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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. B.S. its a quote from the link I provided, here we go with the lies again
  2. What is it with you and comprehending what been written already:
  3. I didn't disbelieve it, I corrected you. That outfit is well known for it: "However, they usually poorly source their articles using quotations without linking to the source" https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/wion-world-one-news/
  4. Of course they would love to go all out on Hamas but unfortunately Hamas is using the civilians as human shields so they can't.
  5. Yes I would make a judgement based on what I saw, the NYT is not always correct and in fact in that pbs.org article which mentions the hospital car park missile, the NYT got wrapped. NEW YORK TIMES MEDIA CORRECTIONS https://www.camera.org/article/topic/media-corrections/outlet/new-york-times/ "Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors."
  6. Yes you need to read my post again, the "video evidence they talk" about is not viewable.
  7. Can you post the actual video so we can view it, the report adds nothing and zero evidence. 3 times you've posted the link so far and 3 times the same thing
  8. Problem being its video evidence and its not possible to view on archived pages on New York Times
  9. No just time to point out the rules, something you often forget about
  10. Maybe they didn't have a terror group with 500 kilometers of tunnels some 50 meters deep that need to be dealt with.
  11. How they going to get their? Swim.....lol https://twitter.com/MalcolmNance/status/1737695863827218776 https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/yemen-carrying-out-general-mobilization-in-support-of-people
  12. If the vote goes through I will wait to get the feedback from Israel then, all hypothetical currently. Anyway, lets face it, there is no way Hamas is going to release the hostages unconditionally and there is no call in the security council resolution for an immediate ceasefire either.
  13. No they are under a cannot vote order. If you want their views then find out and let me know.
  14. No idea. They don't get to vote in the Security Council.
  15. Looks like the latest UN resolution may go through. The US is signaling support. It includes the demand that there is an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. It's being voted on later today. https://www.timesofisrael.com/un-security-council-to-vote-on-gaza-resolution-as-us-signals-support-for-latest-draft/
  16. What is it you fail to understand that I am leaving all options open including that article? It's a pretty straightforward view that you are trying to make something of. Yes yawn.
  17. Because as I stated I am leaving all options open. I including that article. That's why I posted. Comprende? Actually a Hamas and Hezbolla official. I am on phone now. No links but this has been discussed in detail weeks ago.
  18. No. I posted the. One today. I am fully up to speed on the unlikelyhood that Iran helped plan Oct 7th. Including lack of evidence and official denials. However with the amount of money Iran pumped into Hamas and a Hamas leader saying Iran helped I am leaving all options open. Before you hit respond. I am also very well aware the Hamas official may be less than honest.
  19. I'm aware of those old reports yes I posted one of them myself weeks ago.
  20. Al Jazeera as you know. State funded. The same state that was funding Hamas. Maybe still is?
  21. so I'll have to put you on ignore. yes god forbid you have someone who disagrees with you
  22. Interesting stuff from Critical Threats. Goes into lots of details into Hamas's creation, ideologies, goals with certain time frames, leaders, all its different affiliations, the real reason it attacked on 7th Oct etc. The Order of Battle of Hamas’ Izz al Din al Qassem Brigades, Part 1: North and Central Gaza Hamas sees itself in a multi-generational fight against Israel and some other Palestinian groups that will consist of multiple distinct phases.[viii] Hamas sought to undermine secular Palestinian groups in the 1980s and 1990s to Islamicize the Palestinian people as part of the Hamas effort to form an Islamic state.[ix] Hamas then opposed the Oslo Peace Process to prevent Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the international community from blocking the hypothetical pathway to an Islamic Palestinian state covering the entirety of historic Palestine.[x] Hamas sees control of “some parts” of Palestine as an interim goal prior to the establishment of an Islamic Palestinian state.[xi] The al Qassem Brigades state that they will “tolerate” only a temporary truce and that a permanent truce or recognition of the Israeli state is forbidden.[xii] Hamas launched the October 7 attacks in this larger context to derail Arab-Israeli normalization efforts, to destabilize Israel, and eventually to destroy it. https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/the-order-of-battle-of-hamas-izz-al-din-al-qassem-brigades-part-1-north-and-central-gaza
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