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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. B.S. There are no quotes to the Swedish Prime Minister blaming the Pentagon and CIA. The article that has been rehashed is from 29th Sept It’s official. US military and CIA sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines in a joint operation https://tfiglobalnews.com/2022/09/29/its-official-us-military-and-cia-sabotaged-nord-stream-pipelines-in-a-joint-operation/ That article also has no source quotes from any official whatsoever except Putin ???? Oh and you may want to look at your reading list in future. TFI Media: TFI Media is one of the most loved content platforms in India. Today team TFI creates over 600 professionally researched Opinion/Analysis pieces and over 250 engaging videos every month. From in-depth analyses to scathing satires,
  2. If by yes you mean Italy then you are correct. Wuhan was the first city in the world but Italy was the first total countrywide national lockdown
  3. UK followed China? I thought Italy was the first country in the world to have a national lockdown due to the hospitals being a breaking point.
  4. New Bill Barr interview on Trump: “I personally think that they probably have the basis for legitimately indicting the president .. They probably have the evidence .. I think it’s becoming increasingly more likely.”
  5. I did and can confirm with you they are indeed unproven conspiracey theories against the Biden family
  6. this winter will be crucial for survival of many european governments, partially thanks to nord stream Germany turned off Nord Stream 2 and even if it had not been blown they would not have given it certification. They also have enough gas for this winter. In October 2022, the average gas storage filling level among member states was over 92%. The agreed minimum EU target for the end of 2022 is 85%. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/gas-storage-capacity/
  7. Its doing its own: A journey to the site of the Nord Stream explosions Later, we discovered the Russian offshore vessel we had spotted was part of a separate investigation Moscow had begun into the Baltic explosions. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-63636181
  8. FBI supervisory analyst Brian Auten testified that Steele never got the money because he could not “prove the allegations.” You do know that every investigative force in the world offers money to informants right....................
  9. Russian provocation on NATO RUSSIAN AIRCRAFT CONDUCT UNSAFE, UNPROFESSIONAL OVERFLIGHT OF NATO SHIPS IN BALTIC SEA On the morning of Nov. 17, two Russian fighter aircraft made an unsafe and unprofessional approach toward Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1), which was conducting routine operations in the Baltic Sea. The Russian pilots failed to respond to Allied forces’ standing query communications and overflew the force at an altitude of 300 feet and a distance of 80 yards. NATO deemed the interaction unsafe and unprofessional since it was conducted in a known danger area, which was activated for air defence training, and due to the aircraft altitude and proximity. The interaction increased the risk of miscalculations, mistakes, and accidents. https://mc.nato.int/media-centre/news/2022/russian-aircraft-conduct-unsafe--unprofessional-overflight-of-nato-ships-in-baltic-sea
  10. This is not about Minsk 2 so I will just leave this here so you can digest why that never worked and then get back to Nord Stream 2 The Minsk II deal set out military and political steps that remain unimplemented. A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  11. Yes I know, what point are you trying to make, this is all very well documented and had been for for many months. Why not wait like everyone else for the investigation instead of your baseless accusssations? White House imposes sanctions on Nord Stream 2 pipeline company and CEO President Joe Biden is expected to announce the sanctions as soon as Wednesday against the company Nord Stream 2 AG and its German chief executive officer. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/white-house-sanctions-nord-stream-2-pipeline-00010968
  12. Yep, it worked. Nord Stream 2: MEPs and US pressure Germany to stop Russia pipeline Members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate halt on the infrastructure project, which is 95% completed. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2021/01/27/nord-stream-2-eu-parliament-and-biden-administration-pressure-germany-to-stop-russia-pipel
  13. Refreshing to see that you count the UN as a reliable source. Nobody ever mentioned that Ukraine has been snow white and all links to UN sources take a balanced view based on investigations and evidence. You may also want to read my previous UN links. Plenty of them listing all war crimes.
  14. On 22nd Feb Germany froze Nordstream 2. Thanks to Biden. Russia accusing the UK should provide evidence first. Thats why we are waiting for Sweden. Ie, evidence not baseless accusations
  15. My post was referring to Joe and what he said about Hunter but seeing as you edited what he said out in your reply go ahead and keep wishing for your trolling emoji's
  16. Ukraine war: 10 million without power after Russian strikes On Thursday, Russia pounded Ukraine with a fresh missile barrage, hitting more energy installations and civilian buildings less than two days after one of its heaviest bombardments yet. This has been a recent Russian tactic following setbacks on the battlefield, and its impact is starting to be felt more acutely. People in Kyiv woke to a blanket of snow on Thursday morning, and the emergency power shutdowns have meant many do not have heating in their homes. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63659370 EU chief: Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine are war crimes European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Wednesday called Russian attacks on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure war crimes and echoed concerns about the impending winter season. “Russia’s attacks against civilian infrastructure, especially electricity, are war crimes. Cutting off men, women, children of water, electricity and heating with winter coming — these are acts of pure terror. And we have to call it as such,” von der Leyen said on Twitter. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3695838-eu-chief-russian-attacks-on-civilian-infrastructure-in-ukraine-are-war-crimes/
  17. I take it you're now trolling, the is no iron dome over Ukraine that shoots down all missiles, more air defense is needed. Just because its intercepting the majority of incoming missiles, huge civilian infrastructure damage is being done daily.
  18. He was not disputing with experts say though was he. Its quite obvious that there is no near term victory to be had by Ukraine and this will take a long time. Its also quite obvious that Ukraine has retaken a lot of territory with Russia now on the backfoot but they still retain a large proportion of territory and still retain a large amount of military hardware.
  19. Exactly, Trump and his Republican allies in Congress made Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China and Ukraine a line of attack against the elder Biden during the 2020 election campaign
  20. LOL, going by your previous predictions, I'll pass on these too
  21. Headlines eh, the actual context is very warming, how all parents should be: "Well, look," Biden said, pausing briefly, "we have great confidence in our son, I am not concerned about any accusation made against him, it's used to get to me, I think it's kind of foul play, but look, it is what it is. And he's a grown man -- he is the smartest man I know, I mean, in a pure intellectual capacity. And as long as he's good, we're good." Colbert expressed admiration for Joe's response, but asked Biden: "Can you reach across the aisle to people who will be using this as an attack on you, when it is such a personal attack, because it's about family." "If it benefits the country, yes," Biden replied. "I really mean it.
  22. One former Twitter worker who wished to remain anonymous told the BBC: "I think when the dust clears today, there's probably going to be less than 2,000 people left." Another person said they had resigned even though they had been prepared to work long hours. "I didn't want to work for someone who threatened us over email multiple times about only 'exceptional tweeps should work here' when I was already working 60-70 hours weekly," they said. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63672307
  23. Putin was the one who picked the fight with Ukraine, he's the one who screwed up
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