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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. A 2007 piece that has no relevance other than the words from an extremist ex Rabbi in retaliation for the ongoing war crimes of Hamas and their rockets indiscriminately killing Israel civilians
  2. Sad and very ill informed post, get up to speed on the atrocities committed by Hamas on the 7th Oct
  3. Why? Nobody ever claimed covid killed everyone in their 70's or that everyone gets long covid
  4. It was not intended at you I thought I made that clear, apologies if not. It was however firmly intended for another couple of posters who have provided clear evidence that their posts were not balanced or objective.
  5. Each has a right to an opinion but when someone labels Israel and IDF as terrorists they need calling out. Minimizing the acts of terror that occurred on the 7th Oct, the intent of Hamas to deliberately murder and kidnap civilians cannot be compared to Israel or the IDF. They are not murdering anyone with intent. Deaths are occurring and too many but this is also due to Hamas using their own population as human shields. Not you but others claiming they are not a Hamas apologists when they clearly post the exact definition of what an apologist is, needs calling out. You claim 7/10 was a "direct result of direct result of history, Nekbah, Gaza, Golan Heights and West Bank" Even the UN have said there is NO justification for the Hamas attacks, stop the victim blaming.
  6. Hamas terrorists don't care, they kill their own Palestinians when launching rockets that fail from Gaza, use them as human shields in sensitive places, hospitals, schools and also massacred not just Jews on the 7th Oct but also Arabs. Israel’s Hidden Victims, Arab Bedouins, Were Attacked by Hamas Too During their murderous Oct. 7 rampage, Hamas militants attacked Zikkim Beach near the Gaza Strip where Abd Alrahman Aatef Ziadna and his family had been camping along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Mr. Ziadna, 26, was slain inside his tent, and four members of his Bedouin family vanished. Since the slaughter of 1,400 Israelis and foreigners by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, the world’s sympathies have focused on the Jewish communities closest to Gaza, where many of the victims lived. Atrocities were also committed against one of Israel’s more hidden minorities, Bedouin Arabs. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/29/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-arab-bedouins.html https://archive.ph/j5BAk
  7. The playing field is far from level when it comes to what is deemed acceptable when discussing either side of this conflict. You can say that again................
  8. However, the israelis are the ones with the trained army with all the weapons and hi tech toys needed to dominate a population with just a few light weapons and no organized militia. Where did you get the notion that Hamas has just a few light weapons and no organized militia? Been watching too much Al Jeezera again? Hamas has "a military academy training a range of specialisations including cyber security, and boasts a naval commando unit among its 40,000-strong military wing." https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-hamas-secretly-built-mini-army-fight-israel-2023-10-13/
  9. COVID-19 outcomes by vaccination status offers evidence that vaccines are saving lives. https://directorsblog.health.azdhs.gov/clear-evidence-that-covid-19-vaccines-and-boosters-are-saving-lives/
  10. Plenty of attention taken, we can all read your posts that's why I know you're a Hamas apologist and a troll constantly deflecting the topic. No more food for you.................
  11. Back on topic with no added book titles needed. This isn't a war Israel started - government spokesman Eylon Levy is a spokesperson for the Israeli government and he insists the country is "sick with worry" for the fate of the 230 people taken hostage three weeks ago. He tells BBC Radio 5 Live the 7 October attack by Hamas was “one of the most spectacular massacres in human history”, and that Israel is “determined that that will never happen again”. “This isn't a war that Israel started," Levy says. "This isn't a war that Israel even expected. It's a war that Hamas launched and declared against us.”
  12. To be honest Brian, at 185 pages in, I've yet to read a single post of yours that added any value to the discussion on the Israel - Hamas war. No surprise from the resident Hamas supporter.
  13. This notice is pinned at the top of this forum: The War in Israel Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War. Not your personal book club troll
  14. The meaningless post was you thinking this was a book club but expected from an apologist
  15. More off topic nonsense from the resident Hamas apologist
  16. Probably best not to cite any books, its all just deflection and designed to steer away from the topic........jeez
  17. I've got far more respect for flat earthers then his rantings. At least they are not promoting such dangerous claims about medicine and virus's.
  18. Well articulated. You've got far more patience than me, I gave up on him a long time ago. His claims are from cloud cuckoo land. Him and his 11 internet friends he talks about
  19. Starlink, Elon Musk has made starlink available for all aid agencies in schools and hospitals. Nearly all civilians left in the north are located in their boundaries
  20. As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies Hamas has hundreds of thousands of gallons of fuel for vehicles and rockets; caches of ammunition, explosives and materials to make more; and stockpiles of food, water and medicine, the officials said. A senior Lebanese official said Hamas, which is estimated to number between 35,000 and 40,000, had enough stocked away to keep fighting for three to four months without resupply. The supply situation speaks to the relative sophistication of Hamas as a fighting force — an axiom among military professionals is that while amateurs talk about tactics, professionals talk about logistics. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/world/middleeast/palestine-gazans-hamas-food.html https://archive.ph/j5BAk
  21. The same way the BBC is still reporting live from there because there are communications
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