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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Not much fighting needed in this luxury house with pool, the cowards had left. This is how Hamas leaders live in Gaza - palaces with pools. This is the vacation home of Marwan Issa, deputy commander of the terror group’s military wing. Hamas has made its leaders rich while robbing the Palestinian people of an economic future.
  2. Update on this, they were on a double whammy, not only working for Al Jazeera but also now confirmed as on the payroll of Hamas. Just in time for the ICJ and South Africa's claims about killing journalists. Confirmed: journalists Hamza al-Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuria were members of Gaza-based terrorist organizations. On Jan 7, an IAF aircraft directed by troops targeted the operators of a drone, posing a threat to our soldiers near Rafah. The operators were later identified as al-Dahdouh and Thuria. Documents found by our troops in Gaza revealed Thuria’s role as Squad Deputy Commander in Hamas' Gaza City Brigade, as well as Al-Dahdouh’s roles in the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization’s electronic engineering unit and previously as a deputy commander in IJ’s Zeitun Battalion. https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1745177413565223266
  3. In giving political and legal cover to the October 7 Massacre and the Hamas Human Shield Strategy, South Africa has made itself criminally complicit with Hamas' campaign of genocide against our people. @AlJazeera
  4. Why are you asking me that question? Do you not know or doing your usual childish game playing
  5. Blood libel in the Hague: Human rights attorney Arsen Ostrovsky dissects the legal threat “The claim by South Africa is completely without a shred of merit or any legal basis whatsoever,” says human rights attorney Arsen Ostrovsky, CEO of the International Legal Forum, an Israel-based NGO of lawyers advocating for Israel, in a conversation with Mishpacha. “Essentially, it is no more than a blood libel and act of lawfare, in which South Africa is willingly serving as pro bono counsel for the Iranian regime and Hamas.” Despite Ostrovsky’s contempt for South Africa’s case, he takes the charge very seriously. https://mishpacha.com/do-jewish-lives-matter/
  6. "Starvation as a war crime has never been prosecuted, she says, but her organization has produced a report arguing it is happening in South Sudan and she wants her group to be allowed to conduct an independent investigation in Gaza."
  7. They have yet to investigate that. Hardly have time to submit it tomorrow.
  8. US Secretary Blinken: "The charge of genocide [against Israel] is meritless. It’s particularly galling, given that those who are attacking Israel – Hamas, Hizballah, the Houthis, as well as their supporter, Iran – continue to openly call for the annihilation of Israel and the mass murder of Jews." https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1745024603599085765
  9. A word on the judges also in this short clip 'Rather than trying to kill civilians, we made a tremendous effort to prevent it, as opposed to Hamas whose objective was to kill civilians' Prof. Robbie Sabel of Hebrew University breaks down the upcoming ICJ case claiming Israel is committing genocide in #Gaza
  10. BREAKING: Ahead of Israel’s arguments in tomorrow’s Hague Tribunal hearing, Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar recommended in closed hearings that they shame the UN before the world by revealing proof of UNRWA staff involvement in the October 7 Hamas massacre. Watchdog finds UNRWA workers praised Hamas massacres in internal Telegram channel An investigation by the UN Watch monitor group found that United Nations workers in Gaza used an internal Telegram channel, which was meant to facilitate their work, to praise the Hamas massacres on October 7. The probe, released Wednesday, found that many of the workers at the United Nations Relief Works Agency — the UN body for Palestinian refugees — explicitly praised the onslaught, in which some 3,000 terrorists crossed into Israel, killing some 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages, most of them civilians. https://www.timesofisrael.com/watchdog-finds-unrwa-workers-praised-hamas-massacres-in-internal-telegram-channel/
  11. Always trust a UN org especially the ICJ. Right? Lets just skip over the UN in Gaza, just published: Unbelievable! UN Watch's exposure of a Telegram group of 3000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza who celebrated the October 7th massacre and the shocking acts of murder, rape, and atrocities. Yes, the same UN organization that’s supposed to promote the Palestinians and take care of their education but in practice is an integral part of Palestinian terrorism! The same UN condemns Israel time and time again and complains about lack of food. Group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers celebrates Hamas massacre and rape A Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza is replete with posts celebrating the Hamas massacre of October 7th minutes after it began, praising the murderers and rapists as “heroes,” glorifying the “education” the terrorists received, gleefully sharing photos of dead or captured Israelis and urging the execution of hostages. “This is the motherlode of UNRWA teachers’ incitement to Jihadi terrorism,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the world body. The Telegram chat group is meant to support UNRWA teachers, and contains dozens of files with UNRWA staff names, ID numbers, schedules and curriculum materials. https://unwatch.org/group-of-3000-unrwa-teachers-celebrates-hamas-massacre-and-rape/
  12. They planned this over 3 weeks ago: Dec 14th 2023 Israel’s current large-scale operation is the last one in Gaza Generals prepare for a lower-intensity campaign against Hamas https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/12/14/israels-current-large-scale-operation-is-the-last-one-in-gaza https://archive.ph/9X1ya
  13. Other points Blinken mentioned, missed by the BBC: "Hamas could have ended this on October 8th by not hiding behind civilians, by putting down its weapons, by surrendering, and by releasing the hostages. None of the suffering - none of the suffering - would have happened if Hamas hadn't done what it did on October 7th and had it made different decisions thereafter." Blinken calls genocide case against Israel ‘meritless’ U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday denounced Israel being referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for alleged genocide during its war in Gaza, calling the claim “meritless.” The Biden administration, he said, believes the submission against Israel “distracts the world” from efforts such as securing the remaining hostages taken by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack of Israel, addressing the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, and preventing the conflict from spreading. “And moreover, the charge of genocide is meritless,” he added. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4398781-israel-gaza-blinken-genocide-case-meritless/
  14. Hamas apologists: "after the terrorist attack, the organization showed support on social media for "the latest unprecedented wave of resistance" by Palestinians" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Voice_for_Peace
  15. Is that not to be expected since they have now dismantled Hamas in Northern Gaza, why on earth would they keep so many troops there?
  16. He asks me that a lot, but fails to read my posts, here's just one that acknowledges that. The same can be said of this war. Hamas carries out war crimes systemically and daily, its part of its make up, how it fights. Using human shields are a war crime as is using the civilian infrastructure to fight from and of course rockets fired indiscriminately into civilian areas into Israel, along with a good percentage of those landing back in Gaza killing its own civilians. This is without even mentioning the 7th oct atrocities. The IDF has also made mistakes in its bombing campaign and admitted as such in some incidents, they could if investigated be possible war crimes? https://aseannow.com/topic/1315885-netanyahu-rejects-claims-accusing-israel-of-genocide-in-gaza/page/9/#comment-18599707
  17. So much for the red cross Family of female hostage being held in Gaza says when parents told the Red Cross that she needed daily medication for her health, a Red Cross worker told them they should focus their concerns on Gazans.
  18. Israel Says Its Military Is Starting to Shift to a More Targeted Gaza Campaign U.S. officials say they believe the number of Israeli troops in the northern part of Gaza has dropped to less than half of the roughly 50,000 soldiers that had been present as recently as last month during the height of the campaign. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue. Still, Israeli officials have made clear to U.S. officials that, while they hope to complete the transition by the end of the month, the timeline is not fixed. If Israeli forces encounter Hamas resistance that is stiffer than expected, or discover threats that they did not anticipate, the size and pace of the withdrawal could slow, and intensive airstrikes could continue, they said. https://archive.ph/vq8E7 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/08/us/politics/israel-military-gaza.html
  19. I have no need to answer you baiting question, perhaps check previous posts of mine to see rather than make more baseless inflammatory accusations
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