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Posts posted by GeorgeCross

  1. 12 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

    If you're a resident here, you don't need a five year visa. You can stay here as long as you can meet the requirements, which the majority of long term married stayers and retirees etc, can do.. 


    what worries me is they bring in the 5 year visa, make it impossibly hard to get (10M baht capital etc) and do away with the retirement/marriage extensions


    think it can't happen? i still remember how excited everyone got about the METV until we found out the requirements, that we could only apply in our home countries AND they were going to kill off the double entry :sad:

  2. 33 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

    So the government gives workers a 5-10 baht a day minimum wage raise and then tells manufacturers to hold off increasing their pricing. Would have made just as much sense to not give a minimum wage increase and tell manufacturers to not raise prices. In principle, it's the exact same thing.



    it gets worse.. by raising minimum wages those who cannot provide enough "value" to employers to justify the increased costs lose their jobs and those on fixed income get poorer through inflation.


    great policy.


    so who wins? well government get more taxable income and also look good to the financially uneducated (thats most of us) :sad:

  3. 17 hours ago, piersbeckett said:

    No, their webpage is totally useless and confusing.  Firstly, what is it 'the energy' of and then what the *uck does "Enjoy an exclusive life style needing to use money" mean? 


    Perhaps it's fear of losing face that while they are investing huge sums in acquiring land and construction they don't bother to consult a competent native English speaker (& writer) to advise them on the appropriate naming of the complex as well as to design or at least edit their website.


    "the energy" - sounds like a UK rave party lol

  4. 9 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    " granted special leniency to stay " would be various ethnic groups who do not have Thai nationality, or are still in long process of obtaining it, but are allowed to remain in Thailand indefinitely.


    Triabl groups etc


    long-term multi-generational Chinese


    in Issan area there are people of Lao and Khmer ancestery whop have lived in Thailand for mul;tiple generationsd




    Nothing to do with resident expats


    and there was me thinking "good guys in" were finally going to catch a break..

  5. 3 minutes ago, darrendsd said:


    I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


    It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


    no-one was arrested for drug dealing though, where were the drug dealing people you refer too?

  6. 3 hours ago, pcliff069 said:

    Not quite sure where you are from Georgie boy but I'm going to go out on a limb and say pompous git land. Now I'm sure in pgl they have forms available in all languages to fill out and you being a good little ambassador from Pgl expect the same here. And rightly so after all pgl does rule the world. Sadly it isn't so. So when someone asks you to pick up the soap don't ask how far you want it up your Russell
    Goodbye you are a boring little git


    lol :cheesy:

  7. On September 21, 2016 at 8:12 AM, kannot said:

    This as mentioned being asked of  all farangs by me and I live way out of Pranburi, the form was given to my Wife by a  FULL TIME official Thai policeman who has been coming here for over 3-4  years, no tourist police here anyway. HERE is the form you will be asked to fill in, again was told simply "from govt"




    "i'd be happy to fill in the english translated form mr.policeman.. now jog on x"

  8. weird, i ride 10-20km most days in hua hin, all over town and hin lek fai area and have never been attacked by dogs however i see and pass many on my rides.


    i like dogs a lot though.. maybe they are picking up the bad feelings towards them? kind of like how they "smell fear" - or is that just a myth?


    who knows.. hope you find a solution :thumbsup:

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