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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. They'll deflect by posting a video of apache helicopters shooting terrorists and then claim they were shooting civilians
  2. Another hospital, more terrorists: What could these Hamas terrorists possibly be doing with an RPG at the Quds Hospital?
  3. The Whitehouse has already said they should be asking Hamas to hand over the fuel and stop using it as a command center
  4. 1. they can justify their bigotry in celebrating the ethnic cleansing by Israel. Just wow, what a sick puppy 2. antisemite, hamas apologist, liar etc A good case study 101 lesson in projection
  5. there you go again laughing and trolling
  6. What could these Hamas terrorists possibly be doing with an RPG at the Quds Hospital?
  7. Can you please stop following me with trolling posts. Its tedious, boring and baiting
  8. stop the trolling and educate yourself on what a conspiracy theory is.
  9. No need to delete but can fix https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/us-intelligence-on-hamas-operations-under-alshifa-hospital-supports-israeli-claims-sources-104859318?id=104837945
  10. sick conspiracy theories are not funny
  11. B.S. from a promotor of sick conspiracy theories
  12. You really care what I think about your opinions with your previous posting history, go away. The State Department tells it like it is: "We would love see Hamas vacate the hospitals it’s using as command posts immediately. We’d love to see all people that are calling for Israel to take steps to protect hospitals, call for Hamas to vacate the hospitals."
  13. US intelligence on Hamas operations under Al-Shifa Hospital supports Israeli claims: Sources While the White House is emphasizing the need to protect civilians in and around Gaza’s hospitals, two administration officials say the U.S. has intelligence supporting Israel’s assessment that Hamas is using Al-Shifa Hospital to shelter a command center under the medical complex, further complicating the situation on the ground. “We would love to see Hamas vacate the hospitals it's using [as] command posts immediately," he said. "We would love to see Hamas take some of the fuel reserves it's sitting on and use that to supply hospitals in northern Gaza. We would love to see Hamas have taken the fuel that Israel offered it yesterday that they declined for use at Al-Shifa Hospital." https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/us-intelligence-on-hamas-operations-under-alshifa-hospital-supports-israeli-claims-sources-104859318
  14. Rubbish, read my post again, the rocket fuel needs to be ignited. I did not make claims what the rocket fuel is made from because we all know its sugar and potassium nitrate
  15. The Qassam is not the only rocket in the terrorists arsenal, they have a large range including the al-Quds rocket. Hamas Leader: “We have local factories for everything, for rockets with ranges of 250 km, for 160 km, 80km, and 10 km. All rockets need the fuel to be ignited before they can launch. The ignition is carried out via electric switch which needs generators or batteries for smaller launch pads. source
  16. Full version that also shows a Hamas leaders house next to a hospital along with terrorist tunnel, 20 meters deep.
  17. Special footage from the Rantisi hospital in Gaza - on the basement floor, a room was found with signs indicating hostages were held there, underground headquarters and a room full of weapons inside the hospital:
  18. Jeremy Corbyn who led the Pro Palestinian march, can't even condemn Hamas, disgusting Former British opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn gets asked 15 TIMES if he condemns Hamas. He refuses to answer every single time…
  19. Then of course you have the option of inflammatory personal slurs.
  20. Stop being a hypocrite then telling others to stay on topic. Simple
  21. Your opinions have no credible basis. Not interested
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