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Gold Star

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Everything posted by Gold Star

  1. At the police station, they have blown away the coffee machine to become the most popular machine in the building.
  2. Most importantly, they are ensuring there is a slot available to discreetly insert brown envelopes.
  3. Just wait till they add the cables for the energy transition to this mess.
  4. All reports so far indicate this is a milder, more transmissible variant that will displace Delta as the dominant strain, bringing an end to the mortal dangers of this pandemic. Perhaps doing the opposite, and letting it into the country may be be the right thing to do to get the world back on track. We will know soon either way. It is coming.
  5. I feel sorry for those expats on the monthly income method. Immigration requires that you get it from a broad.
  6. Great news! The effect of Omicron will be small, because so few tourists are coming.
  7. Just how many people must die before they stop building U-turns on Thai highways instead of proper intersections? Insane! Vehicles that pull out to U-turn in front of you just don't care, especially big trucks and lorries.
  8. These mountain roads up there have tight corners that you can't see around, steep drop offs, branches, rocks, debris, wet spots, with few straight sections. For idiots, that means any place is as good as any other one to overtake and risk the lives of your 10 passengers trusting you with their care. If you drive like a crazy madman to get your cargo to the destination and save a couple minutes on the trip, the sooner you are finished for the day, even though you are travelling with a second van. Sadly here, there are and will never be enough consequences for dangerous behaviour to prevent this from happening. The value of life becomes cheap, and the carnage continues.
  9. I imagine fat girls are finally getting some action at night. They hold a lot more heat.
  10. Just part of the Bitcoin bubble's 20% meltdown on Friday.
  11. Now that she has the Thai flag positioned in between the two best places on a woman's body, there should be no more complaints.
  12. No. Experienced men, from all around the world. Nothing to do with race Chris.
  13. An expat mining friend that worked for a long time in the Thai gold mining industry here seems to have another story regarding the root cause. Years ago, he along with other foreigners in charge were deemed high priced, and forced by the gov't to be let go to be replaced by Thais. The standards, knowledge, procedures, and quality of work went out the door with them. When the replacement Thais took over, they had no idea how to run a mine properly. The resulting equipment failures, accidents, and lack of maintenance due to bad management, bad supervision, lack of skills, lower output, and resulting pollution incidents resulted in an inevitable order for closure. The way I have seen things done around here, I tend to believe his story. Either way, it is a sad and costly legacy. I just wonder how the Thai space program will manage...
  14. Who here also thinks we should use the Klingon alphabet next, once all the Greek letters are used up for these variants?
  15. Meanwhile, the CDC is switching to the Klingon alphabet for viruses as they quickly run out of letters to scare people with.
  16. Why would they think it would spike? The chances of a new arrival catching Covid from anyone in Thailand is far greater than someone in Thailand getting it from a double vaxxed, twice tested, hoop jumping new arrival.
  17. Perhaps before being able to trust China as a country with any relations whatsoever, China must: 1) Withdraw its militarization and takeover of the South China Sea 2) Cease further provocation and threats to invade and take over Taiwan 3) Stop the genocide, rape, forced labour, and torture by releasing the million Uyghurs held in concentration camps in Xinjiang
  18. More importantly, there are 143 countries (73%) that DO NOT recognize Sinovac. The following countries allow entry for persons vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine, but some on this list will let you in , but have additional restrictions with Sinovac, like you cannot go out in public. Albania Finland Paraguay Armenia Georgia Philippines Austria Greece Serbia Azerbaijan Hong Kong Slovenia Bangladesh Iceland South Africa Brazil Indonesia Spain Cambodia Kazakhstan Sri Lanka Cape Verde Kyrgyzstan Sweden Chile Laos Switzerland China Macedonia Tajikistan Colombia Malaysia Thailand Cyprus Mexico Togo Dominican Republic Nepal Tunisia East Timor Netherlands Turkey Ecuador Oman Ukraine Egypt Pakistan Uruguay El Salvador Panama Zimbabwe United States of America
  19. That is good news. It is hard enough for those in the villages to come down off the mountains to get to town, let alone Chiang Mai. Perhaps if they organized a few hundred busses for them, and take the whole population to Chiang Mai for a jab and bring them back, that might work out well. I'm fully jabbed myself.
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