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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Here we go again, you just can't follow a string can you, let me highlight this for you: I replied with a well known fact. Very simple, nothing else, the fact being that Hamas wanted Iran to join the war. You asked for a link I provided a link to the fact I gave: Job done
  2. Jeez, I was right, you really are not up to speed at all. Of course Hamas wanted Iran to join the war, still does. That does not mean Iran wants to join, which we know it currently does not.....lol Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reportedly told Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh earlier this month that, since Tehran was not given prior notice of the devastating terror onslaught of October 7, it would not join the war against Israel. The Iranian leader also reportedly asked Haniyeh to “silence those voices” in Hamas calling for Iran and its proxy terror group Hezbollah to directly join the war against Israel “in full force.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/khamenei-reportedly-told-hamas-chief-iran-will-not-directly-enter-war/
  3. I suggest you tell me first since you used it first?
  4. I have apologized for nobody but I have added to the discussion on Qatar money with facts. I also leave terms like genocidal maniacs for the terrorists because again that is factual.
  5. You do know it was Hamas that wanted Iran to join the war right. You don't appear to be very up to speed on this.
  6. Jackanory time again. Out go the links and in comes the hyperbole
  7. Why odd? Aid money given for the purpose of helping the Gazan civilians odd? Military assistance to Israel to defend itself against terrorists odd?
  8. So all these military operations that killed thousands of terrorists and senior Hamas commanders didn't happen?
  9. Qatar payments facilitated by Israel only started in 2018, so 5 years, the actual cash payments that you are referring to only lasted till 2021. The US was aware of it before it started and left it up to Israel to make the decision. Qatar is still making these payments after the 7th Oct without Netanyahu's help. "An Israeli official told CNN that any suggestion that Netanyahu wanted to maintain a “moderately weakened” Hamas was “utterly false” and that he had acted to weaken Hamas “significantly.” “He led three powerful military operations against Hamas which killed thousands of terrorists and senior Hamas commanders,” the official said. “Successive Israeli governments before, during and after Netanyahu’s governments enabled money to go to Gaza. Not in order to strengthen Hamas but to prevent a humanitarian crisis by supporting critical infrastructure, including water and sewage systems to prevent the spread of disease and enable daily life.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html Qatar was funding Hamas by itself for years before that.
  10. Looks like a good business deal to me, $3.3 billion to the Israeli military and $121 million to help the people of Gaza in humanitarian assistants. How? I guess if you believe in conspiracy theories you may have a point.
  11. More disturbing first hand accounts of hostages who have been released with some having suffered violent sexual assaults. ‘We’ll never forgive’: Mom, daughter on life of fear in Gaza captivity, pain upon return She added that before the attack, “We believed that there are no bad people — only people who have it bad. But there are bad people.” Agam described one incident in which the family was staying at a school where “a nice woman welcomed us and offered us water and arranged a place for us to sleep,” and “I turned to my mother and said ‘There are good people in the world.'” “And five minutes later, they shot a barrage of rockets from the school [into Israel] and everyone was shouting ‘Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar’ and I told her, ‘Forget what I said, they’re all the same.'” In the last week of their captivity in Gaza before their release, they were again taken into tunnels, where they met other hostages. “There were girls there who were alone, alone for 50 days, 19-year-olds, alone, who went through difficult things, personally. They were violated, harmed, some were injured,” Chen said. https://www.timesofisrael.com/we-will-never-forgive-freed-hostages-describe-intense-fear-in-gaza-captivity/ 'We know they were raped in Hamas captivity': Chilling details of what hostages faced Two Israeli doctors, who have been treating released hostages, and an Israeli military official familiar with the matter confirmed to USA TODAY that some released hostages revealed they suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity. All three spoke on the condition of anonymity. One of the doctors assessed that "many" of the released Israeli female hostages aged 12 to 48 − there are about 30 of them − were sexually assaulted while held by Hamas in Gaza. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/12/20/hamas-sexual-violence-rape-hostages-oct-7/71917113007/
  12. My post was regarding Hamas using foreign aid money from a variety of countries to enrich itself and its military infrastructure including tunnels rather than the people of Gaza. The US FMF program is relevant how?
  13. Hamas terror tunnels were built with your money American, European, and other taxpayer dollars that went into building this terrorist infrastructure. Billions of dollars have been from a bewildering array of countries. All of whom seem to have thought that they were somehow helping the Palestinians in Gaza. Well, we weren’t. Since 2007, the US has sent over $400 million in taxpayers’ money to Gaza. These are the official figures released by USAID (United States Agency for International Development. USAID also says that it has paid more than $500 million between 2021 and the end of this year. The EU is spending more than $100 million in Gaza this year. But even the EU countries don’t give as much money to UNRWA as America does. https://nypost.com/2023/12/21/opinion/hamas-terror-tunnels-were-built-with-your-money/
  14. Just because its not in your favorite propaganda outlet Al Jazeera does not make it a lie. There are plenty of links back those facts up. Hamas are well documented in using civilians as human shields, to think they would not stop them from leaving certain areas shows your ignorance. Hamas preventing Gaza residents from fleeing to safety, Palestinian activist says The image you linked to above is from 18th Oct and does not show carpet bombing
  15. I give plenty of slack but this topic is not about me so if I was you I would leave it there.
  16. lol, you do you, I will do me, which on this instance is asking why he thinks he can bypass rules while others keep to them. For agreement in a debate you need honesty.
  17. Whatever, that's not really the point of my post, I was calling out @Neeranam for providing misleading unsubstantiated copy and paste text. I despise dishonesty.
  18. Really? You are also forgetting they need them for the tunnels, anyway, more explanation below: America’s intelligence agencies judge that 40-45% of Israel’s air strikes since October 7th have used unguided or “dumb” bombs, as opposed to precision-guided munitions. An American official told cnn that Israel’s air force was employing dive-bombing—releasing after a steep dive—making its attacks more accurate. Edward Stringer, a retired air marshal in the Royal Air Force, says that this was once a routine tactic, used by British Jaguar ground-attack jets in the first Gulf war. “If you have a small area target, this is as valid an attack as dropping a laser-guided bomb,” he says. “You will achieve accuracy within 20 to 30 feet.” The majority of Israel’s unguided bombs are being dropped on Hamas tunnel entrances in northern Gaza, according to people familiar with the targeting. https://www.economist.com/interactive/middle-east-and-africa/2023/12/16/why-is-israel-using-so-many-dumb-bombs-in-gaza https://archive.ph/XXiM0
  19. Because they had murdered, mutilated and raped enough? Na guess not. These terrorists are evil and would have carried on committing vile atrocities as long as they could. They have not finished yet. Israel is sorting it out though
  20. She gets it................ I saw antisemitism every day at the UN. All it takes is 24 hours at the UN to realize that anti-Zionism is just a modern name for the ancient evil of antisemitism. https://twitter.com/NikkiHaley/status/1738232723779596546 Nikki Haley to 'Post': UN antisemitism led to October 7 massacre I’ve seen antisemitism. I confronted it every day at the United Nations. And I know that the Jew-haters try to hide it by saying they only hate Israel. All it takes is 24 hours at the UN to realize that anti-Zionism is just a modern name for the ancient evil of antisemitism. The worst-kept secret at the UN is that antisemitism is operating just beneath the surface. I saw it in my first few days on the job as US ambassador to the UN, after I met with Israel’s ambassador. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-779118
  21. No exposing the lies. Not that you know the difference between that and truth
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