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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes serious, she was speaking at the UN and there's plenty more here: She said multiple cases of rape were found by forensic examination of the bodies, which have been stored in refrigerated containers. At least 10 freed hostages were sexually abused by Hamas in captivity, doctor says At least 10 of the Israeli civilians released by Hamas, both men and women, were sexually assaulted or abused while in captivity, the Associated Press reported Wednesday. In a report detailing allegations of severe and widespread sexual abuse by Hamas terrorists during their October 7 onslaught and later against hostages, a doctor who treated some of the 110 hostages released from captivity told the AP that at least 10 men and women among those freed were sexually assaulted or abused. https://www.timesofisrael.com/at-least-10-freed-hostages-were-sexually-abused-by-hamas-in-captivity-doctor-says/ Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves. Over the last several weeks, NBC News has reviewed five interrogations of captured Hamas fighters, an Arabic-language document that instructed Hamas how to pronounce “Take off your pants” in Hebrew, six images of naked or partially naked deceased female bodies, seven eyewitness accounts of sexual violence including both rape and mutilation, 11 testimonies of first responders, and two accounts from workers in morgues who handled the bodies of women after they were recovered from the massacre. The evidence, primarily from the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli officials, suggests that dozens of Israeli women were raped or sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. According to first responders, one was mutilated with a pair of scissors and another stabbed with a knife. The genitals of some men who had been killed were mutilated as well. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/hamas-rape-israeli-women-oct-7-rcna128221
  2. Again.........................................The facts are that Israel wants the UN to investigate, why do I need to repeat what is being widely reported and also posted here, oh yea, because its you:
  3. That's exactly what you've done in my opinion, continually highlighting doubt on whether Israel would want this investigation when its clear it does
  4. Yea Hamas denies doing it, no wonder you try to deny it, disgusting Hamas supporter: "broken pelvises, bruises, cuts and tears"
  5. Jeez you still at it.... The UN meeting, attended by about 800 people including diplomats from dozens of countries Show some frigging respect to these victims
  6. Yet the UN meeting, attended by about 800 people including diplomats from dozens of countries where the evidence was presented happened a week later after that report. The ICC chief prosecutor has also just returned from Israel after being invited there, you need to catch up on events ICC prosecutor to visit Israel at request of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/icc-prosecutor-visit-israel-request-oct-7-hamas-attack-victims-2023-11-30/
  7. Why highlight that quote from the article when its clear Israel is be extremely pro active in getting the UN to investigate. To be honest I couldn't care less, The IDF will do their best to kill every last one of those monsters. The UN in Gaza has shown itself to be riddled with Hamas supporters
  8. That's the same link I posted and please get it right, this was in reference to previous matters not the brutal rapes. However its work is likely to be hampered by the fact that Israel has not cooperated with the commission The meeting was called for the UN to investigate that's why the presentation was presented to the UN...................jeez Show a little respect for the horrors that these women went through
  9. Trolling much? I stated and quoted: "UN has been urged to investigate" do I really need to define what needs to be collected in an investigation? Do you really need spoon feeding to the accounts from the Israeli forensic doctors who examined the bodies? Yea no wonder you dive back in your hole
  10. You never made a point, you did ask a question however: Question is : Were they (UN) allowed to collect forensic proof in Israel by independent UN investigators? I answered it, the UN has been urged to investigate, it has already been shown the video evidence, it is now up to them to proceed: The UN meeting, attended by about 800 people including diplomats from dozens of countries, watched videos from police interviews with first responders who described genital mutilation and shooting at breasts. A survivor of the attack on the Supernova rave described witnessing a gang-rape. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/05/un-hears-accounts-of-sexual-violence-during-7-october-attacks-by-hamas
  11. Israel presses U.N. to investigate charges of sexual violence by Hamas fighters Israeli officials have accused international groups, including the United Nations, of ignoring what it describes as evidence of rape and sexual violence by Hamas fighters during the Oct. 7 attacks https://www.npr.org/2023/12/06/1217668564/israel-hamas-rape-sexual-violence-oct-7#:~:text=Embedded-,Israel presses U.N. to investigate charges of sexual violence by,during the Oct. 7 attacks.
  12. Hamas terrorist's can end this today by surrendering and releasing hostages.
  13. The mainstream media, which is under the control of the Zionists, constantly lies to you as if all Jews are on the side of Israel, but this is a big lie. Thousands of Torah Jews in the world are against Israel and Zionism. Conspiracies' and falsehoods Mainstream media is not controlled by the Zionists in fact its pretty clear that since Oct 7th many mainstream media outlets are clearly Pro Palestinian, and where are the examples of the media claiming all Jews are on the side of Israel?
  14. You should be directing that to Hamas, here they are with their guns hijacking trucks full of aid while a local group of Palestinians look on throwing stones at them and being shot at. "The dramatic scenes as local Gazans throw stones and withstand gunfire from Hamas agents in order to stop them from looting new humanitarian aid shipments that crossed in from Rafah."
  15. So, I hope you will agree with me that the HISTORY of this conflict is very important and pertinent, and this whole issue was not started by Hamas on 7 Oct. Again, there is no justification for what happened on the 7th Oct whether it happened in a vacuum or not, this war started then and not before, the UN in this topic is referring to this war from the 7th Oct and not before.
  16. "But let me be crystal clear: Hamas’s refusal to release the remaining young women is what broke this deal and ended the pause in the fighting." Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Reception | Boston, MA And over the past few weeks, survivors and witnesses of the attacks have shared the horrific accounts of unimaginable cruelty: reports of women raped — repeatedly raped and their bodies being mutilated while still alive, of women corpses being desecrated, and Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering as — on women and girls as possible and then murdering them. And it’s appalling. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/12/05/remarks-by-president-biden-at-a-campaign-reception-weston-ma/
  17. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first large, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial to determine the safety and efficacy of ivermectin for both the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 in the same outpatient setting. A high dose of ivermectin (400–600 µg/kg/d) for 3 days did not show a significant benefit for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9219629/
  18. This Al Jazeera censorship just keeps coming....................
  19. Hamas's Western Apologists Have Become Hamas Enthusiasts. As a Gazan, I'm Horrified | Opinion Yet Hamas' Oct. 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, has bred a far more disturbing form of Hamas apologia. Instead of their usual distracting methods, this time you had people actually gleefully endorsing Oct. 7 as a form of legitimate armed resistance to occupation. Others attempted to "contextualize" the attack by pointing out the conditions in Gaza and the overall injustices experienced by Palestinians. Still others tried to downplay the atrocities themselves—either their horrific nature or the numbers involved. https://www.newsweek.com/hamass-western-apologists-have-become-hamas-enthusiasts-gazan-im-horrified-opinion-1849228
  20. Well you claimed: "There have been no clinical trials that prove or disprove its efficacy in preventing Covid" And that is simply untrue
  21. Not only are you a troll, your additionally a liar and dishonest debater, go away
  22. There have been plenty of clinical trials to evaluate whether Ivermectin can help in preventing covid. Aside from fraudulent trials or extremely bias ones, no evidence has yet been found it helps in any way. Ivermectin for the prevention of COVID-19: addressing potential bias and medical fraud Results Four studies were included in the meta-analysis. One was rated as being potentially fraudulent, two as having a high risk of bias and one as having some concerns for bias. Ivermectin did not have a significant effect on preventing RT–PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Ivermectin had a significant effect on preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infection in one trial with some concerns of bias, but this result was based on post hoc analysis of a multi-arm study. https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/77/5/1413/6534008 There remains no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating or preventing COVID-19 infection, state the authors of an updated Cochrane Review(link is external)(opens in a new tab), which now contains 11 trials across 3409 people. https://www.lstmed.ac.uk/news-events/news/ivermectin-for-covid-19-review-update-11-trials-and-no-evidence-of-benefit-shown We found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating COVID-19 or preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The evidence base improved slightly in this update, but is still limited. https://www.cochrane.org/CD015017/INFECTN_ivermectin-preventing-and-treating-covid-19
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