkok man!!!"





  4. 58 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    One thing that is not being taken into account here, is that in the past there was always a moral authority who blessed the coups. That situation no longer exists. 


    agree and calling his bluff would bring near universal disapproval of the military's involvement in politics.


    truth is if he cannot form a government he should do the honorable thing and stand down for the good of thailand and it's people.


    i'm guessing that won't happen though



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  5. 3 hours ago, ChipButty said:

    One day I went to the Similan it was like that


    i think every 'organized' boat tour i've ever been on has been like that


    now if i'm flush i hire private - its affordable if i round up some mates to chip in with


    "over there captain.. that beach! get the bbq out"



  6. 30 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    I've been coming here 8 years and living here for 5. There has never been a good time here to sell a house in the country or city. I've lived in farang type estates and villages and never seen any of the houses in those areas that were on the market sell. Seen some land sell at about 50% of the market price. Houses on the market are usually ridiculously overpriced (wishful thinking) and the houses that do sell seem to have to be ridiculously underpriced. I have always gone with the general attitude do not invest in anything in Thailand unless you are prepared to walk away from it. 


    3 houses in my street have sold in the past year, at good prices too


    one's being renovated right now by the new owners and starting to look pretty nice


    all about location & desirability



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  7. 4 minutes ago, StayinThailand2much said:

    Easy: cause Chinese visitors have their government behind them, that pressures Thailand when there are accidents, or Chinese citizens are treated poorly. Western governments/embassies care sh*t about their citizens being mistreated in Thailand. - All foreigners living long-term in Thailand (any nationality) need to organise and build a lobby, otherwise Thais can trample on our human rights and mistreat us whenever they want...


    brilliant idea, where do i sign up to your lobby?



  8. 21 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

    Ok, in Thailand they could ask 1000 usd for a Visa per year. What is important here - 90%+ of western long stayers are profitable for the Thai economy. There is no doubt about that. And still the government tries everything they can to make these people move to Laos, Vietnam etc. Isn't that kinda stupid policy?


    i think the issue is that although generally westerners are good for tourism the immigration rules are not written solely FOR westerners. they have to be written in a way that is (for the most part) not discriminatory and the problem is thailand attracts a lot of bad apples. our problems on the whole are small compared to say the issues with other countries tourists/immigrants here. from camps of indians undocumented in bangkok to neighboring countries illegally working to chinese/korean gambling operations to traffickers to russian mafia to card scamming gangs and to any of a 100 other organised criminal enterprises, thailand has been seen as a soft touch for quite a few decades.


    it seems to me that the clampdowns over the last few years have been more in response to this and international pressure to reign it in than it is directly aimed at the western market.


    thailand wants to project that they are developing, on top of things and won't stand for it any longer and that includes visa abuse from us as well.


    we're just unfortunately getting wrapped up and affected by the changes as well and myopically see this all as "they hate us" but i don't think that is the case, we're just collateral damage.




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  9. 10 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    Playing the stock market (owning assets) has never needed a work permit.. confirmed many times.. 


    Working for someone, online or off, for yourself even is what they consider work under the basis of the law.. It has been stated explicitly even collecting ad revenue when you are creating the content, is work in thier standard. 


    yeah can confirm the same. every year when i go to get my marriage extension my wife and i are asked what we do for income (even though i apply based on 400K).

    its a low key question but i always state i'm an investor, uk property, stocks and bonds. never once has it been questioned, always been accepted and is clearly on record.

    for the record i'm not a day trader but i do check my portfolios every now and again. i also check my bank statements, shop around for FTDs here and CDs back home. personally i do not see the difference, they also pay interest and involve my effort for a personal gain as does keeping an eye on exchange rates and deciding when to transfer money here at the best rate and in the cheapest way.

    to suggest i'd need a work permit for any of these activities would be ludicrous.


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  10. 57 minutes ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Think it may have the opposite effect as they try to maintain the baht's strength and farangs paying for the deficit based on nothing more than gut feeling ???? 


    baht is strong because surplus so big right?


    they would rather borrow to build then spend their reserves hence baht stays high.


    would need to spend down reserves or run a trade deficit or lower interest rates (another way to spend down reserves) to bring the baht down.


    ergo baht strength is political if i've got this right?



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