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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315885-netanyahu-rejects-claims-accusing-israel-of-genocide-in-gaza/
  2. Not sure what that's got to do with your knobs and menu selections on air defense systems
  3. Wrong topic fella, take your Qatar funded rag to: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday pushed back against claims that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, calling such accusations “false” after South Africa filed a case against Israel at the U.N.’s top court. https://aseannow.com/topic/1315885-netanyahu-rejects-claims-accusing-israel-of-genocide-in-gaza/
  4. I can assure you that you were certainly not speaking for educated Brits.....lol
  5. "And understand that an air defense system probably has 10x as many knobs and menu selections." Comedy gold You do know NATO has been training Ukraine soldiers in warfare and military defense equipment for many years right? You also must know the UK has trained well over 50,000 Ukraine troops in Salisbury UK in the same skills. Let's not forget all the other countries who have helped train including the US training in Patriot air defense systems. How about the first batch of Ukraine pilots who have just finished their training in F16 fighter jets. I do believe that has more knobs and menu selections to.
  6. Oh so it's the instructions on the systems...... Your not getting rid of me that easy, no I will not be putting you on ignore.....lol
  7. You and your RT. The following day Ukraine launched a missile attack on Belgorod. Russia says 20 dead after Ukrainian strikes on Belgorod Did RT do an article saying it was Russia's air defense systems and had it not been for them there would have been no civilian deaths? Thought not, I wonder why?
  8. Concessions to terrorists? They have already stated they will repeat Oct 7th. Why are they still holding hostages?
  9. I reckon some BDSers are River to the Sea-ers or one states and some are more reasonable. I'm sure of it after ready through their wiki page
  10. Yes and it also has goals, including that which I quoted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott,_Divestment_and_Sanctions
  11. BDS wants to end Israel through demography. Hamas wants to kill every last Jew
  12. Thought so, you have no idea and obviously know knowledge of International Humanitarian Law IHL allows for the killing of civilians when militarily necessary, subject to the principles of distinction and proportionality. This stems from a recognition that killing is a given in wars, and it is simply unfeasible to criminalise all kinds of civilian deaths. IHL can be understood as accepting the realities of violence in war while restraining its effects. Fundamentally, as long as an attack is proportionate to the concrete and direct anticipated military gains, any incidental wounding or killing of civilians may not automatically be deemed an unlawful act, subject to individual assessment. Just for some further clarification for you. Mistakes are indeed made and Israel have owned up to these, however everything is done to avoid civilian casualties and your comparison to the Holocaust remains pathetically wrong as does your claim that Israel is deliberately killing thousands of women, children and men. How is the IDF Minimizing Harm to Civilians in Gaza? https://www.idf.il/en/mini-sites/the-hamas-terrorist-organization/how-is-the-idf-minimizing-harm-to-civilians-in-gaza/
  13. No. You seriously don't get it at all. The facts have been posted numerous times and you're doing your usual ignore
  14. Another one still waiting to return from the clutches of the terrorists: Noa Argamani was supposed to go back to school today. But she can’t. Instead, she will spend this day in unimaginable conditions as a hostage in Gaza, Bring Noa home now. https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1741469067112825310
  15. Can you cite the claim that it "did not violate their rules of engagement" In publishing the results of its final probe into the issue, the IDF said that despite the soldiers clearly violating the rules of engagement – by firing on persons who presented no immediate danger and were waving a white flag – the enormous complexity of the circumstances led to no immediate punishment. IDF sources suggested that once the war was over it was possible that disciplinary or other action might theoretically be taken against some of the soldiers involved, but in the meantime the soldiers are being left to continue to fight in the field. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-779923
  16. The Israeli Opera has released a version of the Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim classic "Somewhere" from West Side Story on behalf of the hostages held in Gaza. https://twitter.com/Jerusalem_Post/status/1741451903513362554
  17. Yes its been bombing, a fact no one can dispute, where did I dispute that? Knowingly killing thousands of children women and men is not a fact, you've just made that up. You also missed the thousands of Hamas terrorists killed that are not separated out in those death figures that are issued by Hamas, another fact. One more fact, it can all end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders and releases the hostages. It prefers to let the deaths continue.
  18. Oh it tries daily with its rockets into Israel.
  19. Rubbish. If you get to the desperate attempt to try the moral high ground on this then you've already lost. Your are making vile unsubstantiated claims of this being acts of murder by Israel. I deal with facts. The facts are in my previous posts which you have ignored.
  20. The problem is you are insinuating that Israel is doing this intentionally, it is not. Hamas is however, why are you not prolific on calling them out for this and stopping the deaths. It could be done today. https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1740826493758951436
  21. You know that was always the aim of Hamas right, to sacrifice the Gaza pollution while they sit comfortably hiding in tunnels or homes/schools/hospitals https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1740101383414743192
  22. Do you mean the deliberate bombing of homes housing Hamas terrorists or their infrastructure? Or perhaps the urban warfare going on right now that virtually flattens towns due to the fighting from Hamas in civilian residential homes?
  23. After this incident yesterday: The US Navy has destroyed Houthi "small boats" whose crew attempted to board a container ship in the Red Sea. Four vessels from Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen fired upon the Maersk Hangzhou and got within metres of the ship, the US military said. Helicopters from nearby US warships responded to a distress call - and, after being fired upon, sank three boats "in self-defence". The crews were killed and the fourth boat fled the area. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67851897 It looks like the UK is also now going to get involved in dealing with the Houthi UK preparing for attacks on Houthi rebels with US Britain’s military is preparing to launch a wave of air strikes against the Iranian-backed Houthis creating chaos in the Red Sea, raising the prospect of a significant spiralling of tensions in the region. Under the plans the UK would join with the US and possibly another European country to unleash a salvo of missiles against pre-planned targets, either in the sea or in Yemen itself, where the militants are based. A Whitehall source said the co-ordinated strikes could involve RAF warplanes for the first time or HMS Diamond, a Type 45 destroyer which successfully destroyed an attack drone with a Sea Viper missile in the Red Sea this month. https://archive.ph/kjyFR https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/houthi-rebels-boats-yemen-red-sea-attacks-85mxc6gzt
  24. Hamas can end this today, release the hostages and surrender. No, they prefer to use every last civilian as a human shield. Never before has a war been fought like this. Every mosque entered has a weapons store, schools routinely used as terror training camps, weapons stores and launch sites for rockets. Children's bedrooms with terror tunnel entrances and weapons under cots. "The soldiers saw a 13-year old boy running with a bag near one of the schools, he put it down and ran away, a few minutes later it detonated, badly wounding one of the Israeli soldiers nearby." Hamas’ philosophy: All civilians, all children are tools of war On one occasion recently his unit spotted an old lady in a wheelchair alone on a street corner in the south of Gaza. They approached the elderly lady “who looked like my grandmother” according to the major. And as they approached her they were suddenly fired on by a Hamas terrorist. He had placed himself under her wheelchair in order to fire on the Israeli soldiers. This is the Hamas that pretends to care for Palestinians but would even use an elderly disabled Palestinian woman as a human shield. https://nypost.com/2023/12/28/opinion/hamas-philosophy-all-civilians-all-children-are-tools-of-war/
  25. Pretty shameful to compare the Holocaust where 6 million Jews were murdered to the war against Hamas started because of the murder of more Jews, more than at any time since the Holocaust. The accusation that Israel is doing the same thing is just sick.
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