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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Who is this person? Not so difficult now was it? Wanna know a little more? Colonel (Ret.) Miri Eisin https://ict.org.il/ourteam/eisin-miri-col-ret/ I agree with her, but then she has stated fact. She does not believe Hamas. They did indeed break a previous hostage deal. Of course that does not mean Israel will not still try for another as it is right now.
  2. There was a touch of sarcasm you missed there. However he was not far wrong..............the concrete and resources needed for below ground was massive. "This is where Hamas held hostages. IDF soldiers operated in a tunnel located at the heart of a civilian area in Khan Yunis that was used to hold about 20 hostages at different times. The tunnel was about 830 meters long and about 20 meters deep. We cannot and will not rest knowing innocent civilians are being held in compounds like this one. We will not stop operating until we bring the hostages home."
  3. Video below show the full horrors that the hostages faced in the tunnels. Imagine a child being locked in this hell hole. The IDF has located tunnels and cells where some of the hostages were kept in Khan Yunis. They also found drawings made by 5-year-old Emilia Aloni from when she was a hostage. Soldiers of the 98th Division operated in an underground tunnel in Khan Yunis where hostages were being held. The length of the tunnel was about 830 meters and it was about 20 meters deep.
  4. Interesting to see what the bizarre demands are from Hamas terrorists for the release of hostages. The prime minister said that in exchange for releasing the hostages, “Hamas is demanding the end of the war, the exit of our forces from Gaza, releasing all the murderers and rapists of the Nukhba [forces] and leaving Hamas intact.” Netanyahu added that “if we agree to this, our soldiers will have fallen in vain. If we agree to this, we cannot guarantee security for our citizens. We cannot bring the evacuees home safely, and the next October 7 will be just a matter of time. I am not able to agree to such a fatal blow to Israeli security, and therefore I cannot agree to that.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-no-full-palestinian-state-no-surrender-in-exchange-for-gaza-hostages
  5. This is not categorizing where my opinions are, it is false personal insults I guess sharing the Amen Israel corner with right wing denialists has jaundiced your view of the NY Times. that just puts you deeper in the amen corner.
  6. Personally I hope that this option comes through Egypt, Qatar and the United States have been serving as mediators between Israel and Hamas in weeks of intermittent talks to secure the release of more Israeli hostages. https://www.timesofisrael.com/eisenkot-gantz-said-to-urge-hostage-deal-for-long-halt-to-war-pm-gallant-opposed/
  7. Back on topic. Interesting vid on the hostage and IDF subject. Disclaimer if you disagree with it, its ok.
  8. that just puts you deeper in the amen corner. More personal attacks and it will be reported, enough of this off topic nonsense
  9. Got it, so when you believe the report its ok, when I point out a differing contextual and factual account with another credible link its....................... I guess sharing the Amen Israel corner with right wing denialists has jaundiced your view of the NY Times.
  10. Do you believe everything in the NYT is always factual and correct? Pointing out factually that they did not name the commanders, pointing out factually from the Time in Israel that the IDF dispute this makes puts me in the Amen Israel corner with right wing denialists has jaundiced your view of the NY Times Did you miss that I post articles from the NYT often on here myself? Again before you take this further off topic I have no wish to debate this further with a poster who resorts to personal insults to deflect from credible news that disagrees with an article he posted from whatever media outlet.
  11. No comment after that pathetic off topic: I guess sharing the Amen Israel corner with right wing denialists has jaundiced your view of the NY Times.
  12. The Guardian failed to mention that whether Netanyahu is PM or not the polls in Israel show consistently high support for its military offensive in Gaza. It also failed to mention the new EU resolution demanding an immediate and unconditional release of the hostages and dismantling of Hamas before any ceasefire. "Thanks to all reasonable and moderate politicians from left to right who voted for my amendment on the Gaza resolution. All of us want the conflict to end but the release of the Israeli hostages and the desmantling of Hamas are necessary conditions for peace."
  13. Also, as I pointed out, Eisenkot's opinion was hardly his alone. Did you skip over the part about senior IDF commanders agreeing with him? No, I didn't skip over that, nor did many people, did the NYT name those other commanders? Thought not. The Israel Defense Forces says the comments cited in a New York Times report earlier were “not known” to the military and “do not reflect the IDF’s position.” The NYT reported today that four senior IDF commanders now believe Israel’s two stated goals of destroying Hamas and freeing the hostages are not compatible. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-commanders-comments-in-nyt-report-on-hostages-not-known-dont-reflect-military-position/ By the way, I don't mean anything other than that quoted above.
  14. As Houthis vow to fight on, U.S. prepares for sustained campaign The Biden administration is crafting plans for a sustained military campaign targeting the Houthis in Yemen after 10 days of strikes failed to halt the group’s attacks on maritime commerce, stoking concern among some officials that an open-ended operation could derail the war-ravaged country’s fragile peace and pull Washington into another unpredictable Middle Eastern conflict. “We are clear-eyed about who the Houthis are, and their worldview,” a senior U.S. official said of the group, which the Biden administration designated this week as a terrorist organization. “So we’re not sure that they’re going to stop immediately, but we are certainly trying to degrade and destroy their capabilities.” https://archive.ph/O9BBs https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/01/20/us-military-yemen-houthis/
  15. “We discovered that every house has a shaft, and a whole underground network connects them, including the school and the mosque,” In central Gaza, where gunmen lurk underground, a commander sees a long slog ahead His core message, one that he returned to several times, was that Israel’s war against Hamas was not close to being completed. “It’s not going to end soon,” said Shushan. “We are going to be here another year.” Two days before, troops under his command foiled a Hamas plan to fire dozens of rockets at Netivot. The attack had been slated for Sunday, when tens of thousands of people were gathered in the city to mark the anniversary of the death of the Baba Sali, a mystical Morocco-born rabbi with a large following. Shushan told The Times of Israel that they exposed the plot and raided the olive orchard in which the launchers were hidden. The launchers were mostly buried in the ground, with rockets loaded inside. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-central-gaza-where-gunmen-lurk-underground-a-commander-sees-a-long-slog-ahead/
  16. This is one of those gory incidents in this war since Oct 7th and what gets found when searching buildings. It was always known that Hamas offered $10,000 per live hostage taken when they got them back to Gaza, at least so that's the reports from some of the terrorists. But it seems body parts were also part of that deal, alive or dead. Government Spokesman: X Video link I'd like to draw your attention to the number 10,000. $10,000 is the price a terrorist tried to sell the dismembered head of an Israeli soldier in Gaza. Israeli father says Hamas tried to sell his son’s decapitated head for $10,000 A fallen Israeli soldier’s father claimed that after his 19-year-old son was killed, Hamas terrorists tried to sell his decapitated head for $10,000 in Gaza. Adir’s head was later found inside a freezer in Gaza, stashed inside a duffel bag with tennis balls and some documents, his father said. “[There were] documents of some terrorist and a soldier’s head. They managed to bring what was left after two and a half months, it was probably abused there as well,” he said. https://nypost.com/2024/01/17/news/israeli-dad-says-hamas-tried-to-sell-sons-decapitated-head/
  17. Its currently a tale of two halves with some in the middle but the North has certainly been wound down and central is being slowly cleared of terrorist infastructure. Fighting Eases in Northern Gaza, Giving Residents Some Relief As Israel dials back the intensity of its military campaign in the northern Gaza Strip, some residents say they are able to walk through war-ravaged neighborhoods more freely, and that the sounds of gun battles and explosions are becoming less frequent. Rami Jelde, 32, a resident of Gaza City, said that over the last four weeks he had not seen any Israeli soldiers while walking the streets of what was Gaza’s most populous city before the war. He spent much of the past three months huddling with his family at a local church, alongside roughly 350 other Christians, in an attempt to evade nearly constant explosions. People “are starting to leave and walk around, get supplies, and hurry back,” said Mr. Jelde, who works for a Catholic relief group. https://archive.ph/gUm29 NYT
  18. Indeed you are not alone in this, its something we've all wondered. I take faith in some of the hostage families including the ones whose son was accidently killed when he put up a white flag. The mum said she understood and the IDF were doing a very difficult job and it was "nobody’s fault except that of Hamas". They did make one successful rescue of a female soldier who was taken hostage but obviously the majority have been released through negotiations and temporary ceasefires. Israel knows that but the last ceasefire was broken by Hamas and they have so far failed to agree another one despite a very good offer from IDF. I had actually read this in the Times of Israel yesterday re Gadi Eisenkot calling for elections, and? 🥱
  19. I am not sure what point it is your trying to make, the statement never said there was conclusive proof in the first place. It said: On January 2, 2024, U.S. intelligence confirmed its belief that Hamas used the Al-Shifa Hospital as a command center and to hold Israeli hostages The fact that released hostages have also confirmed they were held in hospitals along with others they met in them sort of clinches the deal.
  20. I provided a link to the whole article for you to read, just because I don't provide full quotes when its there for all to see makes me a troll now. I suggest do not ask me for citations again.
  21. When are you actually going to start reading previous posts: "Your human shields claim has been debunked several times "
  22. There is no new evidence, you are just making stuff up. Yea, another head in the sand moment, a bit like that Hamas does not use civilians as human shields claim..........
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