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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. "We're going to continue to support Israel's ability to defend itself against those sworn enemies that want to see it end as a modern state."
  2. Interesting that you now deflect once evidence of her antisemitism and support for terrorists is exposed beyond doubt with source links and now go back to Israel is bad
  3. Yawn, perhaps try a little harder when you look next time about their aims and objectives. Here's a messenger for you to give you a hint, he goes by the name of Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations who when in post said this: “I deeply appreciate the valuable work performed by UN Watch. Informed and independent evaluation of the United Nations’ activities will prove a vital source as we seek to adapt the Organization to the needs of a changing world.” — Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General Here a little more on this terror loving Francesca Albanese, there's rather a lot on this page, she's not a very nice woman, if you click on the link you can read it all. This website is also not there to monitor Israel, it is there to do what it says on the tin. "Participation in events hosted by organizations that have alleged ties to terror groups and that promote BDS (boycott, divestment, and sanctions) campaigns against Israel. Moral failures, as shown in labeling individuals convicted as terrorists as a “human rights defender” in her October 2022 report to the UN Human Rights Council. Consistently dismissing Israel’s security concerns, denying Israel’s right to self-defense, and tweeting in support of terrorism." https://www.ngo-monitor.org/francesca-albanese-special-rapporteur-to-demonize-israel/
  4. Not maybe definitely some terrorist leaders hit the dust never to be again. As for world order, I have no crystal ball on that, I Iet others speculate scaremonger and make predictions. Nobody knows what Iran will do yet, if much at all, read the article.
  5. Germany & France Condemn UN’s Francesca Albanese for ‘Disgraceful’ Antisemitism https://unwatch.org/germany-france-condemn-uns-francesca-albanese-for-disgraceful-antisemitism/
  6. These fantasy numbers dished just got even worse with evidence of deliberate hiding of the deaths from Gazans by failed rocket launches by Hamas. The names of those who died and continue to do so are added to the overall counts and blamed on IDF bombs. Around 11% of rockers fired by Hamas since Oct 7th towards Israel have failed and landed back in Gaza. Hamas document reveals it hides casualties, blames failed rocket launches on Israel - IDF “These documents clearly show that terrorist organizations in Gaza are cooperating to hide the extent of the destruction and killing caused by failed launches that fall on the residents, while making an effort to protect Hamas terrorists, overlooking the danger to civilians,” said Adraee in his statement. Lastly, Hamas reports were exposed featuring names of Gazan casualties as a result of failed launches, which were then recycled by Hamas in their outward reports of casualties, alleging they stemmed from Israeli airstrikes. In other words, Hamas counted casualties from PIJ failed rockets as casualties from Israeli attacks, proving yet again the lack of accuracy of their propaganda reporting. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-794610
  7. Food aid flowing into Gaza: Since the start of Mar., average 140 daily food trucks entered Gaza. NOTE: The 500 trucks a day pre-war figure included trucks of import and export carrying mostly building and industrial supplies. Only 70 food trucks entered Gaza daily pre-war. https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1774729438866940408
  8. Wrong, I'm not Jewish but consider it deeply offense to make comparisons with Jews and Nazi's be that anti-Semitic or just pure trolling. Extremely low bar insults that are unforgivable, so easy to spew out for effect.
  9. A bit of perspective on Al-Shifa and its use as a terror base for Hamas for years including bringing hostages there recently. An Amnesty report citied evidence of Hamas torturing and killing prisoners held there. The Real Gaza Hospital Crisis During the 2014 war between Hamas and Israel, multiple credible media outlets reported on the Hamas operations in the Gaza hospital. The Washington Post reported that Shifa was a “de facto headquarters” for Hamas. Wall Street Journal reporter Nick Casey tweeted an image of a Hamas spokesman giving an interview at a Gaza hospital, saying, “You have to wonder … how patients at Shifa hospital feel as Hamas uses it as a safe place to see media.” The tweet was later deleted. Similarly, Palestinian journalist Radjaa Abou Dagga wrote about how Hamas used Shifa for military purposes, but then sought to remove the article, fearing for his family’s safety. An open source intelligence report also published in Israel that year cited Palestinian sources who noted that Hamas used Shifa’s x-ray department as a jail and interrogation facility. An Amnesty International report the following year cited evidence of Hamas torturing and killing prisoners in Shifa. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/10/23/the-real-gaza-hospital-crisis/
  10. That's a misleading headline for the link, it does not say that at all. He wants to have a law passed that allows to shut down foreign networks if required, in this case Al Jazeera, hardly surprising, its employed terrorists and spread fake news including Anti-Semitic rhetoric. This has been ongoing since 2017 when the Israeli government moved to impose a ban on al-Jazeera news network. Along with 4 Arab Nations that demanded Qatar Shut down Al Jazeera.
  11. Israeli official: Some progress in hostage deal talks, negotiations expected to intensify There has been some progress in hostage talks in Cairo, an Israeli official tells The Times of Israel, and negotiations are expected to intensify noticeably in the coming days. The talks are being held in Cairo amid growing Israeli frustration with Qatar’s effectiveness as a mediator and its willingness to put pressure on Hamas. The continuation of talks will likely influence decisions made around an IDF operation in Rafah, the official says. “The two topics are linked,” says the official, adding that “the hostages are the first priority.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israeli-official-some-progress-in-hostage-deal-talks-negotiations-expected-to-intensify/
  12. Can you provide a credible link on this please George otherwise I will be forced to make a report to the forum mods. Sarcasm alert for those with no sense of humour
  13. The vile statement he made that he supported Hamas ended up with him now being charged under section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 inviting support for a proscribed organisation. I bit of jail time for him I hope. The others who surrounded the police van to try and stop him being taken away should have been carted of too. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/30/gaza-protesters-police-terror-suspect-arrest-london/ https://archive.ph/nUMBJ
  14. Nope: https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1774415269840007334 Israel Gaza: Journalists injured in al-Aqsa hospital air strike Seven journalists, including a freelancer working for the BBC, have been injured in an Israeli air strike in the courtyard of a hospital in Gaza. Four members of the Islamic Jihad (IJ) militant group were killed in the attack, the BBC understands. The Israeli military said it struck an IJ command centre in the grounds of the al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir al-Balah, Hamas and medical staff deny Israeli accusations that militants use hospitals as bases. Islamic Jihad, an ally of Hamas, has not commented. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68704280
  15. And yes, we don't have a crystal ball I don't do speculation on meetings that have not finished, I keep fingers crossed for host release deals and when Israel does go into Rafah which has the majority vote of all Israeli's even if they do want Netanyahu removed, I hope they demolish every last piece of terrorist infastructure and every last leader and terrorist eliminated, prison or death, their choice. The other choice is for Hamas to release the hostages & surrender, no Rafah operation needed, no more using Gazan civilians as human shields by Hamas, no more need to falsify the death counts. Surge food in, get the health care back on track.
  16. Its hilarious that you ignore my post that outs your false information about the hostages and instead resort to talking about other posters.
  17. Your link is about the meeting to discuss the Biden administration's alternative proposals for a full IDF ground invasion of Rafah. Netanyah's been in planning for a few weeks. I'm sure both his plans and those from Washington will this week be thrashed out along with hoping that Hamas finally agrees to a deal. All this multi tasking and none of us have a crystal ball eh. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave an Israeli delegation approval on Friday to resume indirect negotiations with Hamas in the coming days for a truce and hostage deal. https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-gives-shin-bet-mossad-chiefs-go-ahead-to-continue-hostage-talks/
  18. I never claimed you supported Hamas, you can read what I did post though and stop making things up.
  19. From the link: “If there was any case of targeting civilians; it happened accidentally and in the course of the confrontation with the occupation forces,” read the report. Yet they are still holding children and civilian hostages and even raping the females hostages in the tunnels. Get a grip simple1
  20. The smile on his face is sickening. Whatever the penalty is for this crime it wont be enough for him.
  21. Everything, more evidence of you erroneous and deliberately misleading claims.
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