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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I take that as a no then. You cant provide evidence to discredit it. You seem to think I'm trying to convince you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Time for you to go and spend more time looking for AfD videos. Enjoy the propoganda......you deserve each other.
  2. I don't dispute the weapons left in Afghanistan, that's already well known. I dispute a dodgy telegram channel spread unsubstantiated claims. No country in the world recognizes the taliban, not even China or NK. I doubt Russia will do so anytime soon.
  3. Yea right............according to a telegram channel................. "A Kremlin insider claims that the Russian despot is in negotiations with the Taliban to recognise the nation's government. In return, Putin wants US equipment snatched from Afghanistan by the Taliban to be handed over - according to Telegram channel General SVR - which claims to be fed information by a Kremlin insider."
  4. Can you provide evidence its not true? Next time you provide a video link check your source Documents Link AfD Parliamentarian To Moscow https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/documents-link-afd-parliamentarian-to-moscow-a-1261509.html A German politician could become an "absolutely controlled" MP in the Bundestag, according to Russian documents seen by BBC Newsnight. The politician, Markus Frohnmaier, is a member of the German parliament from the far-right AfD party https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47822835 How Russian Voters Fueled the Rise of Germany's Far-Right https://time.com/4955503/germany-elections-2017-far-right-russia-angela-merkel/ How Russians have helped fuel the rise of Germany’s far right Mr. K. is not alone. Since 2015, the AfD has been actively courting Germany’s Russian community, even setting up a network within the party to specifically address their concerns. The strategy has borne fruit, especially in the state of Baden-Württemberg, where the AfD garnered 42 per cent of the vote in Villingen-Schwenningen, and 52 per cent in Wertheim, both cities that are home to large populations of Russian-Germans. https://theconversation.com/how-russians-have-helped-fuel-the-rise-of-germanys-far-right-105551
  5. Video of the brave man disarming the attacker of the assault weapon.
  6. A San Francisco judge ruled that footage of an intruder’s attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, could be released over prosecutors' objections as soon as Thursday. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/us/paul-pelosi-video-attack-san-francisco.html
  7. Did you expect anything else from one of Germany's extreme far right politicians? In a party that since its foundation, it was no secret to German political observers that the party was almost openly funded by the Kremlin. https://insightnews.media/german-right-wing-mp-tries-to-undermine-the-tanks-supply-to-ukraine/ I'm surprised he's not back in South Africa on a shooting exercise with the paramilitary “Suidlanders” group during an official parliamentary trip. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2018/12/31/germ-d31.html
  8. From your link you are saying many people saying the opposite and use Japan's ex Prime Minister as an example, who served only 1 year in term back in 2000. "(Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori, known as a gaffe-prone veteran politician)" Now back to reality from Japan Japan takes extremely seriously the fact that a large number of civilians in Ukraine have been killed as a result of the acts of the Russian forces, and is deeply shocked by this revelation. The killing of innocent civilians is a grave breach of international humanitarian law and absolutely unacceptable. Japan vehemently condemns it. The truth about these atrocities must be uncovered and Russia must be held strictly accountable. Japan has referred the Situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on the grounds that war crimes appear to have been committed, and counts on progress in the investigation by the ICC Prosecutor. https://www.mofa.go.jp/press/release/press6e_000375.html For some of its continued assistance to Ukraine https://japan.kantei.go.jp/ongoingtopics/pdf/jp_stands_with_ukraine_eng.pdf
  9. None at all: Democracies must respond forcefully to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which violates international law and puts countless innocent lives at risk. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is not only an attack on a peaceful country that is striving to build its democracy. It is also an attack on democracy itself—on every person’s fundamental human rights and political and civil liberties. https://freedomhouse.org/country/ukraine
  10. And the ambitions of Zelenski has nothing to do with the people of the UK. What ambitions are they? Tell that to the UK population whose majority think otherwise.
  11. & the majority of the UK population supports the aid to Ukraine. I guess they are aware that those in Ukraine are paying with their lives for the ambitions of one man.
  12. Really? You can get a £400 discount to help with your energy bills over winter 2022 to 2023. https://www.gov.uk/get-help-energy-bills/getting-discount-energy-bill
  13. Oh Trump, who said Putin was “smart,” “savvy” and a “genius” for sending military forces into Ukraine......lol. Trump was one of Putins favourite idiots. Trump barely knew where Ukraine was and even once asked then-White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly whether Finland was part of Russia. Yes I can explain but his own ex security advisor John Bolton can do it better. Look it up Bolton: ‘Putin saw Trump doing a lot of his work for him’ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/597523-bolton-putin-saw-trump-doing-a-lot-of-his-work-for-him/
  14. We leave the playstation skills to the drone operators. Here's one filmed in Dnipro where a Russian missile killed over 30 civilians. Don't let that stop you mocking posters here though.
  15. Those same pundits have been threatening the UK with a nuke for months. You are easily taken in by their direct fear factor motive.
  16. That's exactly was has occurred, your opinion needs revisiting. The first batch is direct from Bundeswehr. The armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany.
  17. Well we do know that Ukraine fighter pilots have been in the US for sometime already training on western jets. The funding by the US had been approved back in July. “Our military pilots went to the United States, funds were allocated for their training,”
  18. Lets kick the terrorists out of the area's it took when it started the war first shall we? Over 50% of that ground has been re taken by the Ukrainians so far. Much more needs to be done, months of fighting ahead yet to get them out of the remaining areas they took.
  19. Just to be clear, when the New York Times reported that the FBI saw “no link between Trump and Russia” — a week before the 2016 election — the FBI agent who was just arrested over ties to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska was heading up the investigation. Just an absolute scandal. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/fbi-russia-election-donald-trump.html https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/23/nyregion/fbi-money-laundering-charles-mcgonigal.html
  20. Germany is sending its first batch of Leopards from its military stock, they are not in storage and they are ready to go. Just training now which according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates that three to six weeks of training would be needed for operating crews and support staff to reach basic proficiency. Ralf Raths, director of the Panzer Museum in Munster, Germany, said experienced Ukrainian tank crews would likely be able to learn to use the Leopard 2 fairly quickly, and training could be shortened to focus on essential knowledge.
  21. This appears to be a separate case that implicates Baldwin. Its being brought by the armorer for ‘Rust’ against the company that supplied the ammunition used on the set. It alleges that the company mixed live ammunition with dummy rounds that Gutierrez-Reed needed for loading Baldwin’s gun. Alec Baldwin ignored gun training request before fatal shooting, still hasn’t turned over phone While the lawsuit doesn’t name Baldwin as a defendant, it paints a picture of lax adherence to gun safety protocols on the set. Gutierrez-Reed also appeared to cast some blame on Baldwin for failing to attend a “cross draw training” session and for how he handled the weapon, Insider reported. The lawsuit said Gutierrez-Reed asked Baldwin to schedule the training on Oct. 15, less than a week before the Oct. 21 fatal shooting, but she never heard back from him. https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/01/13/alec-baldwin-ignored-gun-training-request-before-fatal-shooting-still-hasnt-turned-over-phone/
  22. politically it has effectively let former President Donald J. Trump off the hook for hoarding secret papers. That could certainly be the case for his followers and there can be no question that politically this is damaging for Biden but any court case is not a matter of politics, its a matter of criminality and as that article says: “Drawing relevant factual distinctions is a core function at D.O.J.,”
  23. Putin's nuclear rhetoric: Make the enemy and its allies afraid. Very afraid. Make them worried. If they're worried they cannot appose you. Putins apologists: ditto Putin is well versed in fear tactics being ex KGB. Its also how he keeps in power. Leaders shouldn’t give in to Putin’s nuclear rhetoric. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/11/russia-ukraine-nuclear-war-fear-us-policy/672020/
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