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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Kirby says US looking to hold in-person meeting with Israel in ‘next week or so’ On Sunday, Kirby referenced the plan for the forthcoming meeting, saying, “We hope to be able to present in more detail, our thinking, some of our alternatives, the kinds of things that we want them to learn from our own experiences, about how to do operations of this regard.” When Israeli officials canceled the planned delegation to the U.S., Kirby responded at the time by saying the White House was “perplexed” by that decision. He said the White House’s abstention to the U.N. resolution was not a shift in its policy. “A couple of points that need to be stated and in fact, restated. No. 1, it’s a nonbinding resolution. So, there’s no impact at all on Israel and Israel’s ability to continue to go after Hamas,” Kirby said at the time. “No. 2 … it does not represent a change at all in our policy. It’s very consistent with everything that we’ve been saying we want to get done here. And, we get to decide what our policy is.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4579422-kirby-says-us-looking-to-hold-in-person-meeting-with-israel-in-next-week-or-so/
  2. Here is some evidence, stop this nonsense denial. A UNWRA Social worker taking a body back to Gaza. (dressed in black) I have already provided a link to the evidence shared to US Congress, there is a video of it to. https://www.timesofisrael.com/video-shows-unrwa-social-worker-abducting-body-of-israeli-on-oct-7/ Your claim: Even America hasn't seen any evidence. Telling porkies
  3. This is not an opinion: "Yet in a series of lengthy reports, the ministry admits that the figures the media treat as authoritative rely in part on reporting from . . . the media. The ministry says its casualty counts include two types of fatalities: those recorded by medical facilities and those reported by “reliable media sources.” In its March 31 report, the ministry attributes 15,070 of the dead, or 45.9%, to news reports. From which outlets? The ministry never says." And that is further evidenced in previous links I posted
  4. Yes really, your claim: Even America hasn't seen any evidence. Not true, evidence was shared with Congress as well as UNWRA numerous times and you may want to note that the US has suspended all funding till at least 2025 These reports range from 10 to 200 pages. For example, just in November, we sent a report on 20 teachers who celebrated the October 7th massacre. In March, together with IMPACT-se, we identified 133 UNRWA teachers and staff who promoted hate and violence in social media. In June 2022, we released a report called UNRWA’s Teachers of Hate. It included the following Facebook post by Elham Mansour, an UNRWA teacher: “By Allah, anyone who can kill and slaughter any Zionist and Israeli criminal and doesn’t do so, doesn’t deserve to live. Kill them and pursue them everywhere. They are the greatest enemy. All Israel deserves is death.” This is an UNRWA teacher’s statement on Facebook. We sent it to the UN. They did nothing. We sent them reports in 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015 numerous reports. https://unwatch.org/hillel-neuers-congressional-testimony-on-unrwas-failure/ I will wait for a link to your claim
  5. Even America hasn't seen any evidence. I would check that claim of your if I was you
  6. No I have no difficulty as I have no difficult listening to the hostages who describe the sexual abuse they suffered. This is nothing to do with Eylon Levy by the way.
  7. They are living in the UK, I also used to live in the UK but don't anymore. I have a daughter that lives in the UK. I have a son that lives in Thailand. We were all born in the UK. I have another daughter that lives in Thailand.
  8. Yet another article on the dodgy Hamas death figures and women/children percentages, seem to be getting one a week now! Hamas’s Casualty Numbers Games As Israeli troops batter Hamas and drive its surviving forces to the southern edge of the Gaza Strip, the Gaza Health Ministry has etched in the public mind a statistic that casts Israel’s war of self-defense as a bloodbath: 70% of the dead in Gaza are women and children, the Hamas-run ministry says, and more than 30,000 lives in total have been lost. Is it true? Yet in a series of lengthy reports, the ministry admits that the figures the media treat as authoritative rely in part on reporting from . . . the media. The ministry says its casualty counts include two types of fatalities: those recorded by medical facilities and those reported by “reliable media sources.” In its March 31 report, the ministry attributes 15,070 of the dead, or 45.9%, to news reports. From which outlets? The ministry never says. https://www.wsj.com/articles/hamass-numbers-games-civilian-death-counts-casualty-data-b99140eb https://archive.ph/JYQFg
  9. Its even more crucial to note that the actual poll was not done by HJS but was done by https://jlpartners.com/polling-results
  10. Back down to reality and less of the denialism. UN finds evidence of rape on Oct. 7 and after The United Nations has released a report indicating evidence of rape and sexual abuse during the October 7 Hamas onslaught against southern Israel. The report, presented by Pramila Patten, the UN special representative on sexual violence in conflict, at a press conference in New York, outlines disturbing findings based on extensive evidence-gathering efforts. According to the 24-page report, there is "clear and convincing" information suggesting that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, and other forms of abuse, was committed against hostages held in captivity by Hamas in Gaza. Moreover, there are "reasonable grounds" to believe that such violence is ongoing against those still held captive. https://aseannow.com/topic/1321564-un-finds-evidence-of-rape-on-oct-7-and-after-israel-they-tried-to-downplay-issue/
  11. What's that got to do with over 3,000 terrorists, 100's of Palestinian civilians and over 3,000 rockets attacking Israel on Oct 7th?
  12. That is not my intention. I don't believe you, that's been your every point in every post including this one. There would be no war now had it not been for Oct 7th and no, nothing that has happened since by Israel was carried out with the same murderous intent of Hamas. From an urban warfare expert: Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion The reality is that when it comes to avoiding civilian harm, there is no modern comparison to Israel's war against Hamas. Israel is not fighting a battle like Fallujah, Mosul, or Raqqa; it is fighting a war involving synchronous major urban battles. No military in modern history has faced over 30,000 urban defenders in more than seven cities using human shields and hiding in hundreds of miles of underground networks purposely built under civilian sites, while holding hundreds of hostages. Despite the unique challenges Israel faces in its war against Hamas, it has implemented more measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other military in history. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-implemented-more-measures-prevent-civilian-casualties-any-other-nation-history-opinion-1865613
  13. How about you stop your attempts at minimizing what Hamas are and have done
  14. And should the Palestinians just accept that Israelis get away with killing so many of their brothers and sisters? You should be asking how do the Palestinians just accept that Hamas gets away with killing so many of their brothers and sisters via using them as human shields and deliberate sacrifice?
  15. Every source has some political bias but what's that to with the question you asked and the reply from the White House statement from Kirby. Nothing. Another example of your dishonest debating and where I will leave you.
  16. From the OP "Last night, ministers were urged to step up their efforts to counter extreme narratives. Fiyaz Mughal, who founded interfaith groups Tell Mama, Faith Matters and Muslims Against Anti-Semitism, said the findings are “shocking but also not shocking”. He said: “Hamas is an Islamist extremist and terrorist group and has been terrorising Gazans, Israelis and liberals within society for decades."
  17. The quote is from the Whitehouse, Kirby, what dishonest deflection, an ongoing theme with you after having to point out why I replied in the first place to your question
  18. Which is nowhere near the number who believe Israel are engaged in genocide in Palestine. I know, terrible eh and certainly not surprising as I said in my pervious post. I am so happy you now find the survey credible after all that deflection.
  19. You asked a question, I gave a reply, its really that simple to anyone reading this:
  20. So destroying a whole building because some soldier 'thinks' there is a terrorist in one apartment is a legal act of war. Yes indeed matey
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