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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 6 hours ago, ezzra said:


    By the look of things, it seems that the authorities doesn't have a viable and workable strategy with good exit to minimize casualties, not by force anyway, that ship has sailed long time a go, the best way will be to shutdown all financial and banking activities of the temple and it's leaders and freeze their accounts while denying basic services and utilities until such time they will let the authorities do their job....


    i would have probably said the same a week or so ago but now looking at it i think all it would accomplish is 1000+ monks on hunger strike.. an absolute PR disaster for thailand on the world stage, not to mention the obvious human tragedy

  2. 3 hours ago, OnTheRun said:


    Even if it isn't your fault you'll be in the wrong mate. It happened to me a couple of years back, nightime, turning right at a busy intersection and a guy on a bike with no lights on drove across the junction and I hit him. Nobody was injured and just a small scratch on his bike but a crowd of people quickly formed, lucky the guy was ok and accepted 500 Baht for his stupidity and I left the scene as soon as I saw he was not hurt. 


    wow i must have been really lucky, twice i've knocked a thai off their bike and both times the police ruled in my favor (i wasn't in the wrong on both counts btw). helps to have good insurance here i guess. stay calm, be respectful and let them deal with it, thats what the premiums are for

  3. 4 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    So much confusion. Has the requirements changed or not? Do you need the 3 mil baht? How far in advance of applying for your visa does the money need to be in the bank?


    so.. get sick, deposit money, wait 1 year (hope not die!), apply visa, accepted, get medical treatment.


    hmm i'm no Sherlock but there may be a flaw in this process :cheesy:

  4. 1 minute ago, chrissables said:

    You really are a <deleted>!

    A burden on the system? They just don't treat you!

    Treat as a soi dog, really, you are scum.


    yep this thread and the other one are a stark reminder of just how many <deleted> there are in thailand, funny how they mostly seem to be the rich ones.. the ones thailand wants more of LOL

  5. 16 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    Mook 23

    We are talking here about a major accident or illness that precludes travelling.

    Would everyone stop dancing around the reality here.

    If you are over 50 & want to retire here then 3 mil in your bank account  in Thailand is not excessive.

    If that is too much maybe time to head home & let your ex nanny state take care of you

    Singaporeans in Oz have to bring twice that into the country to live there.


    3M is not excessive, being told where to put it, when to spend it and what to spend it on is though

  6. 4 hours ago, Canceraid said:

    If they are checking on seminars....they should check up all the Bangkok Meet-up Groups and also events hosted bY Bangkok Entrepreneurs Group like the mobile summit etc....do the speakers ta these evenst have the relevant permits and licenses or even necessary work-permits to give talks. They collect door fees...is this legal and are the necessary taxes paid. Most farangs attending these events are not even properly registered in terms of work-permits, visas etc.


    why would someone need a work permit to pay to hear someone talk? no different to going to a muay thai demonstration or even a comedy club surely?


    on own time and money that would be a hobby not work maybe even educational



  7. 38 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    At 5,000 Bht per ton that makes it 5 Bht per kilo. It would appear to me that the middlemen are the crooks jacking up the prices that we pay at the store. Put the reins on these profiteers and give the poor farmers a fair share of the retail prices paid over the counter !


    the middlemen will just buy it elsewhere? maybe chinese or vietnamese rice and sell it on to tescos and friends i'd imagine

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