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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. lol 3rd link now Richard Falk endorses 9/11 “inside job” theory, interviewed in his official UN capacity https://unwatch.org/richard-falk-endorses-911-inside-job-theory-interviewed-in-his-official-un-capacity/
  2. Are you feeling ok? You said it was tripe without a link, I provided one, here's another: US calls for resignation of UN’s Richard Falk The US representative to the Human Rights Council, Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, called for the resignation of Richard Falk, the United Nations special rapporteur on Palestinian human rights. https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-calls-for-resignation-of-uns-richard-falk/
  3. Hasn't this 40 babies thing already been dealt with in the first topic weeks ago..........yawn...................
  4. Still link less tripe? Richard Falk Chairman of Euro-Med Monitor's Board of Trustees 9/11 conspiracy theorist should leave U.N. job https://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/9-11-conspiracy-theorist-should-leave-U-N-job-3257919.php
  5. With Ramy Abdul the Hamas supporter as a chairman of euro-med and the other Chairman Richard Falk known for his 9/11 conspiracy theories
  6. Yes factual: They quoted USA today and guess what....lol 'We know they were raped in Hamas captivity': Chilling details of what hostages faced https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/12/20/hamas-sexual-violence-rape-hostages-oct-7/71917113007/
  7. No need to apologize to me, I know how wrong you are all the time, its par for the course
  8. You are often mistaken but I have no idea what your rumbling on about now Overall, InfoWars/Alex Jones is a crackpot, tin foil hat-level conspiracy website that strongly promotes pseudoscience. The amount of fake news, debunked conspiracy claims, and extreme right-wing bias renders InfoWars a non-credible source. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/infowars-alex-jones
  9. Just because its fish and chip paper for you, its a credible source here
  10. You never asked me a question.....lol and whether you did or not its up to me if I replied to it. Now explain this trolling accusation Boy held by Hamas ‘forced to watch videos of 7 October attacks’, says aunt Recently released Eitan Yahalomi, 12, suffered ‘horrors’ at the hands of militant Palestinian group, according to family member https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/28/boy-held-by-hamas-forced-to-watch-videos-of-7-october-attacks Two Israeli doctors who treated freed hostages, as well as an Israeli military official familiar with the matter, confirmed to American newspaper USA TODAY that some released women revealed that they had suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1703254945-israeli-doctors-confirm-that-30-released-female-hostages-were-raped
  11. They sexually abused some female hostages. They also made a 12 year old boy watch the atrocity videos of the Oct 7th attack as relayed by his mum. Stop the vile deflection
  12. Did you read the post and article to highlight what I do believe from her? "I’ve seen antisemitism. I confronted it every day at the United Nations. And I know that the Jew-haters try to hide it by saying they only hate Israel. All it takes is 24 hours at the UN to realize that anti-Zionism is just a modern name for the ancient evil of antisemitism. The worst-kept secret at the UN is that antisemitism is operating just beneath the surface. I saw it in my first few days on the job as US ambassador to the UN, after I met with Israel’s ambassador" As for a headline, I always take them with a pinch of salt, no matter what media they are from unless evidence backs them up.
  13. LOL Here we go again: https://twitter.com/PalestineNW 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However in factual areas such as but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency
  14. You do realize we are limited due to fair use policy and that's why there is a link there for the full article for everyone to read. You may want to try and stick to the rules one day as you've broken them yet again: 27. You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Only post a link, the headline and three sentences from the article. Content in the public domain is limited to the same restrictions.
  15. You obviously missed these recent posts on their bias: Foreign Affairs Committee expects to launch an investigation into UNRWA, under fire for supporting terrorism after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack Pro-Hamas bloc wins control of UNRWA union in Gaza Islamist coalition takes 25 out of 27 seats among 10,000 Palestinian workers Nikki Haley to 'Post': UN antisemitism led to October 7 massacre Did you read about the UN worker who allegedly held one of the hostages for weeks?
  16. What's that got to do with the post you responded to. It went over your head that I was referring to the worst terror attack in modern history against Jews since the Holocaust? Oh and here's another example of the Quran being used: Senior Hamas leader: Quran tells us to drive Jews out of Palestine’s entirety https://www.timesofisrael.com/senior-hamas-leader-quran-tells-us-to-drive-jews-out-of-palestines-entirety/ Next time you accuse me of being "ignorant and Islamophobic" I strongly suggest you have some evidence.
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