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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I hope this happens but its not looking likely anytime soon. Israel Awaits Hamas' OK to Move Forward With Hostage Release Deal Israel is awaiting Hamas' decision on whether it is willing to move forward with a hostage release deal in the coming weeks. An Israeli official estimated that it will be possible to understand where the terror group is headed in the next two days, ahead of the arrival of a Hamas delegation for talks in Egypt. A source familiar with the negotiations told Haaretz that, "The very fact that talks are still ongoing is an achievement at this stage. Both sides' positions are very far apart, and no drafts have been exchanged. https://archive.ph/TRLad https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-12-30/ty-article/.premium/israel-awaits-hamas-ok-to-move-forward-with-hostage-release-deal/0000018c-bc47-d45c-a98e-bf4fd8660000
  2. Deflecting from your lame attempts at making comparisons with prisoners and hostage yes #wearenotprisonerswearehostages https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1740072090194280663
  3. What did this baby do, or this young girl? https://twitter.com/YaariCohen/status/1740969331742376446
  4. Are you really attempting to make a comparison between the Palestinian prisoners and the innocent Israeli civilians taken hostage, some of whom suffered serious sexual abuse and rape, let alone being shot. Others had their parents killed in front of them, or their sons and daughters killed in front of them by the terrorists.
  5. Sort yourself out. That's a totally different song to the last link from AJ you claimed.
  6. Correct. Unbelievable. It is and never was top of the charts. It was a twitter video by a small group of kids organized by a media company which was then quickly deleted. More lies from you. Ever thought about a new year's resolution?
  7. Sometimes you think you've read it all, the horrors that befell the innocent victims on 7th Oct, then, even more evidence emerges that goes beyond the most sickening horror and snuff movie anyone could imagine. Impossible to write here some of the very graphic descriptions but its the mutilations of live women and men before being executed or burnt alive, the worst ISIS stuff anyone could imagine. The terrorists boasting about the gang rapes and the countless women with blood pouring from their groin areas. Israel’s ‘Black Sabbath’: Murder, Sexual Violence and Torture on Oct. 7 Investigators build legal case documenting ‘systematic and unprecedented cruelty’ with echoes of Adolf Eichmann trial Reporters from The Wall Street Journal examined some of that evidence, supplemented with interviews of first responders, survivors, families of victims and forensic scientists, to document an attack that Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai described as “systematic and unprecedented in its cruelty.” Forensic evidence shared with the Journal by Israeli officials shows some victims were burned alive after militants used accelerants to set fire to their homes. Photos viewed by the Journal taken by first responders on the scene show bodies were mutilated including the sex organs of both men and women. https://archive.ph/EdWW6 https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/israel-hamas-oct-7-murder-sexual-violence-torture-45aab439
  8. Another one that gets it: “The loudest calls now should be for Hamas to release all hostages immediately. Until Hamas hands back every hostage and stops firing rockets and bullets at Israel, it cannot rationally portray Israel as the aggressor”.
  9. As for the medical treatment she received, given the horrendous situation for medical care in Gaza, probably she got better treatment than most. What are you talking about she was operated on by a vet with no anesthetic whose only words to her were "You will not make it out alive" She was taken hostage on the 7th Oct, shot in the arm by one of the terrorists on her way to Gaza, spent 2 days in a room, not a hospital ward before then getting treatment. Nearly all if not all hospitals were fully operational then. "Better treatment than most" .....jeez
  10. She should be grateful that she wasn't blown to bits by an Israeli bomb. Do you think she should pay them for the privilege of being taken hostage from the music festival, being shot in the arm from close range, taken to a room inside a Hamas complicit hospital for 2 days then being operated on by a vet with no anesthetic whose only words to her were "You will not make it out alive". Perhaps she should have also contributed to the board and lodgings of the terror family she stayed with? Pathetic post from you yet again. Shameful and vile. Should these babies who are still being held also be grateful? https://twitter.com/IditAbu/status/1741129508156023041
  11. Why comment when I have read them before? It's not me shooting the messenger but a very respected UNWatch.
  12. I know the allegations and I also know who they are from. I even gave you a link to who is making them
  13. Jumping the gun again. The UN have asked Israel to investigate the incident
  14. UN Human Rights Office Amplifies Blood Libel by Terrorist Sympathizers On Monday, December 20th, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a now-viral statement echoing extreme allegations made by the NGO Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor. The only problem? The claims are unverified and the NGO’s officials are notoriously biased and antisemitic. https://unwatch.org/un-human-rights-office-amplifies-blood-libel-by-terrorist-sympathizers/
  15. Again, hostages, this is not about the permeant solution, nobody knows what that will be yet, nobody has a plan for that yet, you just can't stay on topic. Hamas has rejected an Israeli proposal for a week-long truce in the Gaza Strip in return for the release of some 40 hostages https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-said-to-reject-israeli-offer-for-7-day-truce-in-gaza-release-of-40-hostages/
  16. This is about the hostages It was Hamas that refused the last deal after Israel was asking for it.
  17. Lets hope so, Hamas refused a deal and cease fire a week ago: Qatar said to tell Israel that Hamas ‘agrees in principle’ to resume talks on hostage deal Qatari mediators have told Israel that Hamas “agrees in principle” to resume negotiations for the release of further hostages taken by the terror group during the October 7 atrocities, in exchange for a weeks-long truce in the Gaza Strip, the Walla news site reports. Citing three Israeli officials, the report says Israel is responding warily to the message and stressing that it will quickly emerge whether Hamas is indeed serious. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/qatar-said-to-tell-israel-that-hamas-agrees-in-principle-to-resume-talks-on-hostage-deal/
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