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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You did a critical analysis......really....lol So tell me what did you analysis from this, just one of over a dozen links provided in the article................... The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020. Over this 21-year span, this Red State murder gap has steadily widened from a low of 9% more per capita red state murders in 2003 and 2004 to 44% more per capita red state murders in 2019, before settling back to 43% in 2020. Altogether, the per capita Red State murder rate was 23% higher than the Blue State murder rate when all 21 years were combined. https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-two-decade-red-state-murder-problem
  2. As usual the Guardian provides a direct link for its sources in its reporting................why I am not surprised you failed to do the work to click them
  3. Then there's the facts that Republicans prefer to ignore. From the OP: Ironically, given the accusation from the right that Democrats are too soft on crime, it appears to be traditionally “red states” that have the more serious crime problem. “The murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Donald Trump has exceeded the murder rate in the 25 states that voted for Joe Biden in every year from 2000 to 2020,” Third Way, a US thinktank, reported in January. Third Way also found that in 2020 murder rates “were 40% higher in Trump-voting states than Biden-voting states”. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/14/republican-tough-on-crime-us-elections-2010
  4. Actually it was a speech to the 2023 graduating class at Howard University, the same University that Kamala Harris attended. Its a pity Fox cut and edited the video, because it was a great speech for those that read it all rather then take such a small snippet for their audience to jump on. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/05/13/remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-howard-university-class-of-2023-commencement-address/ I won't bother cherry picking quotes from it..............
  5. Just catching up on some info on this tragic event: Jordan had a number of interventions from mental health with the last one being in Feb of this year where to avoid prison the judge told him go from court to live at a treatment facility in the Bronx, and stay clean for 15 months. In return, his felony conviction would be reduced. The prosecutor also agreed. "Mary Weisgerber, a prosecutor, said. “This is a wonderful opportunity to turn things around, and we’re glad to give it to you,” He lasted just 13 days before leaving the center. After that he had various interactions with out reach workers but they are not notified of arrest warrants. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/07/nyregion/jordan-neely-daniel-penny-nyc-subway.html In the video of the struggle and strangle hold another passenger can be heard saying: “You don’t have to catch a murder charge,” he said. “You got a hell of a chokehold, man.” https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/11/nyregion/daniel-penny-charges-jordan-neely-subway-death.html
  6. Zelensky in UK today................. https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1657990871541751819
  7. How many more millions of dollars to be wasted on this, unbelievable.................... “Well, we’re hopeful that we can find the informant,” Comer said. “Remember, these informants are kind of in the spy business, so they don’t make a habit of being seen a lot or being high profile or anything like that.”
  8. That idea didn't work out to well for him, to achieve anything like it would have needed him to be elected again. He lost, although he falsely claims it was rigged and there was certainly no indication that his promise was going in the right direction anyway, even before the virus hit.
  9. I'm not sure what point your trying to make, his promise was to decrease it, instead he increased it even before the pandemic.
  10. Despite Trump's promises to reduce it the national debt was increasing before the pandemic Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years https://www.propublica.org/article/national-debt-trump
  11. Agree on what you call him.................. Trump’s most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the national debt It rose almost $7.8 trillion during his time in the White House — approaching World War II levels, relative to the size of the economy. This time around, it will be much harder to dig ourselves out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/01/14/trump-legacy-national-debt-increasee/ 25% of the US National Debt Incurred During Trump Administration https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-debt-25-percent/
  12. A responsible teacher will have checked what the topic was before it was presented and ensured it was appropriate for the setting rather than have half the class laughing at it and the other half shocked, especially since some students there are of Mexican heritage and other's there who are black. However yes it would have been difficult to present some facts and education first in Florida with the censorship hammer in place for some subjects and discussions. Including the Bill to Limit School Discussion of Race or slavery. Luckily there was also not a topic on gays or even girls periods as that's also banned. The legal Mexican heritage student who took the video and whose father complained had every reason to. The teacher obviously knows what he did is wrong otherwise why resign? Like I said, only in a DeSantis Florida..........
  13. Noted but I never said the actual Ann Frank Diaries were banned. A picture version of her diaries was banned however. Along with "One of this year’s rejected Holocaust textbooks was called “Modern Genocides,” and the other was an online learning course titled “History of the Holocaust.” Both were intended for high school students." Regardless this was a very small detail of my post with regards to the topic at hand and my point being that the students needed learning and facts first from the teacher before giving presentations on such subjects. I'm not going further into book bans, plenty of topics on that already.
  14. In an ideal world, the students would have facts presented to them first by the teachers. Covering the difficult issues of racism, discrimination, gender issues. Then is the time for presentations from students, once they have those facts. BUT this is Florida, where some books on the holocaust are banned, hundreds of others banned including an Anne Frank book. Gender issues banned, lessons on some race-related concepts banned. No wonder the students are ignorant to the facts. The teacher who allowed this thankfully resigned.
  15. Its been raining Russian aircraft. Two helicopters, one fighter jet and one bomber. Biggest loss in one day.................
  16. Perhaps they can all immigrate and carry out their plans in Russia itself? LOL Plans are underway in Russia to build a settlement for conservative American and Canadian immigrants seeking to leave the West “for ideological reasons,” at least according to a Moscow-based immigration lawyer. Timur Beslangurov, a partner in the law firm VISTA Immigration, claimed that construction would begin next year on a village in the Moscow region for about 200 families from North America, financed by the immigrants themselves. https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwdew/russia-maga-colony
  17. Yes he mentioned the economy and lied. He also mentioned the Ukraine war and lied. I agree though, the 2020 elections are in the past but he was the one who constantly brought it up and lied. Its all in the fact checks.
  18. Really? How many lie's did you miss? Fact-checking Trump’s CNN town hall in New Hampshire https://edition.cnn.com/2023/05/10/politics/fact-check-donald-trump-town-hall/index.html
  19. More gains.............. Frontline report: Ukraine liberates 17.5 km² near Bakhmut, unblocks supply route On 12 May, there was a lot of good news from the Bakhmut direction. Here, Ukrainians leveraged their newly gained territories on Bakhmut’s northern flank and increased the scale of the operation even more. After Ukrainians saw how Russian troops from the 9th Motorized Rifle Brigade started to abandon their positions, it was decided to maintain the momentum and push along the lake. Due to the problems with communication, some Russian detachments did not understand what was going on and still defended their trenches in front of the Khromove road, even though they were already virtually surrounded. https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/05/13/frontline-report-ukraine-liberates-17-5-km²-near-bakhmut-unblocks-supply-route/
  20. Possibly the first known case use of the Storm Shadow Luhansk factory hit in apparent Ukrainian missile strike Luhansk regional Governor Artem Lisohor suggested the facility was used by Russian forces to repair and resupply military vehicles. "Somehow, a machine-building factory caught fire; not hard to guess what the Russians were storing and repairing there," Lisohor said in a Telegram post. Open-source intelligence analysis team GeoConfirmed confirmed that "cruise missiles" struck at least two targets in Luhansk. The city is located more than 80 km from the front lines. https://news.yahoo.com/luhansk-factory-hit-apparent-ukrainian-201200748.html Alleged Storm Shadow fragments:
  21. My post was not referring to alcohol but to firearms including long guns where unlicensed persons may sell, deliver, or otherwise transfer a long gun or long gun ammunition to a person of any age. No need for any learning for me thanks.
  22. Presentations on “Why I don’t like Black people” and “Why I don’t like Mexican people.” Only in a DeSantis Florida!
  23. Well sort of yes, different states have different age restrictions but its a crazy situation. One study found that state laws raising the minimum legal age to purchase firearms to 21 years were associated with a nine percent decline in rates of firearm suicides among 18-to-20-year-olds. The most concerning aspect of that article I linked to though was the reason the judge said its unconstitutional to ban firearms to under 21's because of the Supreme Court ruling: "The Supreme Court said judges should no longer consider whether the law serves public interests, like enhancing public safety. Governments that want to uphold a gun restriction must look back into history to show it is consistent with the country’s “historical tradition of firearm regulation,” the Supreme Court said." The Constitution more important than peoples lives. The gun nuts win again.
  24. CNN’s Nic Robertson interview 4 Ukrainian commanders who took part in the recent, successful counterattacks on the outskirts of Bakhmut. They say that improved weather, combined with the arrival of Western infantry fighting vehicles, is what made it possible for them to advance.
  25. Of course it will be ignored. With the host of firearm regulations needed to get some sort of decent effect, even little baby steps get blocked. Banning gun sales to young American adults under 21 is unconstitutional, judge rules A federal judge in Virginia has ruled that a law banning licensed federal firearms dealers from selling handguns to young adults under 21 violates the Second Amendment and is unconstitutional. Payne’s ruling is the latest decision striking down gun laws in the wake of a landmark Supreme Court ruling last year that changed the test courts have long used to evaluate challenges to firearm restrictions. The Supreme Court said judges should no longer consider whether the law serves public interests, like enhancing public safety. https://thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-top-headlines/banning-gun-sales-to-young-american-adults-under-21-is-unconstitutional-judge-rules/
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