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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You claimed a lot of people here said all Palestinians were Hamas, can you reference those claims? I'll ignore the deflection.
  2. Of course you did and yet again you are wrong, not doing so well here are you.
  3. No, can you tell me where in that article any Hamas members have shown dissent? The article is about ordinary Palestinian civilians being silenced, any dissenters were subject to imprisonment, torture, and even murder by Hamas. More evidence of Hamas using the civilians for its own purposes only and we all know what that is.
  4. You'll have to point out any dissidents that have spoken belonging to Hamas? Have any said they are will to comply with the Security Council resolution that states the hostages have to be released with no pre conditions?
  5. Also known as democracy. Unlike the terrorists that Israel has waged war on: "Hamas has a no tolerance policy for criticism or objections to any of its policies. Freedom of speech in Gaza is a fantasy." Hamza Howidy, a #Palestinian peace advocate from Gaza City, shares the truth about living under #Hamas rule: Hamas Tortured Me for Dissent. Here's What They Really Think of Palestinians | Opinion https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-tortured-me-dissent-heres-what-they-really-think-palestinians-opinion-1857169
  6. Couldn't have a worse comparison. No other war has been been fought against 1000's of terrorists who spent 16 years embedding themselves underneath the civilian population. Deliberately to use them as sacrifice and human shields.
  7. I'm afraid the girls/women that are still being held by Hamas and its puppets have all been violently sexually abused, that's why the week long ceasefire in November broke down, Hamas refused to release any more women. For those still alive it is a living hell.
  8. All you are trying to do is shut down debate, the same as others are trying to do over all social media Not at all, why would anyone want to shut down a thread? The Ukraine war thread has been running for 2 years, never shut down and had far more opposing views debated on it than this one or any of the other Israel/Hamas topics. That said, you refer to social media all over and yes you are right. The increase in hateful anti-Semitic content including Nazi rhetoric is not wanted anywhere. But it is increasing everywhere throughout the world and becoming a real problem but you know that already: Young Britons exposed to online radicalisation following Hamas attack It is a spike in hate that leaves young Britons increasingly exposed to radicalisation by algorithm. The BBC was given exclusive access to the team's work. Officers told me they are being referred mainly antisemitic content being posted and shared by young Britons who have not been on their radar before. They described a real "intensification" in hate, especially from "youngsters" behaving in what they describe as a reckless way online. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67884785
  9. Whoever claimed Hamas was going to be a push over? With estimates of 40,000 - 60,000 fighters in Gaza it was never going to be done overnight. Did Middle East Monitor mention that for the last 16 years they've been burying themselves underneath the Gaza civilian population for the very reason to use them as human shields and sacrifice? Oh and with money that was intended to be for the people and not them? Thought not. Those figures quoted of 509 Israeli soldiers deaths. You Hamas supporting Middle East Monitor did not tell you that its under 200 deaths in the fight on Hamas in Gaza, the rest were deaths due to the terrorist attack on 7th Oct. "Middle East Monitor promotes a strongly pro-Muslim Brotherhood and pro-Hamas viewpoint. Anshel Pfeffer described MEMO as a “conspiracy theory-peddling anti-Israel organisation”. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/middle-east-monitor/ Latest figures for Hamas fighters killed is between 8,000 - 9,000. Northern Gaza has been dismantled of the terrorist command infrastructure, just central and southern Gaza left, yes it wil take another year or so. I do actually follow Middle East Monitor on X, good to keep an eye on the enemy along with the official Hamas affiliated accounts.
  10. "Concentration Guards" was your term Google search first page, lets not try and back track now Jeff. Lets face it, you have been known for it before:
  11. Since the October 7 Massacre, Hamas has been threatening to do the same all over again. Captivity survivor Chen Goldstein-Almog recounts her Hamas captor warned her: "Don’t go back to your kibbutz, he said. Don’t return to a place so close to Gaza. Go to Tel Aviv or somewhere farther north, she remembers him saying. Because we are coming back." https://archive.ph/iVZUL https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/15/world/middleeast/hamas-israel-hostage.html
  12. Not as sick as killing 6 million jews no, hence why I called his post sick and yours a total deflection
  13. I understand that you jumped into one of my posts that I responded to bringing which was nothing but a trolling post brining in concentration guards which have no other purpose than concentration camps in the holocaust. Your reply I then understand I gave this reply: How much further do you want to stretch this
  14. Couldnt care less what makes you sick, its nothing as sick as a concentration guard and the holocaust, got it now.
  15. If your going to constantly follow me about then at least follow posts that I respond to and then you jump in to defend. What do you think a "concentration guard" is? They guard a concentration camp. ie holocaust
  16. Another deflection to the conjuring of the holocaust and concentration guards
  17. Actually no, all it does is reinforce Kemps view that has remined consistent and not as you put it below, he also does not say Ukraine cannot win as you put below and he has not switched horses to Israel as you put below as he is still writing about Ukraine. All in all, as I said, you were making something out of nothing.
  18. Trying to make something out of nothing there. Kemp has always been a little pessimistic, more to do with the Wests failure to supply the needed and promised military equipment and ammunition's on time and longer range weapons. Its nothing to do whatsoever with his covering of the war in Israel. Here's an article of his from the Telegraph in Sept (no paywall as article copied on his own site): UKRAINE’S COUNTER-OFFENSIVE IS STALLING. THE WEST MUST PREPARE FOR HUMILIATION Another from July: Ukraine’s counter-offensive is failing, with no easy fixes
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