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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Read the statement of facts contained in the article links
  2. From the statement of facts, some pics of the explosive device detonating along with a still of him throwing it.
  3. Recent polling finds the six-week abortion ban is not popular among Florida residents of either political party. A University of North Florida poll in March found 75% of 1,452 respondents said they either somewhat or strongly opposed the six-week ban. That included 61% of Republicans. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/floridas-legislature-passes-6-week-abortion-ban-rcna78988
  4. She had scans before 15 weeks that were fine. It was only after in subsequent scans that an abnormality was found, you need more than one ultra sound to make confirmations. its fully explained in the Washington Post article I just posted as it is in the CNN article if you followed all the links. But again you prefer to blame CNN rather than the law which caused this situation
  5. This article on her back in Feb. The medical experts were unfortunately right. Diagnosis by the doctors was not made until she was 23 weeks pregnant. Too late with the 15 week ban. "Deborah left carrying the scan stamped with the fetus’s gestational age — 23 weeks Even though medical experts expect their baby to survive only 20 minutes to a couple of hours, the Dorberts say their doctors told them that because of the new legislation, they could not terminate the pregnancy." https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2023/02/18/florida-abortion-ban-unviable-pregnancy-potter-syndrome/
  6. Thanks for the confirmation that you failed in that respect and insinuate that CNN spun it.
  7. You didn't read it very well. Her own doctor in a youtube video explains all. Link in article
  8. Yes you're missing a lot of info, you didn't read the article that would answer your questions including from her own doctor.
  9. Something that could have been decided on if Trump had supplied a sample of his DNA when asked for in 2020, which he refused to do.
  10. "Ms. Carroll first requested in early 2020 that Mr. Trump provide a sample of his DNA for comparison, Mr. Trump repeatedly refused. Nearly three years later, Mr. Tacopina told the court that his client was finally willing to provide a DNA sample, under certain conditions, specifically, Mr. Trump offered his DNA in exchange for an appendix to a laboratory report that Ms. Carroll commissioned about genetic material on the dress. Judge Kaplan called Mr. Trump’s offer a stalling tactic, noting in a pretrial ruling that his offer came after a deadline to disclose evidence had already passed, Judge Kaplan also said that the two sides had already agreed in a joint order that no DNA experts would be called as witnesses." https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/27/nyregion/dna-evidence-trump-carroll-trial.html
  11. How many stories need to be exposed on Clarence before action is taken?? Clarence Thomas Helped Kill Eviction Bans That Threatened Harlan Crow’s Business Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas voted to end federal tenant protections that his billionaire benefactor’s company says threatened its real estate profit margins, according to corporate documents reviewed by the Lever. Thomas did not disclose his relationship with real estate billionaire Harlan Crow, nor did he recuse himself from the 2021 case, despite its potential impact on Crow Holdings. Now, rent control — which Crow Holdings’ documents also say threatens the company’s business — could come before Thomas, and there is no indication he would recuse himself if it does. https://jacobin.com/2023/04/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-gifts-eviction-ban
  12. In addition to that, its also worth noting the often referred to false claims that there were no weapons: The FBI on Tuesday arrested a Florida man accused of setting off an “explosive device” in the US Capitol tunnel during the attack on January 6, 2021. "In one of the most violent scenes of the Capitol riot, a line of police officers protected an entrance to the building against violent rioters who used poles, bats, fists, stolen riot shields, chemical spray and, according to court documents, small explosives to attack the officers." https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/03/politics/florida-man-charged-explosion-capitol-riot/index.html & here's another one of those peaceful rioters............................ "An ex-FBI official who allegedly urged rioters to "kill" officers during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was previously the supervisory special agent in charge of Homegrown Violent Extremism for the FBI New York Field Office's Joint Terrorism Task Force, a senior law enforcement official told NBC News" https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/ex-fbi-agent-feds-say-urged-jan-6-rioters-kill-police-worked-terrorism-rcna82775
  13. He said Carroll was not his type....................lol During the October deposition, Mr Trump was shown a black-and-white photo of himself speaking to people at an event. He said: "It's Marla," referring to his second wife Marla Maples, before his lawyer corrected him saying: "No, that's Carroll." https://news.sky.com/story/its-marla-donald-trump-confuses-rape-accuser-with-ex-wife-trial-told-12873372
  14. "This cop was doing crowd control, nothing more." Not true, he was standing over Floyd as he was on the ground with a knee on his neck by the other officer. Floyd was still just alive screaming to be let go just before he died. Tou did nothing while this was going on a couple of feet away from him. Tou Thao also had 6 previous complaints made against him including a brutality lawsuit for throwing a man to the ground and hitting him. Video: https://www.nytimes.com/article/george-floyd.html
  15. This is not pro life, its a new level of cruelty inflicted by dark age laws.
  16. Interesting in how you quote that article. Considering the main cause they cite is the increasing gun ownership, which happens to be above the paragraph you refer to: Gun ownership is on the rise One is that Americans have more guns now than they did before. US gun sales reached a record 23 million in 2020 - a 65% increase from 2019 - and remained high in 2021. The FBI conducted significantly more firearm background checks - required by law when someone buys a gun - during times of uncertainty, like the first Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, the unrest following the police killing of George Floyd, and the US Capitol riots in January 2021. Josh Horwitz, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, said the rise in sales is tied to "the idea that guns keep us safe, especially in uncertain times".
  17. Fox News has been racist for some time, this from 2019. Its not just Tucker or Watters. Toxic since its very creation Fox News Is Racist. Period. https://www.freepress.net/blog/fox-news-racist-period
  18. Tell your friend to read the article and follow the links it has published to the facts from CDC and other original sources.
  19. What, a racist rant live on air!.................Fox news.............. ah ok
  20. A 5 month old article. Time to update your reading on whats happened to twitter since then.
  21. ooops, oh well, never mind............. Trump Lawyer Joe Tacopina’s Terrible Cross-Examination Gets Even Worse During more than a full day of cross-examination of E. Jean Carroll, Joe Tacopina, Donald Trump’s lead trial lawyer, gave an object lesson on how NOT to conduct a cross-examination in federal court. The first day of cross-examination was bad. Day two was even worse. If a juror believed E. Jean Carroll’s direct testimony that she was raped by Donald Trump, Tacopina gave that juror precious little reason to reconsider that conclusion. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trump-lawyer-joe-tacopinas-terrible-cross-examination-in-e-jean-carroll-trial-gets-even-worse
  22. Well here's what one local said about him on a previous visit: “He doesn't behave like somebody from the Hebrides would behave. He's like a spoiled child who should have had his bum smacked when he was young,” https://www.vice.com/en/article/nea9jx/trump-is-half-scottish-so-we-asked-scots-what-they-think-of-him
  23. Yes I do, I was replying to an opinion that has no relevance to this case.
  24. Austin has little to do with Cleveland where the murders took place. In fact Cleveland the police budgets have increased.
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