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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. When the Russian ambassador presents the evidence feel free to get back. History tells us none will be forth coming. That's how things work when making an accusation you do so with evidence. Oh and not faked evidence as they did with the dirty bomb accusation which has now also been debunked.
  2. You'll find the only people keeping the lie going on a daily basis despite 64 court cases showing no evidence are Trump, MAGA. QAnon and conspiracy theorists. For Biden to bring up his suggestion that voting for Republicans is a threat to democracy is more than appropriate.
  3. Its called democracy: U.N. Security Council rejects Russia's call to probe debunked U.S.-Ukraine biological weapons claims Its a pity Russia does not produce evidence, its been making these claims for months with nothing to back them up, here's just a few of them Ukraine: Amid fresh Russian claims, no trace of secret bioweapons programme "collect water samples from the Dnipro, Danube and other waterways, looking for pathogens, such as typhoid. The samples are then sent to the United States. The logical question is “why?”, he said. A glance at a map of Ukraine’s water sources is enough to understand that the results could be used to create a biological catastrophe in the Russian Federation, through the Azov and Black Seas, and in Eastern Europe, he added." Attempting to spread dangerous bioaerosols across the Russian Federation, pointing to its receipt of 50 drones in January equipped to deliver such an assault, and the United States with financing such activities through subcontractors. Using “false money” as a carrier for tuberculosis in Luhansk, endangered the children who found it. “This money was infected with a bioactive tuberculosis,” he claimed, https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/05/1118232 Personally I would have loved them to have wasted their time and humiliate Russia yet again. These are not "lies, deceit and conspiracy theories" Inside the Ukrainian facility at the heart of Russia's "biological war lab" disinformation ploy https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-news-russia-war-us-biological-weapons-lab-conspiracy-theory/ https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/ https://www.state.gov/the-kremlins-allegations-of-chemical-and-biological-weapons-laboratories-in-ukraine/ Evidence decides Now again your purposeful intend on spreading misinformation is tedious and shameful. I suggest heading back to your little corner on RT news comments
  4. THE FACTS: Trump’s speech was a call to action — a call to fight and save the country. “Our country has had enough,” he told those who went on to stage the violent siege of the Capitol. “We will not take it anymore and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.” 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-us-capitol-remarks-221518bc174f9bc3dd6e108e653ed08d
  5. More debunking of the lies spread by Russia Nuclear watchdog finds no sign of 'dirty bomb' The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Thursday that inspectors had unfettered access and found no indication of undeclared nuclear activity and materials at three sites in Ukraine. IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said in a statement that inspectors "completed their in-field verification activities at three locations in Ukraine at the request of the of the government of Ukraine." The request to send teams of UN inspectors was issued after Russia made allegations that Kyiv was planning to deploy a so-called "dirty bomb" containing radioactive material. https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-updates-russia-wants-to-put-ukrainians-in-the-dark/a-63631583
  6. The fact being Russia only had one vote and that was from China. Can you link to the lies, deceit and conspiracy theories? Rather than spread more disinformation Inside the Ukrainian facility at the heart of Russia's "biological war lab" disinformation ploy https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-news-russia-war-us-biological-weapons-lab-conspiracy-theory/ https://ua.usembassy.gov/embassy/kyiv/sections-offices/defense-threat-reduction-office/biological-threat-reduction-program/ https://www.state.gov/the-kremlins-allegations-of-chemical-and-biological-weapons-laboratories-in-ukraine/
  7. I think we've been through this already together did you forget?
  8. This OP: Biden suggests voting for Republicans is a threat to democracy This OP maybe more appropriate for your off topic posts https://aseannow.com/topic/1276399-us-midterm-elections-whats-happened-to-economy-under-biden
  9. I am not assuming I am reading the links provided and witness statements from those charged.
  10. Not heard that excuse from anyone. Second rate lawyers......lol
  11. Over 10,000 people turned up. It was planned. Try reading the links I supplied rather than making false asumptions
  12. No 64 court cases says they were not rigged. Read the article
  13. My post was responding to someone else who mentioned Capitol Hill. Those who feared for their lives, ie Pence, Nancy, all those who had to barricade themselves in including the secret service cared. On the election: Conservative group finds ‘absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud’ in 2020 election Eight prominent conservatives released a 72-page report Thursday refuting claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election in dozens of unsuccessful court cases brought forth by former President Trump and his allies. The group — which includes former federal judges, Republican senators and Republican-appointed officials — said they reviewed all 64 court cases Trump and his allies initiated challenging the election outcome, saying they had reached an “unequivocal” conclusion that the claims were unsupported by evidence. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3559758-conservative-group-finds-absolutely-no-evidence-of-widespread-fraud-in-2020-election/ Fact check: Courts have dismissed multiple lawsuits of alleged electoral fraud presented by Trump campaign As reported by Reuters here , state and federal judges - some appointed by Trump - dismissed more than 50 lawsuits brought by Trump or his allies alleging election fraud and other irregularities. Independent experts, governors and state election officials from both parties say there was no evidence of widespread fraud. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-courts-election-idUSKBN2AF1G1
  14. I was responding to your claim that my quote was out of context. It was not and very relevant to the crowd frenzy in Capitol Hill
  15. Why out of context? Link to it here https://www.marketwatch.com/story/dozens-of-jan-6-rioters-have-apologized-and-disowned-their-stop-the-steal-claims-01617410591 More on mob mentality here including Capitol Hill https://www.ntdaily.com/mob-mentality-is-manipulative-and-merciless/
  16. It can be both and more, "Psychologists have long observed how individuals in frenzied crowds seem to lose their sense of individual responsibility and become willing to engage in anti-social behavior they’d never contemplate on their own."
  17. They were there because they conspired to prevent the peaceful transfer of power in a democratic process. Yes they were there to overthrow that very act
  18. I would check your facts on that first: 928 people charged so far, many more yet to come At least 928 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all. https://www.insider.com/all-the-us-capitol-pro-trump-riot-arrests-charges-names-2021-1
  19. Rubbish just because you have a conspiracy belief with absolutely no proof does not give you the right to do what happened on 6th Jan. To say they were there defending democracy does not help them in court where they have been charged and sentenced
  20. Cowards too scared to even show their faces. Biden is right on this 100%
  21. Jan 6th was never a threat to democracy, as justice would have prevailed in the end, however it was certainly a failed attempt to overthrow the democracy, is that plain enough for you? Is it also plain enough that had they actually got hold of certain members they were after we could have been looking at murder charges.
  22. Yes your minimizing what happened and continue do do so in every post you make. Where did I claim they were serious threat to the American political system? I thought I made myself clear when I stated that the right wing loons were not bright enough for that.
  23. Considering he did not even tell the court how many, probably because he didn't count them himself, then yes you can safely assume I don't know....lol Now whether a mass of guns more than he's seen since his day in the military means 50, 100 or whatever, you said it yourself they were lousy. About as lousy as your attempts to minimize what happened on the 6th Jan.
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