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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Can you provide evidence for that? https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2020/10/20/half-trump-supporters-believe-qanon-theory-child-s
  2. Half of Trump supporters believe in QAnon conspiracy theory's baseless claims, poll finds https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/10/22/qanon-poll-finds-half-trump-supporters-believe-baseless-claims/3725567001/
  3. There you go, the cult logic...................lol
  4. Who on earth insinuates the whole world revolves around Trump? You would not provide a link to your claims, I provided one for you.
  5. The OP is about the missiles into Poland, Biden has commented on it already as has trump don't try that card
  6. Oh ok, so still nothing substantiated just your say so. Perhaps you read the Trump transcript today: He said the US' enemies are already speaking of America with "scorn and laughter and derision" because of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the war in Ukraine. “But there are many more, even just today, a missile was sent in, probably by Russia to Poland, 50 miles into Poland and people are going absolutely wild and crazy." https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/people-are-very-angry-following-missile-strikes-in-poland-donald-trump/ar-AA14a0qs
  7. This OP is only 2 pages long, I'm sure you can find a couple to back up your unsubstantiated claims right?
  8. Which posters here accused Russia directly? Read through all the posts and I can find no one? Has the investigation been concluded yet?
  9. Ukraine shot down 73 cruise missiles yesterday, those are the facts and a testament to the huge success of the air defense system. Collateral damage is only to be expected. Russia is responsible for the massive attack and only Russia
  10. Apparently its possible.............lol Here's how Donald Trump could theoretically run for president in 2024 from prison and govern the US behind bars, according to 9 legal scholars https://www.businessinsider.com/can-trump-run-for-president-from-prison-jail-2024-2021-5
  11. No, the same, lies with MAGA fans lapping it up
  12. So when Biden does not accuse Russia directly and in fact makes it clear that it needs a full investigation you go onto deflect to a totally unrelated issue?
  13. Again, the other poster did not reference a "mature president" He made no mention of any president. Paraphrasing inaccurately is no excuse for not quoting what he really said, its not exactly hard and exposes your attempt to hide the fact that it had nothing to do with a "mature president" "I think the international events of the past year have demonstrated precisely why it’s important to have an experienced President in the WH."
  14. Better to remind me on why you choose to bring in Biden into a Trump thread?
  15. Absolutely, if there had been no mass missile strikes yet again then there would be no need for air defense
  16. Noticed an article on Fox News where they mention all the ongoing investigations into Trump and their prediction that Trump may seek emergency intervention measures from the Supreme Court in an attempt to temporarily block any release of his tax records—which likely will come under renewed scrutiny now that he decided to run for a third time. Personally I see no choice for Trump than to run, its his only hope of keeping his head above water and not in jail.
  17. I can see you're having problems with the truth now as well, this is what the other poster said: "I think the international events of the past year have demonstrated precisely why it’s important to have an experienced President in the WH." To which you replied with reference to Biden One that doesn't know the difference between Cambodia and Columbia?
  18. Poland blast caused by missile fired by Ukrainian forces at incoming Russian missile - AP Nov 16 (Reuters) - Initial findings suggest that the missile that hit Poland was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian missile, Associated Press reported on Wednesday, citing U.S. officials. https://www.reuters.com/world/poland-blast-caused-by-missile-fired-by-ukrainian-forces-incoming-russian-2022-11-16
  19. Because you derailed it by bringing up Biden and his gaffs, would you like the screenshot?
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