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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I have no need to answer you baiting question, perhaps check previous posts of mine to see rather than make more baseless inflammatory accusations
  2. What do you mean who are the terrorist's? The ones with guns calling themselves Hamas, who else? Yep, that's what happens when Hamas uses civilians as human shields: Hamas’s Strategy of Human Sacrifice While some of Hamas’s most brutal tactics, like systematic rape and beheading captives, are long-practiced atrocities for which the armies of Stalin, Hitler, and Genghis Khan are infamous, it is unprecedented for a party to adopt a war strategy to maximize civilian deaths on its own side. This is so strange and evil that it should appall any decent person. Contrary to conventional commentary, this is not a human shield strategy. It’s a human sacrifice strategy. This is not simply a human-shield strategy, where the aim is to deter an attack by using innocent lives as a barrier. Hamas is doing something far more insidious: it’s ensuring the mass death of Palestinians. Here is Hamas official Ali Baraka summing up the difference between the two worldviews: “The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs.” https://www.hudson.org/terrorism/hamas-strategy-human-sacrifice-douglas-feith
  3. I do of course but obviously you don't, the latest figure is 8 - 9,000 Hamas terrorists killed.
  4. Baseless accusations, unsubstantiated and reckless. Please provide a link to these criminals.
  5. That's not what I asked? Surely if you keep up with this then you'd know?
  6. Hamas terrorists have killed far more than that, you forget Oct 7th. IDF are not terrorists and how many of those 22,000 were Hamas terrorists that were killed.
  7. Well if this incident of the alleged execution of Palestinians is in the case tomorrow I'm afraid S.A. is presenting another fact less version of events, never listen to the terrorists. BBC Apologizes For Reporting Unverified Hamas Claim Israel Was “Executing” Palestinians In Gaza EXCLUSIVE: The BBC has apologized for reporting an unverified Hamas claim about the Israeli army carrying out “summary executions” of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. BBC radio news bulletins reported Hamas’ allegation on Christmas Eve but the corporation said sufficient efforts were not made to corroborate the claim made by the designated terror group. The source of the story appears to be news agency AFP, which reported that Hamas had gathered testimonies showing 137 Palestinians had been executed since the start of Israel‘s offensive. AFP said it could not verify the claim. https://deadline.com/2024/01/bbc-apologizes-reporting-hamas-israel-execution-claims-1235700076/
  8. None of the suffering - none of the suffering - would have happened if Hamas hadn't done what it did on October 7th and had it made different decisions thereafter."
  9. Herzog meets Blinken, tells him genocide claim at ICJ ‘atrocious and preposterous’ President Isaac Herzog says that “there is nothing more atrocious and preposterous” than the lawsuit filed in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of genocidal actions against Palestinians in the war against the Hamas terror group. Speaking to visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Herzog censures South Africa for bringing the case, which is due to begin hearings on Thursday, and thanks Washington for its support of Israel. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/herzog-meets-blinken-tells-him-genocide-claim-at-icj-atrocious-and-preposterous/ Blinken knows already: Blinken calls genocide case against Israel ‘meritless’ U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday denounced Israel being referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for alleged genocide during its war in Gaza, calling the claim “meritless.” The Biden administration, he said, believes the submission against Israel “distracts the world” from efforts such as securing the remaining hostages taken by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack of Israel, addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, and preventing the conflict from spreading. “And moreover, the charge of genocide is meritless,” he added. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4398781-israel-gaza-blinken-genocide-case-meritless/
  10. “This is a continuation of a Palestinian strategy of terrorist groups over the past decades of what’s been called lawfare. On the one hand you create impossible dilemmas on the ground for any democracy trying to defend itself and on the other within the international institutions you try to criminalize Israel’s defense.” Watch:
  11. “The term genocide arose from the Holocaust and is now being weaponized to describe Israel's justifiable defence following a genocidal attack from Hamas.” An important piece by former Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom and international lawyer Daniel Taub. A cynical attempt to pervert the meaning of genocide The term genocide is in fact relevant to the current conflict. The unspeakable atrocities perpetrated by Hamas on Oct. 7, including the murder, torture, rape and mutilation of 1,200 Israelis, and the taking hostage of 240 more, were indeed acts in pursuit of a genocidal agenda. Hamas, whose charter calls for the murder of Jews everywhere, not only celebrated the murder of every victim, and its leaders have proudly insisted that their intention and hope is to commit such atrocities "again and again and again." No state would stay passive in the face of such barbaric attacks. No state would remain idle as 130 hostages, including infants, the sick and the elderly, are still held captive by terrorists. Yet in the current proceedings it is not Hamas that is charged with genocide for its massacres but Israel for defending itself. https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/a-cynical-attempt-to-pervert-the-meaning-of-genocide/article_6dae7312-ae4c-11ee-ad9f-8bee3cdc78b7.html
  12. Yawn 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However in factual areas such as but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency,
  13. There is plenty of evidence that Hamas has been up to its old trick of stealing aid, hijackings the trucks, even shooting at the civilians who shout at them, then making use of it for its own needs or selling it on at high prices. However the UN has been quiet on this, why? They weren't always like that. In Gaza back in 2009 the UN was robust and not scared to call Hamas out for stealing food and aid that was destined for the Gaza population. So robust that they even suspended that aid until Hamas handed it all back. UN suspends aid operation after second Hamas-linked theft of supplies – UN news item 6 February 2009 – The main United Nations relief agency responsible for feeding 900,000 Palestinian refugees in Gaza today suspended all imports of desperately needed aid after Hamas confiscated hundreds of tons of food, the second such seizure in three days. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon demanded that Hamas immediately return the food to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which said its suspension would remain in force until such a return and “the Agency is given credible assurances from the Hamas government in Gaza that there will be no repeat of these thefts.” https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-209885/ I guess after all these years, considering that the majority of civilians supported Hamas, the local UN orgs and red cross etc ended up employing a good proportion, I suspect this has had a huge influence on how things have changed at the UN locally in Gaza. Again plenty of evidence and links to support all that already provided in the various topics. That said the amount being stolen by Hamas is not the cause of the food shortages overall, that's more to do with the logistics of actually getting it delivered in a war zone. Not the amount coming in as there is enough but the actual distribution. This is well highlighted by the UN, places nearer to the borders have more food, the further North you go the more scarce it becomes. The IDF carries out humanitarian pauses each day in most districts but obviously while a full scale war is going on a convoy of trucks travelling up North is still a huge risk. Unfortunately with Hamas turning down another weeks ceasefire recently for a further hostage/prisoner swap, this would have been an ideal opportunity for much needed distribution.
  14. Yep, surprise surprise, but then Gaza is like that, even a UN staff was holding one of the hostages
  15. Interesting. You mention journalists being killed that form part of this fact less S.A. submission to the ICJ. I notice Al Jazeera made a big thing about this one but of course failed to mention why the car was hit by IDF. IDF: Al Jazeera journalists were killed in car with drone-operating terror operative The Israel Defense Forces responded late Sunday to reports of the deaths of two Palestinian journalists working for Al Jazeera in an Israeli airstrike in the southern Gaza Strip earlier in the day, saying the pair were traveling in a vehicle with a terror operative who was operating a drone. In Sunday’s strike in Rafah, Hamza Wael Dahdouh, the son of Al Jazeera’s Gaza correspondent Wael Al-Dahdouh, and Mustafa Thuria, a video stringer for AFP who was also working for the Qatar-based TV outlet, were both killed. A third journalist, Hazem Rajab, was seriously wounded, Al Jazeera said. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-al-jazeera-journalists-were-killed-in-car-with-drone-operating-terror-operative
  16. Yes I do read what I write thanks. Would you like me to repeat it again for you?
  17. Why? and why do you think I need to to explain to you what deteriorating means?
  18. For those who don't quite get it yet, or deliberately chose to look the other way. Hamas’s Strategy of Human Sacrifice While some of Hamas’s most brutal tactics, like systematic rape and beheading captives, are long-practiced atrocities for which the armies of Stalin, Hitler, and Genghis Khan are infamous, it is unprecedented for a party to adopt a war strategy to maximize civilian deaths on its own side. This is so strange and evil that it should appall any decent person. Contrary to conventional commentary, this is not a human shield strategy. It’s a human sacrifice strategy. This is not simply a human-shield strategy, where the aim is to deter an attack by using innocent lives as a barrier. Hamas is doing something far more insidious: it’s ensuring the mass death of Palestinians. Here is Hamas official Ali Baraka summing up the difference between the two worldviews: “The Israelis are known to love life. We, on the other hand, sacrifice ourselves. We consider our dead to be martyrs.” https://www.hudson.org/terrorism/hamas-strategy-human-sacrifice-douglas-feith
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