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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. That's not how it works, you need to provide evidence of you claims, regards war crimes that another subject that needs evidence, trial and convictions
  2. Links troll not more pathetic deflection
  3. More lies from you, here are your claims again: Provide a link that contains evidence to a targeted strike that killed 100's of civilians, also when doing it please take note that the terrorists do not wear uniforms all the time and blend in with the civilains. After you've done that, you've still got your comparison to deliberately killing 6 million Jews to evidence
  4. Possibly but doubtful, Hamas figures: Have you factored in: - Now over 600 Hamas rockets verified as having misfired and landed back in Gaza and landing in civilian areas - The hundred if not thousands of Hamas terrorists already killed by IDF as they claim, those figure are not separated from the figures Hamas run health authority issues. - Hamas claimed at first 800 killed by IDF hospital car park strike. That figure was then reduced to 500 or so and it turned out to be a Hamas rocket not IDF
  5. You've got a lot of back tracking to do to supply links to your claims, currently zero received yet you lamely attempt to criticize video evidence footage. You have nothing troll
  6. IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari briefed international media outlets with video footage of Hamas gunmen emerging from a tunnel under Sheikh Hamad Hospital, as well firing at Israelis forces from within the building itself. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-releases-new-intel-detailing-hamas-use-of-gaza-hospitals-for-terror-purposes/
  7. That is not a link to your claims and you know it troll
  8. Nah you're lying again. No links provided by you
  9. When you get back to me with links of your claims we can carry on a debate, until then you have zero credibility
  10. Still waitng for your previous links, while I'm waiting digest this Collateral damage is an accepted consequence of warfare. The law of armed conflict (LOAC) permits soldiers to carry out attacks against military objectives with the knowledge that civilians will be killed, provided the attack is consistent with the requirements of the principle of proportionality. https://lieber.westpoint.edu/collateral-damage-innocent-bystanders-war/
  11. You made specific claims not opinions, I am waiting
  12. Provide a link that contains evidence to a targeted strike that killed 100's of civilians, also when doing it please take note that the terrorists do not wear uniforms all the time and blend in with the civilains. After you've done that, you've still got your comparison to deliberately killing 6 million Jews to evidence
  13. Israel has not been deliberately killing civilians and you know it, this has been covered numerous times with links, you are late to the party and you are showing pure ignorance to the facts
  14. pure hateful deflection and trolling
  15. It became a war when Israel declared war........jeez
  16. And, 6 million deliberately murdered. Stop the nonsense its pathetic
  17. Don't try that card, he was right there responsible for hate speech, the Met police are looking for a school teacher in the UK who made the same comparison: 6 million jews killed with intent, deliberately and you try to justify that into a comparison, I suggest you give up now.
  18. Why do I need to? Anyone can comment there. I only take notice of official statements unlike you
  19. Human Rights watch is not the investigative body
  20. Needs must. All over the world, ambulances are used to bring medical care to those in need. But in Gaza, Hamas seized control of the ambulances and uses them as discrete taxis for their terrorists. Listen to a call where terrorists brag about their personal ambulance:
  21. But you said it was murder. So instead of making such assumptions, it is clear that very detailed investigations must take place first on a case by case basis
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