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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 1 minute ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

    Great idea to improve the 'quality' of the tourist, but for this to happen, you need to improve the quality of the destination. Improve the roads. Improve the behaviours of road users. Do something about taxi drivers ripping off passengers. Do something about violent Thai young men. Do something about lady boy bashing and robbing tourists. Do something about dual pricing. Do something about Thai people leaving rubbish everywhere thats a tourist destination. Do something about the Soi dogs roaming everywhere. Do something about the ugly dirty street vendors. Oh, wait. There's way too much doing when all Thai authorities seem capable of is Talk. Pathetic.


    sounds like work.. can't they just build another mall?

  2. seems to me that a lot of the western market are renting villas or condos on a weekly or monthly basis rather than staying in hotels and staying in them much more than going out and hitting restaurants. the demographics have also changed i'm seeing many more young families and multi-generational families than single guys/groups. what i've noticed in Hua Hin is that on xmas and new year nights it was packed out everywhere i went but then all week its been quiet. so thats it, peak season over, i thought.. but no last night (saturday) it was full out again everywhere. so the tourists are here (confirming the data above) but where did these western tourists go all week? i doubt they flew home and a new influx just arrived so i have to assume its much more likely they stayed in their villas all week, cooking at home, enjoying time with their families and generally saving money and maybe feeling safer. then they are "picking" their nights out. bear in mind the weather has been good here all week, not great but definitely not like the south, dry nights etc



    maybe we have a new class of tourist.. "zero baht farang"! able to get here but poorer.. book flights abroad, book villas abroad, shop at makro :thumbsup:



    edit: i should mention in between xmas and new years eve it was dead in town as well

  3. 12 minutes ago, seancbk said:

    The State railway of Thailand recently spent 176 Billion Baht on 115 new train cars.   

    That might be more than the budget for a Police salary increase but it's certainly not 895 Billion that you mention.   

    Bear in mind also any increase in Police salaries isn't a one off expenditure like buying new trains, it is an ongoing cost that will only increase year on year as salaries rise.




    895bn is how much the gov has just announced it is releasing to spend on infrastructure projects this year alone.


    they have the money they are just not willing to spend it on the RTP 

  4. 2 hours ago, seancbk said:

    entry level salaries for police with no university education was 6,800 baht (2012). In June 2015, the Bangkok Post reported that, "Thai police officers are paid around 14,760 baht per month (6,800–8,340 baht for entry level) and have to buy their own guns and even office supplies."  He posits that one reason salaries are so low is that the sheer number of officers is staggering, roughly 250,000. This means that an increase of 5,000 baht in every cop's monthly salary would cost the government a politically untenable 15 billion baht annually.


    Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Thai_Police


    and yet 895bn baht for a new train set or two is not a problem :whistling:

  5. 53 minutes ago, LivinginKata said:

    Many of the above posts are correct. Phuket has long time lost it's exotic and cheap slogan for short stay western tourists. It's fine for us long stay types who know the ropes, but it's rip off for the visitors.


    Folks have so many new(er) places to give a try ...



    the meme when i arrived a decade ago was "what we lost on the flight we made up on the stay" 


    now with the baht where it is and inflation doubling prices as well Thailand is forced to compete for long haulers on its merits.


    its a hard sell

  6. tourists have finally arrived in Hua Hin over the last week, which all though pleasant right now, is a shame for Hua Hin as over the last decade i'd considered it one of the last remaining places that still had a "high season" that ran from October to March.


    This year it's looking like it's joined the ranks of 2 week high seasons as well :sad:


    oh well can't say you wasn't warned Thailand..

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